SPEW.US File Formats - midas-isg/data-format-repository GitHub Wiki

SPEW.US Household File

Variable from # of chars Longer variable name Numeric Range or Categories
RT ACS 1 Record Type H .Housing Record or Group Quarters Unit
TYPE ACS 1 Type of unit 1 .Housing unit 2 .Institutional group quarters 3 .Noninstitutional group quarters
SERIALNO ACS 7 Housing unit/GQ person serial number 0000001..9999999 .Unique identifier
HINCP ACS 9 Household income (past 12 months) bbbbbbbbb .N/A(GQ/vacant) 000000000 .No household income -00059999 .Loss of -$59,999 or more -00000001..-00059998 .Loss of $1 to -$59,998 000000001 .$1 or Break even 000000002..999999999 .Total household income in dollars .(Components are rounded)
NP ACS 2 Number of person records following this housing record 00 .Vacant unit 01 .One person record (one person in household or .any person in group quarters) 02..20 .Number of person records (number of persons in .household)
puma_id SPEW United States Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) ID, defined by US Census Column TRACTCE of the following table usa_geography
place_id SPEW United States Tract ID, defined by US Census Concatenation of columns STATEFP, COUNTYFP, and TRACECE of the following table usa_geography
SYNTHETIC_HID SPEW Unique ID for SPEW generated household place_id + unique integer per file
longitude SPEW longitude in WGS 84 format
latitude SPEW latitude in WGS 84 format


  1. The value of Variable RT is always “H”

Sample of SPEW.US Household records

RT TYPE SERIALNO puma_id HINCP NP place_id SYNTHETIC_HID longitude latitude
H 1 556735 101 4000 1 11001001002 11001001002-1 -77.07266072 38.93369325
H 1 653063 101 0 1 11001001002 11001001002-2 -77.07217508 38.93354134
H 1 420581 101 4000 1 11001001002 11001001002-3 -77.07238662 38.93355548
H 1 1286328 101 7000 1 11001001002 11001001002-4 -77.0727728 38.93398904
H 1 1286328 101 7000 1 11001001002 11001001002-5 -77.07238546 38.93394073
H 1 512680 101 0 1 11001001002 11001001002-6 -77.07231234 38.93365882
H 1 556735 101 4000 1 11001001002 11001001002-7 -77.07220118 38.9337779
H 1 1198038 101 8100 1 11001001002 11001001002-8 -77.0726669 38.93366486
H 1 36530 101 5300 1 11001001002 11001001002-9 -77.07219117 38.93382165
H 1 1198038 101 8100 1 11001001002 11001001002-10 -77.07230586 38.93349841

