Private messaging - midspace/Space-Engineers-Admin-script-mod GitHub Wiki

This command is used for private communication. Beware that it can be logged on the server. It can only be used in multiplayer.
If you can't type a name, e.g. because it contains symbols, use '/status' to create a player hotlist. There are several enhancements in this command to make private communication easier. Here is a list of all commands and their functions:

Command: /msg {player} {message}
Aliases: /tell, @
To use an alias just replace the command name with the alias. /tell {player} Hello and @ {player} Hello is the same as /msg {player} Hello
Function: Sends the specified {player} a private {message}.

Command: @@ {message}
Function: Sends a {message} to your 'whisperpartner'.

Command: @@@ {player} <message>
Function: Sets the specified {player} to your 'whisperpartner' and optionally sends him a private <message>.

Command: @@@@ <message>
Function: Sets your 'whisperpartner' to the last player who whispered to you and optionally sends him a private <message>.

Command: @@@@@ {message}
Function: Sends a private {message} to the last player who whispered to you.

Command: @?
Function: Shows you the name of your whisperpartner.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️