setup - michjansen/SAM4S_MontyHall_Game GitHub Wiki
In order to use this project, you will need to get the SAM4S Xplained Pro Board and install Atmel Studio 6.2.
Update Atmel Studio
- Open Atmel Studio, a dialog will be displayed indicating that new updates are available. Click the "Update" button. This will open the extension manager. (The first time Atmel Studio runs, there may also be a dialog for the Windows firewall, please allow Atmel Studio access to the network.)
- From the extension manager, click the "Updates (2)" under "Available Downloads" on the left side of the screen.
- Click the title "Atmel Software Framework" and then click "Download".
- You will need to login to your myAtmel account. The download will then start using your default web browser. Save the executables.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 for "Atmel ARM GNU Toolchain".
- Close Atmel Studio. Run both of the executables that were downloaded in step 19 following the instructions on the dialog boxes.
Install updated USB driver
- Open Atmel Studio, from the menu system, click "Tools->Extension Manager..."
- Search for USB using the "Search Available Downloads" box on the right side of the screen.
- Click "AtmelUSBInstaller" and then click "Download".
- Login using your myAtmel account; this will use your default web browser to download the USB drivers.
- Run the downloaded file, agree to the license terms, and clicking "Install".
- Click Yes to the User Account Control and "Install" in the Windows Security dialog, there may be more than one of Windows security dialog boxes, then close the USB installer.
- Now Atmel Studio will be installed and ready for your first project.
Running Atmel Studio
- Right click on the "Atmel Studio 6.2" icon and click "Run as adminstrator". (I found this to be necessary to overcome some issues creating registry entries when trying to make a new project using a non-default path.)
- From the Atmel Studio menu system click File->Open->Project/Solution...
- The OLED and IO1 extension boards need to be plugged into the board
- Connect the SAM4S board to your PC using the USB DEBUG port
- Click the start debugging icon and the project will automatically build, flash, and start running on the board.