Asteroid management Admin Commands - midspace/Space-Engineers-Admin-script-mod GitHub Wiki

The following are Admin only commands for asteroid management:

Command: /listasteroids {filter}
List in-game asteroids. Optional {filter} to refine your search by name.

Command: /listplanets {filter}
List in-game planets. Optional {filter} to refine your search by name.

Command: /deleteplanet {filter} or /delplanet {filter}
Deletes the targeted planet.
Optional filter to delete the specified planet by hotlist <#> or name.

Command: /rotateroid {name} {yaw} {pitch} {roll}
Rotates the specified Asteroid {name} about {yaw} {pitch} {roll}.
/rotateroid baseasteroid1 -90 180 0

Command: /createroid {X} {Y} {Z} {Size} {Name}
Creates an empty Asteroid space at location {X,Y,Z} of cubic {Size}. The size must be multiple of 64.
This empty Voxel space is so that you may fill it using the Voxel Hands.
NOTE: This can now be done with game's Spawn menu. Press SHIFT F10 and select Empty Voxel Map, then spawn at your preferred location.

Command: /createroidsphere {Name} {X} {Y} {Z} {Parts} {Material} {Diameter}
This command is used to generate a sphere asteroid at the exact center of the specified co-ordinates, with multiple layers.
This command is limited to offline only, as it is too processor intensive to run in a multiplayer game.
Multiple layers are achieved with additional {Material} and {Diameter} parameters.
/createroidsphere {Name} {X} {Y} {Z} {Parts} {Material1} {Diameter1} {Material2} {Diameter2} {Material3} {Diameter3} ....
{Name} ~ the base name of the asteroid file. A number will be added if it already exists.
{X} {Y} {Z} ~ the center coordinate of where to place the asteroid.
{Parts} ~ specify to break the sphere down into smaller chunks. Either 1-}whole sphere, 2-}hemispheres, 4 or 8 parts.
{Material} ~ the material of the layer. An empty layer can be specified with the word 'none'.
{Diameter} ~ the diameter of the layer.
... ~ Additional material and diameters can be specified for additional layers.
/createroidsphere sphere_solid_stone 1000 1000 1000 1 Stone_01 100
/createroidsphere sphere_hollow_stone 2000 2000 2000 8 Stone_01 200 none 180
/createroidsphere sphere_3_tricky_layers 3000 3000 3000 2 Stone_01 200 none 180 Stone_01 160 none 140 Stone_01 120 none 100
/createroidsphere sphere_layers 8000 8000 8000 2 Stone_01 200 Iron_01 180 Nickel_01 100 Cobalt_01 90 Magnesium_01 80 Silicon_01 70
Note: The larger and more complex the asteroid, the longer it will take to generate. More than 2000m can as much as an hour on some computers.
The flat faces on the inside of the multi part asteroids will seem to become invisible at a distance.
If you need Sphere asteroids on a dedicated server, then a tool like SEToolbox is required to copy them across from your single player world.

Command: /roidfill {name} {material}
Fill the specified Asteroid {name} with the {material}, replacing all other materials. ie, /roidfill baseasteroid1 gold_01

Command: /roidreplace {name} {material1} {material2}
In Asteroid {name} will replace {material1} with {material2}. ie, /roidreplace baseasteroid1 stone_01 gold_01

Command: /listvoxels {filter}
List stock voxels that can be placed. Optional {filter} to refine your search by name.

Command: /addvoxel {X} {Y} {Z} {Name}
Add stock voxel asteroid {Name} at location {X,Y,Z}.

Command: /scanore ['clear'] {range}
Looks for ore within {range} in all nearby asteroids and tags them with GPS. Optional word 'clear' to remove gps.
/scanore 2000
/scanore clear 3000

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