Conda Setup - microsoft/qmt GitHub Wiki
This guide assumes that you're running Ubuntu, although most of it should apply to other Unix base systems. On Windows you can use WSL.
First download and install Anaconda/Miniconda. The rest of the guide assumes that you have miniconda3 installed under your home directory. If you have some other setup, use that directory instead in the paths below. From within the QMT repository, can then create the environment with
conda env create -f ./deployment/environment_full_linux.yml
This creates an environment named py36. You can now activate that environment with
conda activate py36
Before we can start using the environment, we need to make freecad available to python. You can find the path to freecad by running
find $HOME/miniconda3/pkgs/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "freecad*"
Append /lib to the output from that command and echo it to our environment's site-packages:
echo "[output from previous command]/lib" > ~/miniconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/freecad.pth
The final step is to make QMT itself available to conda. Run
conda develop [path to QMT]
And you should have a working QMT environment! The last thing to do is to set up pre-commit hooks so that your code is automatically formatted with black upon commit
pre-commit install