Roadmap & Contributions - michal-repo/three-mesh-ui GitHub Wiki

If you wish to take part in the development, reading this will help :

three-mesh-ui is open for contributions and collaborations, and happy to welcome you in.

To better understand the inner working of this library, you can read this article about three-mesh-ui organisation in Plain English. It will save you some time running across the library files looking for clues.

A few words about the library purpose : it is designed to be easy to add in existing three.js projects, and must provide only and strictly user interfaces. Three-mesh-ui makes no assumptions as to how the THREE.Object3Ds it creates will be interacted with. All the code used for interacting with user interfaces in the live demos is situated in the examples directory of this app, just to provide examples of interactions. All future ways of interacting with UI in examples should be placed in this directory as well. If you wish to extend three-mesh-ui in a way that goes past its boundaries, it may be good to consider creating a fork instead.

A few rules for contributing :

  • Create or post in an issue about your modification project before to work on it, in order to know if this work is already being addressed by another contributor.
  • Use npm run lint to lint your code according to the style rules of the project.

Roadmap / Wishlist :

Ordered by expected difficulty.
Click to access the related Github issue.


