Create Enterprise Assistant - microsoft/botframework-components GitHub Wiki

title: Enterprise Assistant Bot Template Tutorial - Bot Composer description: Tutorial for creating and using Enterprise Assistant Bot Template in Bot Composer keywords: author: lauren-mills kamrani manager: kamrani ms.topic: ms.service: bot-composer

Tutorial: Setup your Enterprise Assistant Bot

Create your project in Composer

The Enterprise Assistant Bot template is included in the Bot Framework Composer by default. Follow these steps to create a project:

  1. Open Bot Framework Composer (version 2.0.0 or higher)
  2. Click Create new
  3. Select Enterprise Assistant Bot from the list
  4. Enter your desired Name, Location, and Runtime type then select Create

Provision Azure resources

The Enterprise Assistant Bot requires Azure resources in order to run locally. Follow these steps to provisioned the required resources:

  1. Create a publishing profile and provision resources according to the steps in Publish a bot to Azure. The following resources are required for local development:

    • Microsoft Application Registration
    • Azure Hosting
    • Microsoft Bot Channels Registration
    • Microsoft Language Understanding Authoring Account
    • Microsoft QnA Maker
  2. Fill in the following settings in Configure > Development Resources with the keys you provisioned:

    • Language Understanding authoring key
    • QnA Maker Subscription key
    • Microsoft App Id
    • Microsoft App Password

Provision skills and configure authentication

Complete the setup guides for each of your skills:

Configure allowed callers

For each of your bots, follow these steps to register allowed callers:

  1. Open Configure > Skill configuration

  2. Add the App ID(s) that should be allowed to call your bot. For your root bot, this should be the IDs of the skills. For the skill bots, this should be the ID of the root bot.

Run and test your bot locally

  1. Running your bot in Composer will automatically create add the following configuration in your root bot's settings, visible in the Advanced Settings View, enabling to your communicate with your local skills:
    "skill": {
        "Calendar": {
          "endpointUrl": "<local skill messaging endpoint>",
          "msAppId": "<skill MS App ID>"
        "People": {
          "endpointUrl": "<local skill messaging endpoint>",
          "msAppId": "<skill MS App ID>"

Next steps

After you have completed the preceding steps to run and test locally, you can follow these steps to publish your projects to Azure:

Create skill manifests & publish skills

Once your resources are provisioned and your authentication settings have been configured, follow these steps to create a skill manifest and publish each of your skills:

  1. In the Create tab, click the More Options button beside your skill project.

  2. Select Export as skill to launch the manifest creation flow

  3. Fill in the properties, dialogs, and triggers you would like to include. Learn more about skill manifests.

  4. Fill in the allowed callers field with the ID of your root bot

  5. Select the publishing profile to use for your skill endpoints

  6. Finally, click Generate and Publish to publish your skill to your endpoint with the generated manifest.

Publish to Azure

To publish your Enterprise Assistant Bot, follow these steps:

  1. Create a publishing profile and provision resources according to the steps in Publish a bot to Azure. The following resources are required for production environments:

    • Microsoft Application Registration
    • Azure Hosting
    • Microsoft Bot Channels Registration
    • Azure Cosmos DB
    • Application Insights
    • Microsoft Language Understanding Authoring Account
    • Microsoft Language Understanding Prediction Account
    • Microsoft QnA Maker
  2. In Configure > Skill configuration > Call skills, update your Skill host endpoint URL to your production bot skills endpoint (i.e. "http://<bot-name>")

  3. Update your skill endpoints to your published endpoints in Configure > Advanced Settings View:

    "skill": {
        "Calendar": {
          "endpointUrl": "<published skill messaging endpoint>",
          "msAppId": "<skill MS App ID>"
        "People": {
          "endpointUrl": "<published skill messaging endpoint>",
          "msAppId": "<skill MS App ID>"
  4. Publish your bot via the Publish tab

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