Step 0: Prerequisites - michaelkirsche/6lowpan4omnet-diy GitHub Wiki
You may need to download and install the following components and packages, depending on your specific environment.
- Contiki (tested with v2.6)
- OMNeT++ (tested with v4.2.2 and v4.3)
- INET (tested with v2.0, v2.1 and v2.2)
- INETMANET (tested with v2.0)
Remember that INETMANET is just a branch of INET with additional models and protocols for wireless communication. If you want to use 6LoWPAN with IEEE 802.15.4 support, you have to include the 6LoWPAN module in INETMANET or use our own IEEE 802.15.4 simulation model for INET for example!
You also need to get the code from the Github repository of the 6LoWPAN model (check the Github page for other clone URLs). You can acquire it in two ways:
git clone
download a release from the Github repository website and unpack it