Activity Execution Condition - microsoft/MIMWAL GitHub Wiki
The Activity Execution Condition configuration of a WAL activity defines a criteria which must be satisfied for execution of this activity's core task. The core task of Update Resources activity is to make updates, that of Run PowerShell Script activity is to execute PowerShell scripts and so on.
This Activity Execution Condition can be any WAL function expression resolving to a boolean value. If the expression resolves to a true value, the core task of the Activity is executed. Otherwise the core task is skipped, while any non-core / supporting configuration may still be processed.
- Add Delay
- Create Resource
- Delete Resources
- Generate Unique Value
- Request Approval
- Run PowerShell Script
- Send Email Notification
- Update Resources
- Verify Request
It should be noted that the processing of a WAL activity happens in the order hinted by the UI elements. Hence those activities that are configured to use Query Resources capability, will execute the configured queries first regardless of activity's execution condition and so care must be taken to ensure that the query expressions configured result in a well-formed XPath Search Filter dialect syntax under all data conditions. Since the queries are executed before Activity Execution Condition is evaluated, the query results are available for evaluation in the Activity Execution Condition itself, if required. A great example that demonstrates this guidance to skip processing deleted resource correctly is mentioned in MIMWAL Issue #102
Activity Execution Condition | Not(Eq([//Requestor], [//Target/Manager])) |
Please see MIMWAL Issue #102