NodeMCU with prototyping board device - michalmonday/RFID-cloner GitHub Wiki
List of contents
Parts used
-NodeMCU (version with CP2102) (e.g. ebay link)
-RC522 RFID reader module (e.g. ebay link)
-SSD1306 OLED 1.3" display (i2C - 4 pin version) (e.g. ebay link)
I recommend using SH1106 display instead. It's bigger and code was changed to import SH1106 instead of SSD1306 (see the top of the GUI.h and GUI.cpp files where the display is imported/defined if you'd like to actually use SSD1306) (you'll just have to uncomment/change one line that is already there, I'm sure you'll see it).
-MIFARE 1K RFID card with changeable UID - 13.56Mhz (e.g. ebay link)
-some RFID card to copy (only 13.56Mhz cards can be read/written by this particular card reader module)
-7 buttons (e.g. ebay link)
-resistors (10k, 4.7k, 2.2k, 2x1k, 680, 470, 220) (e.g. ebay link)
-prototyping board (e.g. ebay link)
-cables (e.g. ebay link)
-switch (e.g. ebay link)
-soldering equipment (soldering iron, tin, holder)
-hot glue (or tape)
-3.7V li-po battery with charger (ebay link) (or just 3 AAA batteries)
-2 pin dupont connector (for easier battery replacement/removal). I used these
See Asian ebay/aliexpress listings for cheaper alternatives.
Required libraries
-ESP8266 OLED SSD1306
NodeMCU settings
NodeMCU | RFID-RC522 |
D3 | RST |
D5 | SPI SCK |
D8 | SPI SS |
3.3V | 3.3V |
NodeMCU | SSD1306 128x64 OLED display |
D1 | SDA |
D2 | SCL |
3.3V | VCC |
I didn't do it but in general it is good idea (e.g. for reliability) to connect SDA and SCL pins through 10K resistors to 3.3V.
NodeMCU | Parts | Battery |
Vin | Dupont 2-pin connector + Switch | V+ |
GND | Dupont 2-pin connector | V- |
Hand-drawn diagram: Link
Fritzing diagram:
The order of resistors between buttons matters. The order of 3V3 (red wire) between buttons does not matter, as long as each button (and 10K resistor) is connected to 3V3 it will be good.
Additional information
Always make sure to switch off the battery before connecting device through USB to PC.
There is no step-by-step tutorial yet, you could contact me on discord (michalmonday#3687) if you'd like to build it but aren't sure about something.
Most recent pictures
Previous pictures (using 3xAAA batteries)
(It didn't have 10k resistor yet, in case if someone used these images for wiring reference.)