Cookbook How Do I - microsoft/CSS_SQL_Networking_Tools GitHub Wiki

Cookbook - How Do I?

This page provides a tutorial on performing certain standard actions that are referenced by the workflows.

Collect a Network Trace
Different ways to collect a network trace for different circumstances.

Collect a SQL Driver BID Trace
Collect a .NET Core SQL Driver Trace - Microsoft.Data.SqlClient on Linux
How to collect a trace of various SQL Server drivers.

Collect the Connectivity Ring Buffer
Get a history of logins from the SQL Server.

Determine if a Firewall is Blocking SQL Server
How to use TELNET or Test-NetConnection to test for a firewall issue.

Determine If I Am Connected to SQL Server using Kerberos Authentication
Different methods to determine your authentication type. Kerberos is required for delegated credentials to work.

Determine If I have Delegatable Credentials in my ASPX Web Site
Use an in-line scripted ASPX web page to determine whether your ASPX-based web site can delegate user credentials to SQL Server or another service.

Test a Connection via a UDL File
How to use a UDL file to test a connection and try different OLE DB Providers.

Test a .NET Connection via PowerShell
A sample PowerShell script that allows you to test a System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.