Side Effects - michaelrees/Trigeminal_Stimulation GitHub Wiki

Possible Side Effect 1

Stimulation of the Opthalamic branch of the Trigeminal Nerve may cause annoying activation of the corneal reflex (involuntary blinking of the eye).

Possible Side Effect 2

some parasympathetic pathways project in V1 and V2 branches the same nerve bundles as some of the trigeminal nerve pathways, In particular, there exists parasympathetic innervation to to the lacrimal gland, the gland on the medial segment of the eye, that secretes tear film. parasympathetic fibers exist within the zygomatic branch of V2, and lacrimal branch of V1

inadvertent activation of the parasympathetic fibers near the trigeminal tracts may cause eye irritation due to unintentional lacrimal gland stimulation.

This side effect can be easily treated.

Possible Side Effect 3

the nasopalatine and greater palatine branches within the V2 branch contains parasympathetic fibers that innervate nasal glands, which secrete mucous. Inadvertent activation my cause excessive "runny nose"