EpiVis CSV v38 - midas-isg/data-format-repository GitHub Wiki
EpiVis CSV v38 file specification.
Disclaimer: I am not the author of EpiVis. I am recording this information so that the CSV format can be indexed.
The specification as I understand it is as follows:
The CSV must contain at least one count per row.
The CSV can accept an optional date column in one of the following formats:
- Date String(format: YYYY-MM-DD; ex: 2015-05-02)
- Epiweek(format: YYYYWW; ex: 201522)
- Epi Week(format: YYYY, WW; ex: 2015, 22)
- Decimal Date(format: YYYY.YYY; ex: 2015.456)
- Monthly Data(format: YYYY, MM; ex: 2015, 05)
- The CSV may contain an optional header row.