Introduction - michaelrandrup/TinyLog GitHub Wiki
TinyLog is a light-weight, simple and yet very comprehensive and powerful Logging Provider for .NET Applications.
You can view a live logging demo at This demo is based on the MVC Website from the source code.
##Included backend storage (Log Writers) Although you can write your own Log Writers with less than 50 lines of code, TinyLog includes Log Writers for the following backend storages:
- File based logs (one file or day-by-day rollover)
- Message Queue logs (logs stored in Microsoft MSMQ)
- Console based and Debugger based logs (These are meant for development environments, where you want live access to everything that is being logged)
- EventLog logs (logs written to the Windows event log)
- SQL Server Logs (logs written to a table in an SQL database)
Your log setup can contain one or all of the above log writers. You can also filter what kind of logs each log writer will write to the backend storage. Example: You could log everything to a file log and only logs with a severity level of Error or Critical to the SQL Server
##Basic setup The code below shows the very basic functionality of TintLog. It shows how quick you can setup log formatters and writers and start logging your applications.
// First we setup a Log writer, that will store the log entries we submit
TinyLog.Log.Default.RegisterLogWriter(new FileLogWriter(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()));
// You are now ready to submit logs, that will be stored in a file in the temp folder
LogEntry entry = LogEntry.Create("Hello world", "My First entry ever");
// You probably want to include all kinds of custom information to your logs, that will store
// relevant context sensitive information. All the custom data you include, can be formatted
// by special log formatters, that will re-format or serialize the information into a human
// readable form. To do this, you can add one or more Log Formatters, that will be responsible
// for formatting specific types of custom data:
TinyLog.Log.Default.RegisterLogFormatter(new ExceptionFormatter());
InvalidOperationException exception = new InvalidOperationException("This is an example of thrown exception in your app");
entry = LogEntry.Error("This is an error", "See the custom data for more information",source: "My app", area: "Getting Started");
TinyLog.Log.Default.WriteLogEntry<Exception>(entry, exception);
// You can add multiple log formatters, log writers and log subscribers
// Let's add a Message Queue log writer also:
TinyLog.Log.Default.RegisterLogWriter(new MessageQueueLogWriter(".\\Private$\\MyTinyLogQueue"));
// We also add a json log formatter, that will serialize all types of custom objects
TinyLog.Log.Default.RegisterLogFormatter(new JsonSerializationFormatter());
// now lets create an object and log it
var myObj = new
Name = "Michael Randrup",
Email = "[email protected]"
entry = LogEntry.Verbose(source: "My App", area: "Getting Started", title: "Owner registration", message: "This is the log owner");
// The custom data log will be json serialized and logged both in the Mesage Queue and in the log file in the temp folder
TinyLog.Log.Default.WriteLogEntry<object>(entry, myObj);
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