Misc. - michael-D-S/SYS-255 GitHub Wiki
Securing SSH
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Look for the line that says:
PermitRootLogin yes
Change it to:
PermitRootLogin no
Restart SSH Services
Check the status of SSH
Setting a static IP address on CentOS
login to the root account
use the command
press enter to edit connections
press enter a second time on the device name to edit the connections
rename the device as you see fit
using the arrow keys navigate to the IPv4 config section and press enter
move down to the manual option and press enter
move to the right and press enter when the Show is highlighted
add in your appropriate address with the netmask at the end
add in the other relevant information
10.5 ensure that the automatically connect field is checked
navigate down to the OK option at the bottom right corner and press enter
navigate down to the back option and press enter
navigate to the quit option and press enter, this will bring you back to the command terminal.
Linux permissions
Must be root or equivalent permission.
Create Users:
useradd (User name)
Create Groups:
groupadd (name of group)
Add Group members:
usermod -aG (group) (user to be added)
Adjust rwx directory permission:
chmod u-rwx (director name)
- -r =read
- -w =write
- -x =execute
- g- for groups
- u- for users
- o- for others
Adjust rwx file permission:
chmod ugo-rwx (file path)
DHCP Notes
DHCPDiscover - Looks for a DHCP server
DHCPOffer - The DHCP server offers an address
DHCPRequest - The host requests to lease that address
DHCPACK - DHCP server sends the IP addresses to the host
UDP Ports:
Client: 68
Broadcast: Everyone
Unicast: One to one