LUIS Create in Azure - microsoft-campus-community/workshop-shopping-list-bot GitHub Wiki

Creating a Language Understanding Resource

The following steps explain how to create a LUIS application the bot can call to get the intent (what the user wants) and entities (things in the message that might be of interest to the bot) for a message.

  1. Open the Azure Portal
  2. Click on '+ Create a resource' Screenshot of Azure Portal with a red circle around Button with label '+ Create a resource'.
  3. You want to create a LUIS resource. So, you should type 'Language Understanding' into the Azure Marketplace search box and click on it. Screenshot of Azure Marketplace with 'Language' entered in the search box and red arrow pointing to the 'Language Understanding' suggestion.
  4. After clicking on the 'Language Understanding' search suggestion, you should see the marketplace page for Microsoft Language Understanding resource. Here we click on 'Create'. Screenshot of Azure Marketplace Page for 'Language Understanding'. A red circle around the 'Create' button.
  5. Specify the Language Understanding Resource. Screenshot of Language Understanding resource create page in Azure with all the information that are required filled out.
    1. Select your Azure Subscription.
    2. Select the resource group you created previously with the name 'shopping-list-bot-workshop-rg'. If you do not have a resource group yet, create a new one. In Azure, resource groups are containers to group related resources. So, it is best to create one resource group for all resources used in this workshop. Then you can later manage or delete all resources at once.
    3. Give your LUIS application a name, for example, 'shopping-list-bot-luis'. You might have to use a different name because this name needs to be globally unique. You could, for example, append your name.
    4. The authoring resource is where your model will live. The prediction resource is where you will send requests to when using LUIS from your application. As such, it makes sense to select a region close to you for the authoring resource. The prediction resource, on the other hand, should be a region close to your customer. However, the authoring and prediction location are tied together. For example, you can select the regions 'West US' and 'East US'. For both the authoring and prediction resource, select free as the pricing tier, which is enough for this workshop.
    5. Click 'Review + create'.
  6. Once Azure is done validating the information you provided, click 'Create'.
  7. Wait until you get a notification in the Azure Portal saying that your resource is deployed. You can then continue with the next steps.

NEXT: Build LUIS application