Movement position management Admin Commands - midspace/Space-Engineers-Admin-script-mod GitHub Wiki

The following are Admin only commands for movement/position management:

Command: /back
Teleports you back to your previous location.

Command: /jump {Distance} or /j
Jump player or piloted ship +{Distance} forward or -{Distance} Backward. (A simpler version of /to).
Think of it as a personal FTL drive!

Command: /setvector {X} {Y} {Z}
Set player or piloted ship flying on the specified vector {X Y Z}

Command: /speed {#}
Set player or piloted ship flying forward at the specified {#} speed m/s. All other vectors are reset. Spin is not reset.

Command: /flyto {X} {Y} {Z} {Velocity}
Sends player or piloted ship flying to position {X Y Z} at speed {Velocity}

Command: /to {X} {Y} {Z}
Teleport Offset a player or piloted ship, thus moving them by the specified values {X Y Z}.
-X = Left
+X = Right
-Y = Down
+Y = Up
-Z = Forward
+Z = Backward

Command: /tps {#}
Teleport player to the specified ship {#}. (does not teleport ship to ship)
This is a same as using /tp S{#}

Command: /tpp {#}
Teleport you to the specified player {#}.
This is a same as using /tp C{#}

Command: /tp ...
Teleport is a generic command which accepts multiple types of inputs which will teleport a player or piloted ship safely to an empty location.
Examples are listed below:

Command: /tpx ...
This works the same as /tp ..., except it performs no safety checks. You or the specified item will be teleported to the exact location specified.
/tp and /tpx can be used interchangeably.
All of the below examples can also be used with /tpx:

Teleporting yourself to a location...

/tp {X} {Y} {Z}
Teleports you to the specified coordinate {X Y Z}.
Example: /tp -49483.15 439873.24 30.5

/tp {GPS}
Teleports you to a GPS coordinate. A GPS coordinate can be pasted directly from your clipboard memory into the chat field.
Example: /tp GPS:Screaming Angels #1:3.75:-3.75:-11.25:

/tp ID
Teleports you to the Last item identified with /id.
Example: /tp id

/tp S{#}
Teleports you to the Ship hotlist number generated by /listships.
Example: /tp S76
This is a same as using /tps {#}

/tp C{#}
Teleports you to the player Character hotlist number generated by /status.
Example: /tp C18
This is a same as using /tpp {#}

/tp P{#}
Teleports you to the Planet hotlist number generated by /listplanets.
Example: /tp P6

/tp A{#}
Teleports you to the Asteroid hotlist number generated by /listasteroids.
Example: /tp A453

/tp {name}
Teleports you to a named ship, player, planet, asteroid, gps coordinate.
Examples: /tp "Screaming Angels"
or /tp "Large Ship 4890"
or /tp "Screaming Angels #1"

Teleporting a specific player to a location...

/tp C{#} C{#}
Teleports the specific player character hotlist number to another specified player character hotlist number.
Example: /tp C8 C4

/tp C{#} S{#}
Teleports the specific player character hotlist number to the specified ship hotlist number.
Example: /tp C4 S145

/tp C{#} {X} {Y} {Z}
Teleports the specific player character hotlist number to specified coordinate {X Y Z}.
Example: /tp C7 -49483.15 439873.24 30.5

/tp C{#} {GPS}
Teleports the specific player character hotlist number to specified GPS coordinate. A GPS coordinate can be pasted directly from your clipboard memory into the chat field.
Example: /tp C2 GPS:Screaming Angels #1:3.75:-3.75:-11.25:

/tp C{#} {name}
Teleports the specific player character hotlist number to the named ship, player, planet, asteroid, gps coordinate.
Example: /tp C2 "Patrol Craft"
or /tp C8 "Screaming Angels #4"
or /tp C1 BaseAsteroid

Teleporting a specific ship to a location...

/tp S{#} C{#}
Teleports the specific ship hotlist number to the specified player character hotlist number.
Example: /tp C4 S145

/tp S{#} S{#}
Teleports the specific ship hotlist number to another specified ship hotlist number.
Example: /tp S85 S145

/tp S{#} {X} {Y} {Z}
Teleports the specific ship hotlist number to specified coordinate {X Y Z}.
Example: /tp S47 -49483.15 439873.24 30.5

/tp S{#} {GPS}
Teleports the specific ship hotlist number to specified GPS coordinate. A GPS coordinate can be pasted directly from your clipboard memory into the chat field.
Example: /tp S47 GPS:Screaming Angels #1:3.75:-3.75:-11.25:

/tp S{#} {name}
Teleports the specific ship hotlist number to the named ship, player, planet, asteroid, gps coordinate.
Example: /tp S2 "Patrol Craft"
or /tp S8 "Screaming Angels #4"
or /tp S1 BaseAsteroid

Teleporting a named entity to a location...

/tp {name1} {name2}
Teleports a named player or ship to another named ship, player, planet, asteroid, gps coordinate.
Example: /tp Miner1 "Patrol Craft"
or /tp Sp[a]cemarine "Screaming Angels"
or /tp "Mine Layer" BaseAsteroid


  • Teleporting of stations attached via landing gear may cause issues.


  • All of these commands include attached rotors, pistons, connectors, and landing gear when teleporting a ship.
  • It's a good idea to leave your Inertia Dampeners off, as it will try to match your velocity with the target object, so you don't smack into one another if you or the target is already moving.
  • /tp will not teleport an anything outside of a World of restricted size. Use /tpx instead.
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