Metadata Checks - midas-network/covid19-scenario-modeling-hub GitHub Wiki

NOTE: Validation is currently disabled, but participants are still asked to submit files in accordance with the checks described below.

The metadata checks are implemented to conform to the specifications specified in this file. In addition to them, the following checks are run:

  • Metadata file must have proper yaml format.
  • team_name needs to be distinct from any already existing team_name.
  • model_name needs to be distinct from any already existing model_name.
  • model_abbr needs to be distinct from any already existing model_abbr.
  • model_contributors must include at least one email address and written in the format specified here.
  • team_model_designation should be one of primary, secondary, proposed, or other. There should be only one primary model for every team_abbr.
  • license should be one of the licenses specified in the license column of this CSV.
  • website_url field must be specified. This should be a valid URL.
  • methods is under 200 characters.
  • The name of the directory under which all the forecasts and metadata files are added must be the model_abbr specified in the metadata file.
  • model_version needs to be a string
  • modeling_NPI needs to be a string
  • compliance_NPI needs to be a string
  • contact_tracing needs to be a string
  • testing needs to be a string
  • vaccine_efficacy_delay needs to be a string
  • vaccine_hesitancy needs to be a string
  • vaccine_immunity_duration needs to be a string
  • nature_immunity_duration needs to be a string
  • importations needs to be a string
  • vaccine_efficacy_transmission needs to be a string
  • confidence_interval_method needs to be a string
  • calibration needs to be a string
  • spatial_structure needs to be a string
  • case_fatality_rate,infection_fatality_rate, asymptomatics needs to be a number between 0 and 1, or Not applicable
  • age_groups needs to be expressed as an array of groups, using the following example format (the bin sizes and number of bins are configurable) needs to be a string [0-5, 5-17, 18+], or Not applicable