AKAI MPK mini - micaharvey/micahSynth GitHub Wiki


The AKAI MPK mini was used in development of micahSynth 1.0 and should be used with micahSynth for best current results. The knob section controls synth parameters while the keys trigger the notes.

  • Up / Down on Joystick: Filter cutoff frequency
  • Knob 1: Filter cutoff frequency
  • Knob 2: Oscillator 1 wave shape from sine to saw to square to silent
  • Knob 3: Oscillator 2 wave shape from sine to saw to square to silent
  • Knob 4: Oscillator 3 wave shape from sine to saw to square to silent
  • Knob 5: Attack time from 0.01s to 1s
  • Knob 6: Decay time from 0.01s to 1s
  • Knob 7: Sustain level from negative infinity to unity gain
  • Knob 8: Release time from 0.01s to 1s

Note that up/down on the knob do the same thing as turning Knob 1 because they both operate on MIDI CC 1 thus sending the same signals