SPEW.IPUMS File formats - midas-isg/data-format-repository GitHub Wiki

SPEW.IPUMS Household format

Variable from # of chars Longer variable name Categories
COUNTRY IPUMS 3 Country COUNTRY gives the country from which the sample was drawn. The codes assigned to each country are those used by the UN Statistics Division and the ISO (International Organization for Standardization).
YEAR IPUMS YEAR gives the year in which the census was taken. Basically, the 4 digit year. See https://international.ipums.org/international-action/variables/YEAR#codes_section
SERIALNO SPEW ID variable from original IPUMS Microdata
PERSONS IPUMS Number of persons in the household
HHTYPE IPUMS 2 Household classification HHTYPE is a constructed variable that describes the composition of households.
PERNUM IPUMS 3 Person number PERNUM numbers all persons within each household consecutively (starting with “1” for the first person record of each household). When combined with SAMPLE and SERIAL, PERNUM uniquely identifies each person in the IPUMS-International database.
puma_id SPEW This ID indicates which superset the microdata for this record comes from. For each country, the geographies are contained in the final_pop_table.csv file
place_id SPEW a unique identifier to to the region, typically presented as string or number.
SYNTHETIC_HID SPEW a unique household identifier within the synthetic ecosystem. All records with the same SYNTHETIC_HID have the same household.
longitude SPEW longitude in WGS 84 format
latitude SPEW latitude in WGS 84 format

Sample of SPEW.IPUMS Household records

76 2010 1.11E-308 4 76023 3 1 cear cear-1 -39.03380029 -6.037727135
76 2010 1.11E-308 1 76023 1 1 cear cear-2 -40.83657636 -3.765169927
76 2010 1.11E-308 2 76023 2 1 cear cear-3 -40.40088499 -3.35212762
76 2010 1.11E-308 3 76023 3 1 cear cear-4 -40.28523966 -3.217672739
76 2010 1.11E-308 4 76023 4 1 cear cear-5 -38.66356826 -7.55305995
76 2010 1.11E-308 6 76023 6 1 cear cear-6 -38.53377571 -5.079914078
76 2010 1.11E-308 5 76023 6 1 cear cear-7 -39.81866356 -5.649260158
76 2010 1.11E-308 2 76023 4 1 cear cear-8 -40.98889198 -3.496688124
76 2010 1.11E-308 5 76023 3 1 cear cear-9 -41.10896262 -4.561453646
76 2010 1.11E-308 4 76023 3 1 cear cear-10 -39.38826991 -3.683542808

SPEW.IPUMS Person format

Variable from # of chars Longer variable label Categories
SYNTHETIC_PID SPEW Syneco created (and defined) variable
puma_id SPEW Unique person ID for SPEW generated IPUMS ecosystem
place_id SPEW a unique identifier to the region, typically presented as string or number.
SYNTHETIC_HID SPEW Unique Household ID: Links with household table
longitude SPEW longitude in WGS 84 format
latitude SPEW latitude in WGS 84 format
COUNTRY IPUMS 3 Country COUNTRY gives the country from which the sample was drawn. The codes assigned to each country are those used by the UN Statistics Division and the ISO (International Organization for Standardization).
YEAR IPUMS YEAR gives the year in which the census was taken. Basically, the 4 digit year. See https://international.ipums.org/international-action/variables/YEAR#codes_section
SERIALNO SPEW ID from original IPUMS microdata
PERSONS IPUMS Number of persons in the household
PERNUM IPUMS 3 Person number PERNUM numbers all persons within each household consecutively (starting with “1” for the first person record of each household). When combined with SAMPLE and SERIAL, PERNUM uniquely identifies each person in the IPUMS-International database.
HHTYPE IPUMS 2 Household classification HHTYPE is a constructed variable that describes the composition of households.
RACE IPUMS Race may 2-digit codes, e.g., 10 White; 20 Black; 21 Black African
SCHOOL IPUMS School attendance Six codes
INCTOT IPUMS 7 Total income INCTOT reports the person’s total personal income from all sources in the previous month or year.

Sample of SPEW.IPUMS Person records

76 2010 1.11E-308 4 76023 3 1 cear cear-1 -39.03380029 -6.037727135 31 1 51 3 510 cear-1-1
76 2010 1.11E-308 4 76023 3 1 cear cear-1 -39.03380029 -6.037727135 24 2 51 1 112 cear-1-2
76 2010 1.11E-308 4 76023 3 1 cear cear-1 -39.03380029 -6.037727135 6 2 51 1 9999999 cear-1-3
76 2010 1.11E-308 4 76023 3 1 cear cear-1 -39.03380029 -6.037727135 2 2 51 1 9999999 cear-1-4
76 2010 1.11E-308 1 76023 1 1 cear cear-2 -40.83657636 -3.765169927 26 1 10 3 110 cear-2-5
76 2010 1.11E-308 2 76023 2 1 cear cear-3 -40.40088499 -3.35212762 40 1 51 3 0 cear-3-6
76 2010 1.11E-308 2 76023 2 1 cear cear-3 -40.40088499 -3.35212762 39 2 51 3 90 cear-3-7
76 2010 1.11E-308 3 76023 3 1 cear cear-4 -40.28523966 -3.217672739 31 1 51 3 765 cear-4-8
76 2010 1.11E-308 3 76023 3 1 cear cear-4 -40.28523966 -3.217672739 0 2 51 4 9999999 cear-4-9
76 2010 1.11E-308 3 76023 3 1 cear cear-4 -40.28523966 -3.217672739 28 2 51 3 68 cear-4-10
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