SPEW.US Person file format

Variable from # of chars Longer variable name Categories
SYNTHETIC_PID SPEW Unique ID for SPEW generated person
school_id SPEW School ID. Links the school and person files
workplace_id SPEW Workplace ID. Links workplace and school files
puma_id SPEW United States Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) ID, defined by US Census Column TRACTCE of the following table usa_geography
place_id SPEW United States Tract ID, defined by US Census Concatenation of columns STATEFP, COUNTYFP, and TRACECE of the following table usa_geography
SYNTHETIC_HID SPEW Household ID. Links household and person files
longitude SPEW longitude in WGS 84 format
latitude SPEW latitude in WGS 84 format
RT ACS 1 Record Type P .Person Record
TYPE ACS 1 Type of unit 1 .Housing unit 2 .Institutional group quarters 3 .Noninstitutional group quarters
SERIALNO ACS 7 Housing unit/GQ person serial number 0000001..9999999 .Unique identifier
HINCP ACS 9 Household income (past 12 months) bbbbbbbbb .N/A(GQ/vacant) 000000000 .No household income -00059999 .Loss of -$59,999 or more -00000001..-00059998 .Loss of $1 to -$59,998 000000001 .$1 or Break even 000000002..999999999 .Total household income in dollars .(Components are rounded)
NP ACS 2 Number of person records following this housing record
ST ACS 2 State code see page 1 and 2 of data dictionary
SEX ACS 1 Sex 1 .Male 2 .Female
AGEP ACS 2 Age 00 .Under 1 year 01..99 .1 to 99 years (Top-coded***)
SCH ACS 1 School enrollment b .N/A (less than 3 years old) 1 .No, has not attended in the last 3 months 2 .Yes, public school or public college 3 .Yes, private school or college or home school
SCHG ACS 2 Grade level attending bb .N/A (not attending school) 01 .Nursery school/preschool 02 .Kindergarten 03 .Grade 1 04 .Grade 2 05 .Grade 3 06 .Grade 4 07 .Grade 5 08 .Grade 6 09 .Grade 7 10 .Grade 8 11 .Grade 9 12 .Grade 10 13 .Grade 11 14 .Grade 12 15 .College undergraduate years (freshman to senior) 16 .Graduate or professional school beyond a bachelor’s degree
RELP ACS 2 Relationship 00 .Reference person 01 .Husband/wife 02 .Biological son or daughter 03 .Adopted son or daughter 04 .Stepson or stepdaughter 05 .Brother or sister 06 .Father or mother 07 .Grandchild 08 .Parent-in-law 09 .Son-in-law or daughter-in-law 10 .Other relative 11 .Roomer or boarder 12 .Housemate or roommate 13 .Unmarried partner 41 14 .Foster child 15 .Other nonrelative 16 .Institutionalized group quarters population 17 .Noninstitutionalized group quarters population
HISP ACS 2 Recoded detailed Hispanic origin 01 .Not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino 02 .Mexican 03 .Puerto Rican 04 .Cuban 05 .Dominican 06 .Costa Rican 07 .Guatemalan 08 .Honduran 09 .Nicaraguan 10 .Panamanian 11 .Salvadoran 12 .Other Central American 13 .Argentinean 14 .Bolivian 15 .Chilean 16 .Colombian 17 .Ecuadorian 18 .Paraguayan 19 .Peruvian 20 .Uruguayan 21 .Venezuelan 22 .Other South American 23 .Spaniard 24 .All Other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino
ESR ACS 1 Employment status record b .N/A (less than 16 years old); 1 .Civilian employed, at work; 2 .Civilian employed, with a job but not at work; 3. Unemployed; 4 .Armed forces, at work; 5 .Armed forces, with a job but not at work; 6 .Not in labor force
PINCP ACS 7 Total person’s income (signed) bbbbbbb .N/A (less than 15 years old) 0000000 .None -019999 .Loss of $19999 or more (Rounded & bottom-coded .components) -000001..-019998 .Loss $1 to $19998 (Rounded components) 0000001 .$1 or break even 0000002..9999999 .$2 to $9999999 (Rounded & top-coded components)
NATIVITY ACS 1 Nativity 1 .Native 2 .Foreign born
OCCP ACS 4 Occupation recodefor 2012 and later based on 2010 OCC codes see pp 88-98 in data dictionary
POBP ACS 3 Place of birth (Recode) see pp 99-103 in data dictionary
RAC1P ACS 1 Recoded detailed race code 1 .White alone 2 .Black or African American alone 3 .American Indian alone 4 .Alaska Native alone 5 .American Indian and Alaska Native tribes specified; or American .Indian or Alaska Native, not specified and no other races 6 .Asian alone 7 .Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 8 .Some Other Race alone 9 .Two or More Races

Notes: 1 Variable RT always takes the value “P”

Sample of SPEW.US Person records

H 1 1198038 101 8100 1 11001000600 11001000600-8 -77.06404931 38.93072806 P 105 11 1 24 1 0 1 1 8100 2 1800 126 1 11001000600-8-8 906740279
H 1 1134251 101 8000 1 11001000600 11001000600-9 -77.0638776 38.93004241 P 103 11 2 30 1 0 1 1 8000 1 1650 4 1 11001000600-9-9 121746051
H 1 1134251 101 8000 1 11001000600 11001000600-12 -77.06347382 38.93057901 P 103 11 2 30 1 0 1 1 8000 1 1650 4 1 11001000600-12-12 5295571
H 1 413166 101 7000 1 11001000600 11001000600-14 -77.06385972 38.93086826 P 105 11 1 45 3 16 0 9 1 7000 2 2340 315 1 11001000600-14-14 487570731
H 1 413166 101 7000 1 11001000600 11001000600-15 -77.06455296 38.93117888 P 105 11 1 45 3 16 0 9 1 7000 2 2340 315 1 11001000600-15-15 121883151
H 1 740861 101 3000 1 11001000600 11001000600-42 -77.06643235 38.93147363 P 101 11 2 24 3 16 0 1 1 3000 1 2830 24 2 11001000600-42-42 644001463
H 1 932710 101 8000 1 11001000600 11001000600-48 -77.06705195 38.93152608 P 104 11 1 45 1 0 1 1 8000 1 9130 11 2 11001000600-48-48 473707040
H 1 910872 101 3000 1 11001000600 11001000600-54 -77.06724679 38.93140847 P 104 11 1 59 1 0 1 1 3000 1 9620 45 2 11001000600-54-54 473706919
H 1 101231 101 3500 1 11001000600 11001000600-55 -77.06836705 38.93210607 P 104 11 2 59 1 0 1 1 3500 1 5700 11 2 11001000600-55-55 596878793
H 1 513007 101 -4900 1 11001000600 11001000600-74 -77.06263262 38.93028797 P 105 11 2 39 1 0 1 1 -4900 1 50 17 6 11001000600-74-74 478726995

