Updating the content and data - microinsurance-network/world-map-of-microinsurance GitHub Wiki
HTML Updates
There are two HTML files which can be updated: about.html
and partners.html
Both can be edited directly on GitHub by clicking on the file, then clicking
the edit button in the upper right.
After making your changes, write a description of what you did then click 'Commit Changes'
CSV Updates
There are four .csv
files which update the data and content of the site. They
are all located in the assets/data
folder. For all of them, don't alter the
column headings or the site will break. Descriptions of the four individual
files can be found below. Edits can be made in one of two ways:
- Edit the file directly as described above.
- If you are adding a new file in place of the old one and want to just copy
that data in, follow these steps:
- Navigate to
- Click "Upload Files"
- Drag the new data on to the screen (or select it when prompted)
- Click "Commit Changes" (adding an optional message if desired)
- NOTE: this will replace the previous data set
- Navigate to
- If you are adding a new file in place of the old one and want to just copy
that data in, follow these steps:
- You can also make changes using
from the command-line or the Github Desktop editor.
The main data powering the site. Columns for additional years can be added as long as the 'Indicators' are still named the same things. Rows with additional countries can be added as well. All of the values should be numeric (for instance, "<0.1" or " 367,011.00 " will cause a display error).
This file stores which countries have links to additional information. The first
column should match the country's iso3
found in the mi-data.csv
file. The
second column should contain the full link to the page where additional
information can be found.
This file stores all the landscape study links. Match the existing format for all columns.
This file provides descriptions for the eight main microinsurance indicators. Any text in the column, "description", will be shown on the info tooltips on the site.