A 4 hydroxytamoxifen (4 OHT) Preparation & Injection - michelletytong/TRGProtocols GitHub Wiki
Materials & Supplies
100% Ethanol
Cremophor (Sigma C5135-1KG)
4-hydroxytamoxifen (Sigma H7904-5MG)
Sterile vials (1.8mL) or 2.0 mL cyrotubes
1.0 mL Eppendorf
Aluminum foil
Pipette tips with filtered tips
Needles and syringe (for mouse I.P. injections)
Hot plate
Drug mixing/stock (Any time open 4-OHT be under the fume hood)
Mix up fresh 10% bleach solution in a spray bottle (will be effective for 24 hours) or use bleach wipes
Gather supplies/materials and label vials
Use a pre-ordered vial of 50 mg of 4-OHT (Sigma H-____). (4-OHT powder is stored in the fridge (desiccated, protected from light, 2-8C).)
Pipette 2500 ul of 100% EtOH directly into drug vial.
Vortex briefly, and incubate in heated incubator (60°C for ~15 min) with occasional vortexing. Cap the vial
- Resulting solution: 50 mg/2500 µl EtOH = 0.02 mg/µl = 20 mg/ml
- 20 mg/ml is the ‘official’ maximum solubility of 4OHT in ethanol (Sigma spec sheet).
- Once the 4-OHT is in solution, add 2500 ul of Cremophor; mix well.
- Resulting solution: 10 mg/ml in EtOH/Cremophor; total volume 5 ml.
- Check that this ‘fits’ in Sigma vial; may need to move to other vial. If so, use a vial with volume measurements so can top off the EtOH if it evaporated.
- If there is evaporation, can top off to final volume (presumably it’s the EtOH that evaporated, but can top off with cremophor to make mice less drunk – test this).
- Aliquot and freeze at -20°C.
- Check volume before aliquotting; if evaporation occurred, top off to 5 ml total volume with EtOH to ensure correct concentration. Vortex before aliquotting.
- 500 ul aliquots are a good choice: 5 ml --> ten 500 ul aliquots (each 10 mg/ml).
- (Put into 1.5 to 2 ml cryotubes so that 1:1 dilution with PBS, making 1.0 ml, still has plenty of room to vortex).
Injection (to get 50 mg/kg body weight of 4OHT)
- Thaw aliquots of drug at 4°C for several hours or overnight.
- Weigh animals to determine appropriate volume of drug to inject.
- Thaw drug/EtOH/cremophor aliquot at 4°C for several hours or overnight
- Dilute 1:1 with PBS; vortex. (so, 5 mg/ml final drug concentration, now in EtOH/cremophor/PBS emulsion.)
- (50 mg / 1000 g) x ( mouse weight in g ) x (1 ml/5 mg concentration) = ____ ml to inject
- 20 g mouse --> 0.2 ml (for example)
- Load appropriate volumes of drug into syringes and keep at 37°C. Protect from light with foil.
Injection notes:
Line tabletop with surgery surface liners prior to injection.
(Mice generally will be being conditioned/exposed/etc. immediately before injection, depending on the experimental protocol in use).
Inject animals I.P.
- Note: all experimental animals should be acclimated to scruffing handling techniques weeks prior to the start of the experiment to minimize stress during injection.
- Return mice to their home cages after injection (since a new cage is novelty which is an activator) and to the mouse room. For Summer 2019, immediately after injection and return, expose mice to scented teaballs for 1 hour.
(5. Keep animals in their home cage for 5 hours (the time period of 4OHT activity). Make sure the animals have sufficient water. Use red lighting or turn off the lights during the wait period. Place a sign on the door if necessary to prevent accidental light exposures.)
Cleanup and notifications:
- Clean tabletops and other surfaces with fresh 10% bleach solution, followed by water (i.e. stainless steel table tops).
- Place all chemotherapy (tamoxifen-related) waste in yellow waste bags, the used syringes should go in the yellow sharps container.
- Make sure mice have abundant food in their cage lids since the cage will not be opened for 1 week.
- Label chemotherapy signs; notify animal care or other experimenters that no cage change required; hazard; special care for 1 week. Depends on the protocol for that institution.
- Place tamoxifen signs on cages in the animal housing room and on experimental room door.