Week 25. Feb 19.22 2019 - michelle-qin/Portfolio GitHub Wiki
Links for programming stepper + DC motor: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-stepper-dc-motor-featherwing/using-stepper-motors
Below are photos of my workspace. images/pic1.jpg This is a photo of one of the interactive components that I am programming for the ball wall images/pic2.jpg This is a photo of the featherwing board images/pic3.jpg This is another interactive component to be installed on the ball wall
Over the week, I've been trying to get the interactive component shown in the third photo to work. Something interesting that I noticed was that the stepper motor inside the component would turn smoothly when the power outlet was removed from the board, and the movement would be more choppy when the power outlet was inserted. This didn't seem intuitive to me, so I was going to look into it but this morning the board stopped working. Next week, I will have to investigate into this problem or revert to the circuit python board.
Another project rose up today--a little fix needed to be made on the snake pendulum. What was happening was the button for the pendulums would turn green before the pendulums returned to their original position. This could be potentially misleading for kids/users who may interpret that green light as an "OK" to move the pendulum again, when in fact, we need to move the pendulum to its original position before anything can be done again. To fix this, I added a delay after the pendulum returned to its position. Some issues were encountered through this project (i.e. the pendulum wouldn't react the second time around when I first added the delay) so after trouble-shooting and rearranging the order of the code (and thus, the order that the code was read) the issue was fixed. Updated code pushed onto Github.