Ethereum and Blockchain. - michaelchen0426/knowledge-sharing GitHub Wiki
Getting Started
How to run the Ethereum scripts
The smart contract is written by Solidity and we used Ethereum for our blockchain development. Key components are:
- Geth as our ethereum client node. Details are here
- solc-js as our Solidity complier. Details are here
- Ropsten as our testnet of Blockchain.
- Remix is a good online Ethereum IDE. We can try our script and connect to test account.
Firstly, we need to install all above components:
Install Solidity Compiler in macOs:
Details are Use brew to install,
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install solidity
Compile Smart Contract
Use solc-js to compile Solidity code. It will generate json file which contains ABI, Bin and MetaData.
cd ./Ethereum
solc --combined-json=abi,bin,metadata --output-dir . player.sol
Install Geth
Full details are here
Clone the repository to a directory of your choosing:
git clone
Building geth requires the Go compiler:
brew install go
Finally, build the geth program using the following command.
cd go-ethereum
make geth
If you see some errors related to header files of Mac OS system library, install XCode Command Line Tools, and try again.
xcode-select --install
Connect Geth to Ropsten testnet.
Geth --testnet --rpc -rpcapi=”eth,net,web3,personal,txpool” --syncmode=light
Attach Geth client to localhost
geth attach
After we run above command, we are able to connect to Geth client via JS code by using the url in our script.
Create and Deploy Smart Contract
cd ./Ethereum
npm install
node deploy.js
Sample Smart Contract Link: