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Object Analysis Toolkit (OAT) is a rules driven metaprogramming engine for arbitrary C# objects.
OAT is available on NuGet as Microsoft.CST.OAT.
OAT Blazor runs in your browser and allows you to Author Rules and test them in a Sandbox using Objects instantiated from your provided Assembly.
- Authoring Rules specifies how to create Rules for OAT.
- Delegates explores the extensibility points available in OAT via delegate declarations.
- Scripts covers usage of using Scripts directly embedded in your Rules.
Object Anaylsis Toolkit (OAT) is a meta-programming engine for processing objects using a run-time supplied Rule Set.
contain a boolean Expression
evaluated over the Clauses
inside the rule. Each Clause
performs a specified operation on the Target
object's Field
. See Authoring Rules for a detailed explanation of Rules and Clauses.
The simplest usage of OAT is to check if Rules
apply to objects.
object target;
IEnumerable<Rule> rules;
var analyzer = new Analyzer();
var rulesWhichApply = analyzer.Analyze(rules,target);
This sample from the the Walkthrough captures the weight of Overweight vehicles. It uses a two clause AND expression and a Custom OverweightOperation
var overweightTruck = new Vehicle()
Weight = 30000,
Capacity = 20000,
VehicleType = VehicleType.Truck
var overweightCar = new Vehicle()
Weight = 6000,
Capacity = 5000,
VehicleType = VehicleType.Car
var okayTruck = new Vehicle()
Weight = 20000,
Capacity = 20000,
VehicleType = VehicleType.Truck
// Set up our Analyzer with the Custom Overweight Operation (see below)
var analyzer = new Analyzer();
// Collect the captures from Rules which apply
var res = analyzer.GetCaptures(rules, overweightTruck);
// We get the First Rule capture and the First Clause Capture
// Since this is our OverweightOperation on an int we know we should get back a TypedClauseCapture<int>
var weight = ((TypedClauseCapture<int>)res.First().Captures[0]).Result;
// And we've captured the weight over the overweightTruck
Assert.IsTrue(weight == 30000);
// The Rule doesn't apply to our Car and Truck that isn't overweight
Assert.IsFalse(analyzer.Analyze(rules, overweightCar).Any());
Assert.IsFalse(analyzer.Analyze(rules, okayTruck).Any());
class Vehicle
public int Weight;
public int Capacity { get; set; }
public VehicleType VehicleType { get; internal set; }
enum VehicleType
var overweightRule = new VehicleRule("Overweight Truck")
// Both clauses must be true for this Rule to apply
Expression = "Overweight AND IsTruck",
Target = "Vehicle",
Clauses = new List<Clause>()
new Clause(Operation.Custom)
Label = "Overweight",
CustomOperation = "OVERWEIGHT",
Capture = true
new Clause(Operation.Equals)
Label = "IsTruck",
Data = new List<string>() { "Truck" }
OatOperation OverweightOperation = new OatOperation(Operation.Custom, analyzer)
CustomOperation = "OVERWEIGHT",
OperationDelegate = OverweightOperationDelegate,
ValidationDelegate = OverweightOperationValidationDelegate
public OperationResult OverweightOperationDelegate(Clause clause, object? state1, object? state2, IEnumerable<ClauseCapture>? captures)
if (state1 is Vehicle vehicle)
var res = vehicle.Weight > vehicle.Capacity;
if ((res && !clause.Invert) || (clause.Invert && !res))
// The rule applies and is true and the capture is available if capture is enabled
return new OperationResult(true, clause.Capture ? new TypedClauseCapture<int>(clause, vehicle.Weight, state1, state2) : null);
return new OperationResult(false, null);
public IEnumerable<Violation> OverweightOperationValidationDelegate(Rule r, Clause c)
var violations = new List<Violation>();
if (r.Target != "Vehicle")
violations.Add(new Violation("Overweight operation requires a Vehicle object", r, c));
if (c.Data != null || c.DictData != null)
violations.Add(new Violation("Overweight operation takes no data.", r, c));
return violations;
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