Miscellaneous Admin Commands - midspace/Space-Engineers-Admin-script-mod GitHub Wiki

The following are Admin only commands for miscellaneous management:

Command: /id
Identifies the name of the object the player cross-hairs are over, and provides basic details including mass, center mass position, cubes, etc.
This includes ships, asteroids, and planets.

Command: /detail
Provides more detailed information than /id on the object the player is looking at, which can take longer to provide.
Currently more detail is only supplied with asteroids.

Command: /invisible {on|off}
Turns invisible mode on or off for you only. Other players will still see your shadow, chest thrusters, and held weapons. Automated weapons will still target you.

Command: /god {on|off}
Turns god mode on or off.

Command: /bomb
Throws a warhead in the direction you face.

Command: /meteor
Throws a meteor in the direction the player faces.

Command: /save {server/local} [customSaveName]
Saves the active game on the server or to the local computer. This is useful if you need to make a backup of your dedicated server.
Optionally you can save the world as [customSaveName]. Please note that the world might not appear in the 'Load World' screen if saved locally.
/save l
/save s
/save server backup

Command: /stopall {range}
Stops all motion of everything in the specified {range}.
A default range of 100m will be used if a value is not specified.

Command: /suntrack
Displays the track of a moving sun by creating 20 GPS coordinates. Each coordinate is placed at 1/20 of the time it takes for the sun to orbit, and includes the time information.
Additional GPS coordinates are placed from the observation point, and along the axis of rotation to indicate exactly along where a sun rotates.
Note, that the calculation that Keen uses for the sun creates an elliptical orbit, not a circular orbit. As a result you will see the GPS coordinates bunch up on two sides, and space out on adjacent sides. The sun's movement will slow and speed up during these parts of its orbital movement.
/suntrack - will create the default 20 points.
/suntrack 4 - will create with 4 points at the cardinal directions.
/suntrack clear - will clear the points that have been created.

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