Logging basics - michaelrandrup/TinyLog GitHub Wiki

The main Log object

The Log class is the foundation for all logging with TinyLog. This is where you write and read log entries. In most cases having just one log per application will be sufficient, but you can have as many logs as you like.

The default log

The static method TinyLog.Log.Default will return an empty default log object to use.

Multiple logs

To create log objects, you use the static TinyLog.Log.Create() method. As a minimum, you need to specify one LogWriter when using the Create() method.

The anatomy of the Log object

The log encapsulates the following support objects:

  • One or more LogWriter objects -- The log writers are responsible for writing your log entries to a backend storage of some kind
  • Zero or more LogFormatter objects -- The log formatters are responsible for parsing and formatting any custom data, that you would like to store with your log entries
  • Zero or more LogSubscriber objects -- The log subscriber receives events about incoming log entries. You can configure log subscribers with a filter, so they only recieve certain types of log entries. The log subscriber can then do further processing, such as emailing the log entries to a group of people, etc.
  • Zero or more LogReaderobjects -- The log readers are responsible for reading log entries from the backend storages. You can use log readers to administer and view your logs

Registering Writers, Formatters, Subscribers and Readers

When you create a new log or use the default log, you need to register the above objects to get your log operational. To do this, you use the various Register methods on the Log object. For example, if you want to use an SQL Server as the backend storage, and you want to serialize your custom log entry data using json, you can create a log as follows:

            // Configure the default log for SQL Server storage and json formatting
            TinyLog.Log.Default.RegisterLogWriter(new SqlLogWriter("MyConnectionString", "MyLogTable"));
            TinyLog.Log.Default.RegisterLogFormatter(new JsonSerializationFormatter());

            // Create a new log with SQL Server storage and Xml formatting
            TinyLog.Log MyLog = TinyLog.Log.Create(
                logWriters: new LogWriter[] { new SqlLogWriter("MyConnectionString", "MyLogTable") },
                logFormatters: new LogFormatter[] {new XmlSerializationFormatter()});

MyConnectionString is a SQL Server Connection string, and MyLogTable is the name of the table that stores the log entries.

Filtering log entries when using multiple log writers

You can add multiple log writers to your logs. By default, when you write a log entry, all LogWriter objects will write that entry to the backend storage. All LogWriters supports filtering, so only certain events are sent to the particular writer.

Example: If you have two tables in your SQL Database that serves as log tables, you could write all Critical entries to one table and all other severities to another. To achieve this, setup your log as below:

            // Configure two LogWriters. One for critical and error events and one for all other events
            TinyLog.Log.Default.RegisterLogWriter(new SqlLogWriter("MyConnectionString", "MyCriticalLogTable")
                 Filter = LogEntryFilter.Create(severities: new LogEntrySeverity[] {  LogEntrySeverity.Critical, LogEntrySeverity.Error})

            TinyLog.Log.Default.RegisterLogWriter(new SqlLogWriter("MyConnectionString", "MyDefaultLogTable")
                Filter = LogEntryFilter.Create(severities: new LogEntrySeverity[] { LogEntrySeverity.Information, LogEntrySeverity.Warning, LogEntrySeverity.Verbose })

In the example above the first log writer will only be used for Error and Critical log entries. The other LogWriter will be used for all other severities.

Creating log entries

This is very simple, to create a log entry, simply create an instance of the LogEntry object and call one of the WriteLogEntry() methods on the Log. The LogEntry object contains multiple static shorthand methods, to help you create instances.

Basic log entry example

In this example, we use the Create() method on the LogEntry:

            // Create a simple entry with the 'Information' severity
            TinyLog.Log.Default.WriteLogEntry(LogEntry.Create("My Title", "My Message"));

            // Create a more detailed log entry
            TinyLog.Log.Default.WriteLogEntry(LogEntry.Create("My Title", "My message", "A source", "An area", LogEntrySeverity.Warning));

Log entry example with custom data

In this example, we register some custom data with a warning log entry:

            // Create a warning log entry for a failed login with custom data
            var UserFailedLogin = new
                UserName = "[email protected]",
                LoginTime = DateTime.Now
            TinyLog.Log.Default.WriteLogEntry<object>(LogEntry.Warning("Login failed", "The password was expired", "Login", "/Home/Login"), UserFailedLogin);

Notice: In order to use the example above, you need to register a LogFormatter capable of serialized an anonymous object. For example the JsonLogFormatter

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