Inventory management Admin Commands - midspace/Space-Engineers-Admin-script-mod GitHub Wiki

The following are Admin only commands for inventory management:

Command: /countobjects
Counts number of in game floating objects and bodies.

Command: /collectobjects {range}
Teleports any floating objects in {range} of the player or spectator view.
This is good for collecting any loose ore, debris or components floating around.
If you have many floating objects, they will be teleported progressively to prevent them from stacking into the same space, to prevent them from getting stuck and from overwhelming a collector.

Command: /delobjects {range}
Deletes any floating objects and backpacks in {range} of the player or spectator view.

Command: /pullobjects {range} {speed}
Draws any floating objects and bodies in {range} to the player or spectator view at specified {speed}. A negative speed will push objects away. A zero speed will stop objects.

Command: /drop {type name|name} {amount}
Drop a specified item (ore, ingot, or item), {name}, {amount}.
Partial names are acceptable as long as they are unique.
Other languages work if set before loading world.
/drop ore gold 98.12
/drop steel plate 25
/drop 200mm 10

Command: /invadd {type name|name} {amount}
Adds a specified item to your inventory (ore, ingot, or item), {name}, {amount}.
Partial names are acceptable as long as they are unique.
Other languages work if set before loading world.
/invadd ore gold 98.12
/invadd steel plate 25
/invadd 200mm 10

Command: /invins {type name|name} {amount}
Adds a specified item to the targeted player, backpack, cube in your crosshairs (ore, ingot, or item), {name}, {amount}.
Partial names are acceptable as long as they are unique.
Other languages work if set before loading world.
/invinsert ore gold 98.12
/invins steel plate 25
/invinsert ice 100000
/invins radio 120
/invins 200mm 250

Command: /invclear {#}
All inventory of the specified {#} player will be deleted.
This is good for either dumping your own inventory because you are creating a scenario and don't want to drop it in space, or you have a player on a server who is trolling other players with weapons, grinders. You can delete all their inventory without having to hurt the player more directly.
This can be used in conjunction with the /status command to provide a hotlist number for the specifc player.
/invclear Screaming Angels
/invclear #3

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