setup - michjansen/SAM4S_MontyHall_Game GitHub Wiki

In order to use this project, you will need to get the SAM4S Xplained Pro Board and install Atmel Studio 6.2.

Update Atmel Studio

  1. Open Atmel Studio, a dialog will be displayed indicating that new updates are available. Click the "Update" button. This will open the extension manager. (The first time Atmel Studio runs, there may also be a dialog for the Windows firewall, please allow Atmel Studio access to the network.)
  2. From the extension manager, click the "Updates (2)" under "Available Downloads" on the left side of the screen.
  3. Click the title "Atmel Software Framework" and then click "Download".
  4. You will need to login to your myAtmel account. The download will then start using your default web browser. Save the executables.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for "Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain".
  6. Close Atmel Studio. Run both of the executables that were downloaded in step 19 following the instructions on the dialog boxes.

Install updated USB driver

  1. Open Atmel Studio, from the menu system, click "Tools->Extension Manager..."
  2. Search for USB using the "Search Available Downloads" box on the right side of the screen.
  3. Click "AtmelUSBInstaller" and then click "Download".
  4. Login using your myAtmel account; this will use your default web browser to download the USB drivers.
  5. Run the downloaded file, agree to the license terms, and clicking "Install".
  6. Click Yes to the User Account Control and "Install" in the Windows Security dialog, there may be more than one of Windows security dialog boxes, then close the USB installer.
  7. Now Atmel Studio will be installed and ready for your first project.

Running Atmel Studio

  1. Right click on the "Atmel Studio 6.2" icon and click "Run as adminstrator". (I found this to be necessary to overcome some issues creating registry entries when trying to make a new project using a non-default path.)
  2. From the Atmel Studio menu system click File->Open->Project/Solution...
  3. The OLED and IO1 extension boards need to be plugged into the board
  4. Connect the SAM4S board to your PC using the USB DEBUG port
  5. Click the start debugging icon and the project will automatically build, flash, and start running on the board.