API: Variables - michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio GitHub Wiki

List of variables and their descriptions

Variable Locality Defaults to
  • Disables automatic distribution of backpack radios to group leaders. May be overwritten at server-level through userconfig.
CBA false
  • Enables distribution of commander radios to squadmates.
CBA false
  • Determines whether or not MicroDAGR is issued.
CBA true
  • Generates identical short range radio settings for the entire faction.
CBA false
  • Generates identical long range radio settings for the entire faction.
CBA true
  • Sets the default frequencies for BLUFOR Short-Range Radios. Also sets tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = true;.
CBA Random value.
  • Sets the default frequencies for OPFOR Short-Range Radios. Also sets tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = true;.
CBA Random value.
  • Encryption code for BLUFOR side.
Client _bluefor
  • Encryption code for OPFOR side.
Client _opfor
  • Encryption code for Independent side.
Client _independent
If allied to one of the sides, that side's value is used instead.
  • The name of TS channel in "serious" mode.
Client TaskForceRadio
  • The password of TS channel in "serious" mode.
Client 123
  • Long range radio class for BLUFOR side — may be overwritten for a specific faction.
Client tf_rt1523g
  • Long range radio class for OPFOR side — may be overwritten for a specific faction.
Client tf_mr3000
  • Long range radio class for Independent side — may be overwritten for a specific faction.
Client tf_anprc155
  • Commander radio class for BLUFOR side — may be overwritten for a specific faction.
Client tf_anprc152
  • Commander radio class for OPFOR side — may be overwritten for a specific faction.
Client tf_fadak
  • Commander radio class for Independent side — may be overwritten for a specific faction.
Client tf_anprc148jem
  • Squadmate radio class for BLUFOR side — may be overwritten for a specific faction.
Client tf_rf7800str
  • Squadmate radio class for OPFOR side — may be overwritten for a specific faction.
Client tf_pnr1000a
  • Squadmate radio class for Independent side — may be overwritten for a specific faction.
Client tf_anprc154
  • Airborne radio class for BLUFOR side — may be overwritten for a vehicle.
Client tf_anarc210
  • Airborne radio class for OPFOR side — may be overwritten for a vehicle.
Client tf_mr6000l
  • Airborne radio class for Independent side — may be overwritten for a vehicle.
Client tf_anarc164
  • A coefficient defining the level of radio signal interruption caused by terrain.
Client 7.0
  • The maximum distance that direct speech travels. When using values over 60 — this should be used together with TFAR_fnc_setVoiceVolume function. Values under 60 — limit the propagation distance of player's speech to a specified radius.
Client 60
player setVariable ["tf_voiceVolume", 0.6, true]
  • The volume (gain level) of direct speech — does not affect the propagation distance. Works similar to <a href="//community.bistudio.com/wiki/fadeSound">fadeSound</a>.
Client 1.0
player setVariable ["tf_unable_to_use_radio", true]
  • If true — player is unable to use radio.
Client false
player setVariable ["tf_globalVolume", 0.4]
  • Global volume for radio and speech. Works similar to fadeSound.
Client 1.0
player setVariable ["tf_receivingDistanceMultiplicator", 2]
  • A multiplier for increasing, or lowering the distance from transmitter to receiver (player).
Client 1.0
player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 0.5]
  • A multiplier for increasing or lowering the range of transmission.
Client 1.0
faction class_backpack_tf_faction_radio
  • Overwrites the long range radio class for a faction. To get "faction class" — use the faction command.
faction class_personal_tf_faction_radio
  • Overwrites the commander radio class for a faction. To get "faction class" — use the faction command.
faction class_rifleman_tf_faction_radio
  • Overwrites the squadmate radio class for a faction. To get "faction class" — use the faction command.
faction class_airborne_tf_faction_radio
  • Overwrites the airborne radio class for a faction. To get "faction class" — use the faction command.
  • Sets the default frequencies for Independent Short-Range Radios. Also sets tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = true;.
Server Random value.
  • Sets the default frequencies for BLUFOR Long-Range Radios. Also sets tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = true;.
Server Random value.
  • Sets the default frequencies for OPFOR Long-Range Radios. Also sets tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = true;.
Server Random value.
  • Sets the default frequencies for Independent Long-Range Radios. Also sets tf_same_lr_frequencies_for_side = true;.
Server Random value.
(group player) getVariable ["tf_sw_frequency"]
  • Stores the settings of short range radios for a group. Read this value only after a call (once) to TFAR_fnc_processGroupFrequencySettings.
Client Random value.
(group player) getVariable ["tf_lr_frequency"]
  • Stores the settings of long range radios for a group. Read this value only after a call (once) to TFAR_fnc_processGroupFrequencySettings.
Client Random value.
_vehicle setVariable ["tf_side", _value, true]
  • Forces side designation of a vehicle, and as a consequence, also the type of radios used.
Client "west"/"east"/"guer"
_vehicle setVariable ["tf_hasRadio", true, true]
  • Forces the presence of a vehicle-mounted radio.
_vehicle setVariable ["tf_isolatedAmount", 0.5, true]
  • Sets the level of isolation for a vehicle. With values over 0.5 — it will be impossible to hear any outside speech from inside the vehicle (and vice versa).
Global 0.0
_vehicle setVariable ["tf_range", 50000, true]
  • Sets the maximum range of transmission for a vehicle-mounted radio.
Global 30000
_vehicle setVariable ["TF_RadioType", "tf_mr6000l", true]
  • Sets the type of a vehicle-mounted radio. Must be a radio from long range class.
Global Long range radio of a faction.
  • The propagation distance of sound from radio speakers.
Client 20
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