Send Email Notification Activity - microsoft/MIMWAL GitHub Wiki


The Send Email Notification activity extends the Notification activity shipped with MIM / FIM to enable powerful WAL capabilities such as rich lookup grammar, dynamic / runtime lookup of all activity properties and conditional execution.

Activity UI

Send Email Notification Activity - Activity UI

Activity Display Name

Optional. Name of the activity to be displayed on the MIM / FIM workflow designer.

Advanced Features

Activity Execution Condition

Optional. The condition which must be satisfied for execution of this activity's core task (i.e. create an email notification). This can be any WAL function expression resolving to a boolean value. e.g. IsPresent([//Target/Creator/Email]). See Activity Execution Condition wiki for more information.

'CC' recipients

Optional. This is a list of users and/or groups who appear on the "Cc" recipients list of the email. Specify a search filter, a lookup or function expression or a ';' delimited list of email addresses. e.g. [//Target/Manager].

'Bcc' recipients

Optional. This is a list of users and/or groups who are included on the "Bcc" recipients list of the email. Specify a search filter, a lookup or function expression or a ';' delimited list of email addresses.

Suppress Exception

Optional. Suppress notification failure from the MIM / FIM EmailNotification activity.

Email Template

Required. This is the email template used to send the notification. Specify an XPath to an EmailTemplate resource or a lookup or function expression resolving to an EmailTemplate resource or a GUID value of the ObjectID of an EmailTemplate resource.

'To' recipients

Optional. This is a list of users and/or groups who appear on the "To" recipients list of the email. Specify a search filter, a lookup or function expression or a ';' delimited list of email addresses. e.g. [//Target/Manager].

Implementation Guidance

The activity internally uses the Notification activity shipped with MIM / FIM to send the email notification, so its core task of sending email notification is bound by the specifications, property validation and any other limitations of the OOB Notification activity.


The following Send Email Notification activity sends a notification to the submitter when a request transitions into a "Failed Requests" set (and after the FIMService Temporal Events SQL Agent Job is run). Before the activity executes, an Update Resources activity is configured to populate a WorkflowData dictionary key using ParametersTable() function that is consumed in the email template to print details of what was requested:

Activity Display Name Send Failed Request Notification
Activity Execution Condition IsPresent([//Target/Creator/Email])
Email Template /EmailTemplate[DisplayName='!Failed Request Notification Email Template']
'To' recipients [//Target/Creator]
Suppress Exception True
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️