SPEW.Canada file formats - midas-isg/data-format-repository GitHub Wiki

SPEW.Canada Household file format

Variable from # of chars Longer variable name Categories
SERIALNO SPEW Original ID for Canada Microdata
puma_id SPEW Superset of population generated 462: Montreal 535: Toronto 825: Calgary 835: Edmonton 933: Vancouver 999: Other
place_id SPEW Canada Tract ID
SYNTHETIC_HID SPEW a unique household identifier within the synthetic ecosystem. All records with the same SYNTHETIC_HID have the same household.
longitude SPEW longitude in WGS 84 format
latitude SPEW latitude in WGS 84 format

Sample of SPEW.Canada Household records

SERIALNO puma_id place_id SYNTHETIC_HID longitude latitude
14263 825 8250038.08 8250038.08-5 -113.9601263 51.06143681
22670 825 8250038.08 8250038.08-9 -113.9813631 51.06115461
28464 825 8250038.08 8250038.08-20 -113.9787985 51.06645479
31048 825 8250038.08 8250038.08-2 -113.9680807 51.06577914
31316 825 8250038.08 8250038.08-17 -113.9602346 51.06555706
33826 825 8250038.08 8250038.08-18 -113.9696695 51.06524933
51370 825 8250038.08 8250038.08-8 -113.9799932 51.06340087
58794 825 8250038.08 8250038.08-12 -113.9591672 51.06238302
64742 825 8250038.08 8250038.08-15 -113.9732119 51.06094008
81640 825 8250038.08 8250038.08-13 -113.9783857 51.06108106

SPEW.Canada Person file format

Variable from # of chars Longer variable name Numeric ranges and categories
SERIALNO SPEW Original Canada Microdata ID
SYNTHETIC_PID SPEW Unique person identifier
SYNTHETIC_HID SPEW Unique household identifier, links with household table
puma_id SPEW Superset of population generated 462: Montreal 535: Toronto 825: Calgary 835: Edmonton 933: Vancouver 999: Other
place_id SPEW Canada Tract ID
longitude SPEW longitude in WGS 84 format
latitude SPEW latitude in WGS 84 format
AGEGRP PUMF 2 Age groups 1 - 0 to 4 years; 2 - 5 to 6; 3 - 7-9; (See inset)
HRSWRK PUMF Hours worked Labour: Hours worked for pay or in self-employment
IMMSTAT PUMF 1 Immigrant status 1 Non-immigrants; 2 Immigrants; 3 Non-permanent residents
INCTAX PUMF 6 Income tax paid The value 888,888 stands for not available. The value 999,999 stands for not applicable and is applied to all persons aged less than 15 years. Otherwise, this variable could be positive or zero and is a rounded value of the amount paid by the individual in 2010. Values that would have been rounded to zero have been replaced by 1. In some cases, high values have been top coded in this file
MODE PUMF 1 Mode of transportation to work 1 Bicycle; 2 Car, truck, van as driver; 3 Motorcycle; 4 Other mode; 5 Car, truck, van as passenger; 7 Public transit; 8 Walked; 9 Not applicable
OCC PUMF JTW: Vehicle occupancy
POB PUMF 2 Place of Birth countries/continents sometimes See table on page 23
RELIGION PUMF “Religion: Aggregated Responses”
SEX PUMF Sex 1. Female. 2. Male


1 0 to 4 years
2 5 to 6 years
3 7 to 9 years
4 10 to 11 years
5 12 to 14 years
6 15 to 17 years
7 18 to 19 years
8 20 to 24 years
9 25 to 29 years
10 30 to 34 years
11 35 to 39 years
12 40 to 44 years
13 45 to 49 years
14 50 to 54 years
15 55 to 59 years
16 60 to 64 years
17 65 to 69 years
18 70 to 74 years
19 75 to 79 years
20 80 to 84 years
21 85 years and over
88 Not available

Sample of SPEW.Canada Person records

4489 825 8250050.1 8250050.10-4 -114.2058122 51.06304335 7 3 2 31000 2 1 1 9 1 8250050.10-4-6
4489 825 8250050.1 8250050.10-4 -114.2058122 51.06304335 8 4 2 28000 2 1 1 3 2 8250050.10-4-7
4489 825 8250050.1 8250050.10-4 -114.2058122 51.06304335 1 99 2 999999 9 9 1 9 1 8250050.10-4-8
4489 825 8250050.1 8250050.10-4 -114.2058122 51.06304335 1 99 2 999999 9 9 1 9 1 8250050.10-4-9
19704 825 8250050.1 8250050.10-5 -114.1963758 51.0664921 8 5 3 0 2 1 4 9 2 8250050.10-5-10
19704 825 8250050.1 8250050.10-5 -114.1963758 51.0664921 8 5 3 2000 2 1 4 9 1 8250050.10-5-11
19704 825 8250050.1 8250050.10-5 -114.1963758 51.0664921 3 2 2 0 5 2 1 9 1 8250050.10-5-12
19704 825 8250050.1 8250050.10-5 -114.1963758 51.0664921 2 99 2 999999 9 9 1 9 2 8250050.10-5-13
21525 825 8250050.1 8250050.10-6 -114.2051936 51.05668806 88 5 3 1000 2 1 4 9 2 8250050.10-6-14
21525 825 8250050.1 8250050.10-6 -114.2051936 51.05668806 88 0 3 0 9 9 4 9 1 8250050.10-6-15
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