Microsoft.ICU.ICU4C.Runtime package supported OS versions - microsoft/icu GitHub Wiki

The Microsoft.ICU.ICU4C.Runtime Nuget package is a "meta-package" that includes the following dependency packages for different operating systems (OS):

  • Microsoft.ICU.ICU4C.Runtime.linux-x64
  • Microsoft.ICU.ICU4C.Runtime.linux-arm64


The win-x64 and win-x86 packages run on Windows 7 and above.

Note: UCRT Dependency: The Windows binaries require the "Universal C Runtime" (UCRT) to be installed on Windows 7 and Windows 8. It is included as Windows OS component in Windows 10 and above.

The win-arm64 package requires Windows 10 version 1709 ("Fall Creators Update" / "Redstone 3" / Build 16299) or above.


The linux-x64 package is built using the .NET Core CentOS 7 docker image, and should work for all glibc based distros (ex: Ubuntu).

The linux-arm64 package is built using the .NET Core Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) Cross-ARM64 image, and should work for ARM64 Ubuntu 16.04 and above.