The version of Connector for Microsoft Dynamics that you obtain can be for any of the Microsoft Dynamics ERPs.
If you currently use a Microsoft Dynamics ERP, we recommend that you download the version of Connector for Microsoft Dynamics for your Microsoft Dynamics ERP.
System users in the source and destination Microsoft Dynamics CRM organizations should have the same full name attribute in order to preserve ownership across organizations.
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Instance adapter will look up references to system user entities based on the fullname attribute and if a system user with the matching fullname attribute is not found in the destination organization, it will use the systemuserid of the system user specified in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Destination adapter settings for this attribute.
If there are customizations that you wish to integrate data for, those customizations must be present in both Microsoft Dynamics CRM systems before their data can be integrated using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Instance Adapter.