Protection Area - midspace/Space-Engineers-Admin-script-mod GitHub Wiki

Introduction: Protection Areas

Protection areas are our "anti grief solution". If a ship/station is inside a protection area, only players who own at least one block of that ship/station are allowed to modify it. This means that you can grind block of a ship only if you own one block of that ship already. Ships that are owned by nobody can be modified by anyone. The same rule applies for adding blocks.

If a block is not fully built yet, someone finishes it and he does not have the right to modify the grid, the ownership will be transferred to the owner of the most blocks on the ship. Unfortunately we cannot know for what reason the ownership changes which leads to the fact that inside protection areas you cannot transfer the ownership of a block to a player who does not already own a block on that ship.

Furthermore a ship that is inside a protection area cannot be damaged in any way but grinding.

If you find any bugs concerning the logic of protection areas or if you have other requests, please let us know.

Planned Features:

  • More messages: Improve the feedback in certain cases e.g. if a player is not allowed to grid a block

Won't fix (things we cannot do at the moment):

  • Disable coloring

Ships can still be pushed out of the areas or be hijacked e.g. by attaching them to landing gears and pulling them out of the area. Be sure that you always attach your ship to an entity that cannot be moved. Also be careful with connectors.

Command: /protectionarea

This command is used to administrate protection areas. They can be added, removed and listed. Inside of protection areas grids cannot be damaged and only be modified by players who own one or more blocks on the ship.

/protectionarea add <name> <x> <y> <z> <size> <shape>

Creates a protection area at the given coordinates with the given size and shape. The name is a unique identifier, so choose it wisely!
Example: /pa add Safezone 0 0 0 5000 sphere
-> Creates a sphere with the radius 5000 at the position X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0. Inside the sphere nothing can be destroyed.


  • cube, cubic
  • sphere, spherical

/protectionarea remove <name>
Removes the protection area with the given name.
Example: /pa remove Safezone
-> Removes the protection area named Safezone if it exists.

/protectionarea list
Lists all protection areas.

/protectionarea config <setting> <value>
Sets the specified setting to the given value.
Example: /pa cfg invert true


  • invert
    Inverts the protection so that everything is protected but objects inside protection areas.
  • enable
    Enables or disables the whole protection.
  • landinggear
    Allows or disables the use of landing gear in any protection area.

Example: /pa cfg enable true

Alias: /pa
We know that '/protectionarea' is a bit long. Just use '/pa' instead and be happy!

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️