Week 31. April 8.12 2019 - michelle-qin/Portfolio GitHub Wiki

I was only at the DPEA on Wednesday (4/10) so that is why this portfolio entry is shorter than the others.

The hardware for the Ball Switch has been completed. I'm currently looking through the Carousel of Physics code to see if I can modify or use parts of it for the Ball Switch. I'm honing in on the code for the Ball Pump and MechHWConsole03 in particular, because they seem to share a number of similarities with the Ball Switch. For example, Console 03 utilizes a ball director that directs the ball in 3 different directions (the Ball Switch does something similar except it only includes 2 different directions). We're hoping that this code can be modified for the Ball Switch.

I've started a file of code to program the Ball Switch. Currently using pseudocode as I learn the specific language from the FlexyStepper library to program the stepper motor