Calendar Skill Authentication Configuration - microsoft/botframework-components GitHub Wiki
After provisioning your bot resources for your Calendar Skill, follow these steps to set up the correct authentication and permissions for Microsoft Graph:
Configure scopes on the Microsoft App Registration
- Open your Bot Channels Registration resource in the Azure Portal and go to the Configuration tab
- Click Manage beside the Microsoft App ID field to navigate to your Microsoft App Registration settings
- Select API permissions
- Click Add a permission and select Microsoft Graph > Delegated permissions
- Add the following scopes:
- Calendars.ReadWrite
- Contacts.Read
- People.Read
- User.ReadBasic.All
- Click Add permissions
Add an OAuth Connection to your bot
- Open your Bot Channels Registration resource in the Azure Portal and go to the Configuration tab
- Click Add OAuth Connection Settings
- Give your connection a name (save this for a later step)
- Select Azure Active Directory v2 as the service provider
- Fill in the following information
- Client id: your Microsoft App ID
- Client secret: your Microsoft App Password
- Tenant ID: common
- Scopes: Calendars.ReadWrite Contacts.Read People.Read User.ReadBasic.All
In your bot appsettings in Composer, set the oauthConnectionName property to the connection name you set in step 2iii
Now you can log into the Calendar Skill using one of the accounts from this list
- To access the passwords for the accounts, click the Azure Key Vault link then copy the secret value