Add |
Adds two numbers. |
After |
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first date is later than the second. |
And |
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether or not both conditions are true. |
Before |
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first date is earlier than the second. |
BitAnd |
Applies a bitmask on a flag to 0. |
BitNot |
Inverses each bit. |
BitOr |
Applies a bitmask on a flag to 1. |
Concatenate |
Concatenates two or more strings. |
ConcatenateMultivaluedString |
Concatenates the values in a multi-valued string. |
Contains |
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value exists in the list of values. Comparisons for strings are performed without case sensitivity. |
ConvertFromBase64 |
Converts a base64 string to a byte array. |
ConvertNumberToList |
Converts a number to a list of numbers starting from 1 to the specified input number. |
ConvertSIDToString |
Converts a byte array containing a security identifier to a string. |
ConvertStringToGUID / ConvertToGUID |
Converts the string representation of a GUID to a binary representation of the GUID. |
ConvertToBase64 |
Converts a byte array to a base64 encoded string. |
ConvertToBoolean |
Converts a string or a number to a boolean value. |
ConvertToNumber |
Converts a string or a boolean value to a number. |
ConvertToString |
Converts a value to its string representation. |
ConvertToUniqueIdentifier |
Converts all supplied GUIDs to unique identifiers so they can be used in native FIM activities such as the Approval activity. |
Count |
Returns the number of entries in a list. If an object is passed (single string or resource ID, for example), the count will be 1. If a null value is supplied, the count will be 0. |
CreateSqlParameter |
Creates a SqlParameter or OdbcParameter or DbParameter object. |
CreateSqlParameter2 |
Creates a SqlParameter or OdbcParameter or DbParameter object. |
CR |
Generates a Carriage Return. |
Generates a Carriage Return/Line Feed. |
DateTimeAdd |
Adds (or Subtracts) a timespan to/from the supplied date/time. |
DateTimeFormat |
Formats the value of the first DateTime parameter in the format specified in the second string parameter. |
DateTimeFromFileTimeUTC |
Converts the specified Windows file time to an equivalent UTC time. |
DateTimeFromString |
Converts the specified string representation to an equivalent UTC datetime. |
DateTimeNow |
Returns the current date/time in UTC. |
DateTimeSubtract |
Returns the timespan between the two dates. |
DateTimeToFileTimeUTC |
Converts a date in the Windows file time format. |
DateTimeUtcToLocalTime |
Convert a date to the local time or specified time zone. |
Divide |
Divides the first integer number by the second integer number and returns the integer quotient of the division. |
Eq |
Determines the equivalence between two objects or values and returns true if they are equal. |
EscapeDNComponent |
Escapes the DN component of a distinguished name specified in LDAP format. |
EvaluateExpression |
Evaluates the specified expression. The caller activity must read the all lookups used in the expression separately. |
ExecuteSqlNonQuery |
Executes a SQL stored procedure or insert, update, delete statements against a SQL database or an ODBC data source. |
ExecuteSqlScalar |
Executes a SQL stored procedure or a SQL query against a SQL Server database or an ODBC data source. |
First |
Returns the first value in a list. |
FormatMultivaluedList |
Formats the multivalued list as per the specified format string. |
GenerateRandomPassword |
Generates an alphanumeric password of the specified length. |
GreaterThan |
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first integer is greater than the second. |
Returns the second or third parameter based on the evaluation of the condition specified as first parameter. |
IndexByValue |
Returns the zero-based index of the specified value in the input list. |
InsertValues |
Inserts the specified values in the target list. Typically used inconjuction with the Update Resources / Create Resource activity to specify that a value or list of values should be inserted into a multivalued target attribute. |
IsPresent |
Returns false if the supplied value is null. Returns true if it is not. |
Last |
Returns the last value in a list. |
Left |
Returns the leading substring of specified length. If the specified length is greater than the input string, the entire input string is returned. |
LeftPad |
Returns a new string that is equivalent to string specified in the first input parameter, but right-aligned and padded on the left with as many padding characters as needed to create the specified length. |
Length |
Returns the length of the string. |
LessThan |
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first integer is less than the second. |
LowerCase |
Converts all characters in a string to the lower case based on current culture. |
LTrim |
Removes leading white spaces or specified characters from a string. |
Mid |
Returns a specified number of characters from a specified position in a string. |
Mod |
Divides the first integer number by the second integer number and returns the remainder of the division. |
Multiply |
Multiplies two numbers |
NormalizeString |
Normalizes the first string, first by replacing the character substitutions specified in the second string and then removing all diacritics using the .NET string normalization function. |
Not |
Flips the Boolean value of the supplied condition. |
Null |
Returns a null value. Typically used in Update Resources activity with the "Allow Null" checkbox to clear the value of an attribute. |
Or |
Returns a Boolean value indicating if either condition is true. |
ParametersContain |
When supplied the request parameters for a request (for example, [//Request/RequestParameter]) and an attribute name, returns a Boolean value indicating if the attribute was modified by the request. |
ParametersList |
Returns the list of attribute names in the request parameters of an arbitrary request. |
ParametersTable |
Returns a table of attribute name, modification type and modified values in the request parameters of an arbitrary request |
ParameterValue |
Returns the value of a request parameter of an arbitrary request. When the request is for an update of a multi-valued attribute, ParameterValueAdded() and ParameterValueRemoved() must be used. |
ParameterValueAdded |
Returns the added values of a multi-valued request parameter of an arbitrary request. |
ParameterValueRemoved |
Returns the removed values of a multi-valued request parameter of an arbitrary request. |
ProperCase |
Converts the first character of each space-delimited word in a string to upper case and all other characters are converted to lower case. |
RandomNum |
Returns a random number within the specified interval. |
RegexMatch |
Returns a Boolean value indicating if the string matches the regex pattern. |
RegexReplace |
Replaces the Regex pattern with the specified string. |
RemoveDuplicates |
Removes duplicate values from a list of items. |
RemoveValues |
Inserts the specified values in the target list. Typically used inconjuction with the Update Resources / Create Resource activity to specify that a value or list of values should be removed from a multivalued target attribute. |
ReplaceString |
Replaces all occurrences of a string to another string. |
Right |
Returns a trailing substring of specified length. If the specified length is greater than the input string, the entire input string is returned. |
RightPad |
Returns a new string that is equivalent to string specified in the first input parameter, but left-aligned and padded on the right with as many padding characters as needed to create the specified length. |
RTrim |
Removes trailing white spaces or specified characters from a string. |
SortList |
Sorts the specified List. |
SplitString |
Splits the string into substring delimited by the specified separator. |
Subtract |
Subtracts the second integer value from the first. |
TitleCase |
Converts the specified string to title case (except for words that are entirely in uppercase, which are considered to be acronyms). |
Trim |
Removes leading and trailing white spaces or specified characters from a string. |
UpperCase |
Converts all characters in a string to the upper case based on current culture. |
ValueByIndex |
Returns the value which exists at the specified index. |
ValueByKey |
Retrieves the value at the specified key in the input dictionary of string/object key-pairs. |
ValueType |
Returns the type of the supplied input object |
Word |
Returns a word contained within a string, based on parameters describing the delimiter character to use and the word index to return. |
WrapXPathFilter |
Wraps the supplied XPath filter in the necessary XML to prepare for use in a criteria-based group or set definition. |