FAQ - michaelkirsche/6lowpan4omnet-diy GitHub Wiki
If you have any unanswered questions regarding the installation and use of the model or if you find errors or something missing in the description, feel free to raise an issue or contact me.
Q: Which extension frameworks are supported / can be used with this 6LoWPAN model?
A: The model can be integrated and used with INET (v2.0 or newer), INETMANET-2 (v2.0), and MiXiM (v2.2) with Mixnet (to provide IPv6 in MiXiM).
Q: When I run INET/INETMANET, I get an error "Cannot check library ... /src/libinet.so: undefined symbol: pcap-stats"!
A: You probably configured INET/INETMANET to be compiled with PCAP support, yet you did not install libpcap-dev or did not specify the right paths. Simply change the following line in your INET/INETMANET src folder's makefrag file: HAVE_PCAP=no. Then clean your installation ("make cleanall"), re-create the makefiles with IEEE 802.15.4 support ("make makeall") and build INET/INETMANET ("make all") without PCAP support.
Q: After I build INETMANET, I get an error at startup "... during network initialization: (cCompoundModule)NetIPv6over802154.hybridRouter: Invalid gate Id -1"!
A: This is a known error (see OMNeT bug list). You (most likely) configured INETMANET to be compiled with the xMIPv6 feature enabled. __xMIPv6 has problems with hosts that combine wireless and wired interfaces, like the hybridRouter in the example simulation scripts. I recommend you to disable either xMIPv6 or use examples without the hybridRouter.
Q: Sometimes the simulation breaks with an error "No output gate defined in protocolMapping for protocol number 58"!
A: This problem is connected to the way INET and thus INETMANT handle incoming ICMPv6 error messages. It is not a problem of the 6LoWPAN simulation model, it simply occurs because the examples use ICMPv6 pings as example traffic. To fix the error you have to change the handling of ICMPv6 error messages in the function
void IPv6::handleReceivedICMP(ICMPv6Message *msg)
. Refer to the following commit in my INETMANET Github fork to see how I tried to fix this until INET/INETMANET offers a permanent fix.