Player management Admin Commands - midspace/Space-Engineers-Admin-script-mod GitHub Wiki

The following are Admin only commands for player management, and are used in conjunction with the /status command:

Command: /eject {#}
The specified {#} player is removed from control of any ship. This includes Remote Control and cockpits, thus ejecting them into space.

Command: /slay {#}
Kills the specified {#} player. Instant death in Survival mode. Cannot slay pilots.

Command: /smite {#}
Drops meteor on the specified {#} player. Instant death in Survival mode. Cockpits do protect a little, but can become collateral damage.

Player griefing

We are aware that some players online are able to circumvent normal protections in a non modded game like kick and ban, as well as been able to copy and paste ships in a survival game when they shouldn't. To try and address this, we have created the following commands in our mod to circumvent the changes these griefers have made to their game code. These should only be used in extreme circumstances. Currently they are enabled for both dedicated servers and hosted listen servers.

Command: /forcekick {#}
Forces the specified player {#} to disconnect. Only use this if normal kick does not work.

Command: /forceban {#}
Forces the specified player {#} to disconnect and bans him. Only use this if normal ban does not work.

Command: /pardon {name}
Pardons the specified player {name} if he has been forcebanned.

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