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Build Commands

Fluent UI Team edited this page Apr 9, 2022 · 26 revisions

This page outlines the major commands used for development in the Fluent UI repo master and 7.0 branches.

(For the 5.0 and 6.0 branches, see this page.)

Quick reference: repo-wide commands

These commands should be run from the root of the Fluent UI Git repo.

You can see all the available commands by looking at the scripts section of the root package.json.

Many of the repo-wide commands internally use the Lage task runner and support its CLI options, including:

  • --to package-name: build only packages matching package-name, and their dependencies. package-name can be a substring of the name, such as react-examples instead of @fluentui/react-examples.
  • --concurrency N: use max of N processes to build
Command Explanation
yarn Install dependencies and build most code
yarn start Start demo site and inner development loop for @fluentui/react
yarn build Run a build on all packages (supports --to)
yarn build:min Build only up to @fluentui/react and @fluentui/react-northstar
yarn buildci Runs build, lint, and test (supports --to). To also bundle, run yarn bundle separately.
This command approximates CI build steps and is useful for validating your changes locally
yarn buildto Run a build up to a certain package (alias of yarn build --to package-name)
yarn bundle Runs yarn bundle (builds webpack bundles) in all packages (supports --to)
yarn clean Cleans package build output (supports --to)
yarn codepen Use a local build in codepen
yarn change Create change files
yarn lint Runs lint on all packages (supports --to)
yarn test Runs unit tests on all packages (supports --to)
yarn update-snapshots Update Jest snapshots for all packages (must build first; supports --to)
yarn scrub Revert the repo to a clean state (commit or stash your changes first)
yarn create-package Create a new package
yarn lage run (advanced) Run any package.json script name repo-wide using Lage. This is usually unnecessary. (supports --to)

Quick reference: package-specific commands

These commands can be used in an individual package during development. You must cd to the package's folder before running the commands.

Most packages support the commands outlined below. You can see all the available commands for a package by looking at the scripts section of its package.json.

(Do not run plain yarn (install) in an individual package. This should only be run at the repo root.)

Command Explanation
yarn start Start inner development loop for current package
yarn build Build the current package
yarn bundle Bundle current package (if supported)
yarn clean Clean up build output for current package
yarn lint Run lint for current package (if supported)
yarn test Run tests for current package (if supported)
yarn update-snapshots Update Jest snapshots for current package (must build first)
yarn start-test Start inner development loop for Jest tests
yarn just <taskname> Run an individual task

Repo-wide commands

In general, we abstract away the tooling behind yarn scripts. This way, we can avoid forcing developers to have global tools to be installed, other than what was already available from node.js.

You can see all the available commands by looking at the scripts section of the root package.json.

Install and build

yarn (install)

yarn installs dependencies. It should be run immediately after each git pull or git merge to get your repo back into a consistent state that allows for development.

If you've added/updated any dependencies, running yarn will automatically install those and add them to yarn.lock. Updates to this file must be checked in with your other changes.

yarn start (repo)

After running yarn, you should be able to start a demo app for any package (without further build steps) by running yarn start.

yarn build

Builds all packages.

Add --to package-name to build only packages matching package-name, and their dependencies. package-name can be a substring of the name, such as react-examples instead of @fluentui/react-examples.

yarn build:min

This command will build @fluentui/react and @fluentui/react-northstar and all their dependencies.

yarn buildto

This is an alias of yarn build --to package-name.

(Related command: yarn buildto:lerna does the same thing but orchestrated using Lerna rather than Lage. This is usually unnecessary.)

yarn codepen

In our bug templates, we encourage bug reporters to submit codepen examples. It is sometimes helpful to directly run those examples against in-development code. Run yarn codepen to generate several <script> tags to be pasted in the HTML section of the codepen. This command fires up a webpack-dev-server along with an ngrok instance to provide a proxy tunnel into the local server from the codepen site. (Note that the URL will only work as long as the yarn codepen command is running.)