SPEW.US School file format

Variable from NCES Variable # of chars NCES description Categories
(blank column name) SPEW Integer counter
School NCES School Name The name of the school.
ID NCES School ID - NCES Assigned This is the five digit number used by NCES to identify a school. Together with the NCES Agency ID, it uniquely identifies a school.
CoNo NCES County Number 2-3 This is the three digit American National Standards Institute (ANSI) code for the county, formally known as the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), based on the location city (LCITY) of the school. Together with the state ANSI/FIPS code, it uniquely identifies each county. For more information on ANSI codes go to: http://www.census.gov/geo/www/ansi/ansi.html
StNo NCES ANSI/FIPS State Code 2 This is the two digit American National Standards Institute(ANSI) Code. This standard provides a set of two-digit numeric codes for representing the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States. This code was formally known as the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) state code.
Long NCES Longitude [Public School] Longitude: The first 3 numbers of the code represent the number of degrees from the prime meridian; the last 6 digits represent the fraction of the next degree carried out to six decimal places. As reported on the School survey.
Lat NCES Latitude [Public School] Latitude: The first 3 numbers of the code represent the number of degrees from the equator; the last 6 digits represent the fraction of the next degree carried out to six decimalplaces. As reported on the School survey.
Low SPEW Lowest Grade Offered This is the lowest grade taught at the school. If grade spandata are not reported, the information is calculated using the reported student information. Grades are represented in a 2 character format. PK: Prekindergarten KG: Kindergarten 01-12: Grades 1 to 12 UG: Ungraded. -1: Prekindergarten 0: Kindergarten 1-12: Grades 1 to 12
High SPEW Highest Grade Offered This is the highest grade taught at the school. If grade spandata are not reported, the information is calculated using the reported student information. Grades are represented in a 2 character format. PK: Prekindergarten KG: Kindergarten 01-12: Grades 1 to 12 UG: Ungraded. -1: Prekindergarten 0: Kindergarten 1-12: Grades 1 to 12
Students NCES Total Students, All Grades (Excludes AE) [Public School] Total Students (Ungraded & PK-12) [Private School] [Public School] This is the total number of students as reported by each school. A student is an individual for whom instruction is provided in an elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, school system, or other educational institution. This count excludesadult education students, which is the number of students enrolled in adult education courses provided by the public elementary/secondary school system. [Private School] The total number of students (ungraded & PK-12) who were enrolled in this school or program around the first of October.

Sample of SPEW.US Public School records

School ID CoNo StNo Long Lat Low High Students
1 A M WINDHAM ELEM SCH 010108001767 45 01 -85.715100 31.310000 0 6 561
2 A.C. MOORE ELEM SCH 010135000482 53 01 -87.485100 31.015300 3 4 250
3 ABBEVILLE ALT SCH 010174002120 67 01 -85.252400 31.567400 1 12 524.598433921844
4 ABBEVILLE ELEM SCH 010174000602 67 01 -85.249700 31.566900 0 6 444
5 ABBEVILLE HIGH SCH 010174000600 67 01 -85.278200 31.582100 7 12 444
6 ABC ELEM 010351001342 131 01 -87.381200 32.195600 -1 6 169
7 ABRAMS ELEM SCH 010033001479 73 01 -86.960300 33.412600 -1 5 380
8 ACAD FOR ACADEMICS & ARTS 010180000620 89 01 -86.611200 34.738800 -1 8 522
9 ACAD FOR SCIENCE & FOREIGN LANGUAGE 010180000624 89 01 -86.609700 34.769900 -1 8 474
10 ADAMS ELEM SCH 010162001665 55 01 -85.967000 34.000500 -1 5 325

SPEW.US Workplace file format

Variable from # of chars Description Categories
workplace_id SPEW Workplace ID
stcotr SPEW The state, county, and tract FIPS code
employees SPEW The number of employees
placed SPEW Esri defined variable
wkb_geometry SPEW Geometry information in WKB encoded in hexadecimal

Sample of SPEW.US Workplace records

workplace_id stcotr employees placed wkb_geometry
1 701693988 1001020100 35 29 0101000020E61000000A4B3CA06C9E55C05E10919A763B4040
2 701783102 1001020100 42 34 0101000020E61000002A8F6E84459F55C00E6954E0643B4040
3 133952630 1001020200 3 4 0101000020E61000007E8FFAEB159E55C019E59997C33A4040
4 255540049 1001020300 2 2 0101000020E610000059DFC0E4469D55C0EED0B018753B4040
5 229205018 1001020500 5 5 0101000020E6100000AA6400A8E29A55C00D349F73B73D4040
6 223709759 1001020500 20 18 0101000020E6100000639AE95E279B55C059E02BBAF53A4040
7 267732246 1001020500 3 3 0101000020E6100000B40584D6C39A55C085EB51B81E3B4040
8 689283158 1001020500 2 2 0101000020E610000060E5D022DB9A55C080D8D2A3A93A4040
9 696903780 1001020600 6 7 0101000020E6100000A1116C5CFF9D55C08BFD65F7E4374040
10 966065559 1001020600 3 4 0101000020E61000002F35423F539F55C01F2C634337374040
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