Custom Format Tokens - microsoft/UnitTestBoilerplateGenerator GitHub Wiki

Tokens can be inserted into a format field in the options page as $TokenName$.

Global tokens

Global tokens are valid in all templates, including test file name and all content templates.

Token Description Example
Namespace The namespace for the test class. Generated automatically from the default namespace for the test project, plus the subdirectory the test is generated under. MyTests.Services
ClassName The name of the class being tested. LoggerService
ClassNameShort An abbreviated version of the class name, used as a shorthand reference to the class. This is in PascalCase. For a tested class LoggerService ->

Main content tokens

Main content tokens are valid for the main template in the "Test File Contents" section.

Token Description Example
UsingStatements All the using statements required for the file. Will include the test framework, mock framework and all referenced types from the tested class dependencies and the tested class itself. using NSubstitute;
using MyLibrary.Services;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Xunit;
MockFieldDeclarations Declarations for the mock object fields. private IStorage<string> subStorageString;
private ISomeInterface subSomeInterface;
MockFieldInitializations Initializations for the mock object fields. this.subStorageString = Substitute.For<IStorage<string>>();
this.subSomeInterface = Substitute.For<ISomeInterface>();
TestMethods The test methods generated for each public method of the tested class [TestMethod]
public void AddNumbers_Test()
ExplicitConstructor The constructor for the tested class, with all dependencies from mock fields passed in. Also usable in the Test Method Invoke/Empty templates. new LoggerService(
TodoConstructor The constructor for the tested class, with "TODO" for all the arguments. This is used when there is no mock framework present. Also usable in the Test Method Invoke/Empty templates. new LoggerService(TODO, TODO)

Interface content tokens

Interface tokens are valid for the mock field declaration format, mock field initialization format and mock object reference format. They refer to a mocked dependency that's being passed in to the tested class. For each example in the following table, assume the type is IStorage<string>.

Token Description Example
InterfaceName The root interface name, minus generics IStorage
InterfaceNameBase The root interface name, minus generics, with the initial "I" removed Storage
InterfaceType The type of the interface, including generics. Is not fully qualified as the appropriate using statements should be added automatically. IStorage<string>
InterfaceMockName A unique name for the mock object (Pascal case) StorageString

Test method tokens

Test method tokens are valid for the test method invoke format. These refer to a specific public method from the source class being targeted for a test.

Token Description Example
TestedMethodName The name of the tested method. This is also the only token valid within the "Test method name format" section AddNumbers
TestMethodName The generated name for the test method. AddNumbers_Test
AsyncModifier The "async" keyword for the test method, if needed. If the tested method is async -> async
If it is not -> ""
AsyncReturnType The return type for the test method. If the tested method is async -> Task
If it is not -> void
ParameterSetupTodo Sets up variables to hold parameter values. Uses "TODO" for the value, to force you to populate them before running the test. int firstNumber = TODO;
int secondNumber = TODO;
ParameterSetupDefaults Sets up variables to hold parameter values. Uses default value for that data type, so the test compiles right away. int firstNumber = 0;
int secondNumber = 0;
MethodInvocationPrefix Inserted before the method invocation. Takes into account if the method is async and if it returns a value If the method returns a value and is async -> var result = await
If the method is async but does not return a value -> await
If the method is not async and does not return a value -> ""
MethodInvocation Invokes the tested method. Assumes $ParameterSetupTodo$ or $ParameterSetupDefaults$ has been included earlier in the template. .AddNumbers(firstNumber, secondNumber)

Token modifiers

To use a token modifier, add a period '.' and the token modifier at the end of a token name. For instance $ClassName.CamelCase$

Name Description Example
CamelCase Gives a camelCased version of the value. LoggerService ->
NewLineIfPopulated Adds a newline at the end if the original value was non-empty. SomeTokenValue -> SomeTokenValue<newline>
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