Before check-in

yarn change

After you've checked changes into a local branch, you'll need to create change file(s) using yarn change and then commit them. A change file tells beachball how to increment each package's semantic version (semver) upon publish. The message in the change file will be included in the package release notes, so make it brief but informative.

yarn buildci

yarn buildci approximates the steps that CI performs on PRs: build, test, and lint. This makes it a useful command for validating that your local changes will pass CI before you create or update a PR.

Add --to package-name to run the command only for packages matching package-name, and their dependencies. package-name can be a substring of the name, such as react-examples instead of @fluentui/react-examples.

If you want to also test bundling, you should run yarn bundle separately.

yarn update-snapshots (repo)

We use Jest snapshots of rendered DOM heavily in our repository, including for individual components and all examples. So any change affecting component DOM structure or styling will probably require an update to the snapshots, which should be checked in along with the component code.

This command can either be run at the repo root to update all packages' snapshots, or in an individual package to update that package's snapshots.

Note that you must build before running this command. So some common workflows would be (from the repo root):

  • Update snapshots in all packages (may be slow): yarn build && yarn update-snapshots

  • Update snapshots up to a certain package (medium speed): yarn build --to package-name && yarn update-snapshots --to package-name

  • Only do targeted snapshot updates, where package-name is the last package requiring snapshot updates (fastest, requires more knowledge of repo internals):

    # Generic example
    yarn buildto package-name
    yarn workspace @scope/some-package update-snapshots
    yarn workspace @scope/package-name update-snapshots
    # and repeat as needed (can also cd to package paths rather than using yarn workspace)
    # Common specific example
    yarn buildto react
    yarn workspace @fluentui/react update-snapshots


yarn scrub

WARNING: Commit or stash any changes you want to keep before running this command!

This command permanently removes all node_modules, build output, and other untracked files or uncommitted changes. It can sometimes help resolve strange build or install errors.

Always run this command when switching between major release branches (master, 6.0, 5.0) due to install structure differences and the significant number of changed files. (It shouldn't be needed if you're just switching between an official branch like master and one of your own branches.)

Advanced: adding packages/components

yarn create-package

Use this command to create a new package inside the Fluent UI repo using a template: yarn create-package your-package-name. You may still need to make some manual updates, but overall this is a much more reliable approach than copying files manually.

Package-specific commands

These commands can be used in an individual package during development. You must cd to the relevant package's folder before running the commands.

Package-specific commands also support passing flags, such as yarn build --production. Note that since this is a yarn script, you must include a -- in the argument list before any flags: yarn build -- --production.

You can see all the available commands for a package by looking at the scripts section of its package.json: for example, to see the commands for the experiments package, look at packages/experiments/package.json.

Do not run plain yarn (install) in an individual package. This should only be run at the repo root.

yarn build (package)

Build current package. You can also pass flags such as --production. Note that since this is a yarn script, you must include a -- in the argument list before any flags: yarn build -- --production.

yarn clean

Cleans the package build artifacts. Combined with the yarn build command, this has the effect of a rebuild.

yarn update-snapshots (package)

Update jest snapshots for a particular package. (Not available in all packages.)

You must build the current package and all its dependencies before running this command.

yarn update-api (package)

API report files (where applicable) are now updated automatically on a local run of yarn build. If you see * file change, be sure to commit those changes!

yarn start (package)

Start an inner development loop for a particular package. (Not available in all packages.)

yarn start-test

This command (not available in all packages) starts an "inner loop" for jest tests. It fires up jest in watch mode, and by default will only run tests that it detects are relevant to modified files.

To focus on a single file, you can include a filename pattern in the command to make it faster:

yarn start-test TextField

yarn just

Fluent UI uses the just build system. All build, test, and lint tasks are defined as just tasks. These tasks are sequenced in parallel and series in a deterministic way according to the definition inside the project's just.config.ts.

To run only an individual task, you can use yarn just. Some (non-comprehensive) examples:

  • yarn just ts
  • yarn just ts:commonjs
  • yarn just lint
  • yarn just jest

Open the project's just.config.ts and/or the repo-wide scripts/just.config.ts to see the available task names.

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