Small Plates - midnightbreakfast/web GitHub Wiki

Small Plates is what we call our section for periodic book excerpts published between issues.

Where do they live?

Small Plates posts are kept here. Please note that changes and additions to this section should be made in the smalls branch. Please do not make changes to anything in the master branch.

Making Changes

  1. Start here.
  2. Click on the file you want to update.
  3. Click "Edit".
  4. Make changes.
  5. (Optional) Add a commit message. If the changes pertain to a particular issue filed in Github, please refer to the issue number in the commit message by writing #XXX somewhere in the message where "XXX" is the number of the issue.
  6. Hit "Commit changes".

Creating a New Post

  1. Start here.
  2. Click the + button near the top after the path (web / _src / smalls / _posts / ).
  3. Name the file based on the following pattern:, using the intended date of publication.
  4. Use the following as a starting point, making changes to areas marked TK:
layout: smalls
type: Small Plates
title: TK
subtitle: from <cite>TK</cite>
by: Shane Jones
cover: TK.jpg

endnote: |

  name: TK
  bio: |

<div class="intro" markdown="block">

<h4>Editor’s Note</h4>


<figure class="right small">
  {% include picture.html path=page.cover %}



---Rebecca Rubenstein, Editor-in-Chief


<hr />

  1. Replace "Create new file" with a better message like "[Author Name] excerpt". If the addition pertains to a particular issue filed in Github, please refer to the issue number in the commit message by writing #XXX somewhere in the message where "XXX" is the number of the issue.
  2. Hit "Commit new file".

That's it for now! More soon as things get fleshed out.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️