Theme Structure - miayotlan/iostheming GitHub Wiki
Things to keep i mind when you’re creating a theme is the structure the folders and images sizes you need and where are they supposed to go to begin creating a theme well you obviously need an image editor of your choice some creativity and be original. Your theme structure goes like this Example (ThemeName_goes_here).theme Example myicons.Theme Inside this folder you’ll need a folder name 👉 IconBundles Inside this folder is where your awesome icons go and they must be 400px by 400px to be compatible with most AE’s (AnemoneEfects) more on this in a different section. Ok so we have our awesome theme with our icons inside our folder IconBundles So far so good we should have this: myicons.Theme/IconBundles/ and our 400px by 400px images here they must have a bundle Id in order for the theme engine of your choice to be able to theme your apps icons if you’re not sure what the bundle id is there’s a few ways to find out you can refer to this website for quick reference Type and search your app you want to theme and copy the bundle id and add -large at the end of it, example the music app which bundle is is so you add -large to the end of it to end up with this And so on. Ok so we now have our images and our IconBundles ok we need an Info.plist inside our theme as well so we create a text file and save it with at least one entry with your package name. more on this in a different section. So we now have myicons.Theme/ inside here we have our IconBundles folder and our Info.plist now we need to add another folder inside myicons.Theme name Bundles so we’ll have 2 folders and our Info.plist file. Ok inside our Bundles we need a folder named and inside this we will add a few images as well in order to theme our clock and the go as follow ClockIconBackgroundSquare.png [email protected] [email protected] This is because different devices use the @2x or @3x to theme depending on wether they’re retina or not they must be 400px by 400px as well. If you want to theme the hour,minutes, second hand and dot you’ll also need this images with their respective size dimensions [email protected] WxH=2.0x56.0 [email protected] WxH=4.0x50.0 [email protected] WxH=4.0x32.0 [email protected] WxH=8.0x8.0 [email protected] WxH=4.0x4.0
If you want to theme your folders you’ll also need to include the following images with their respective sizes as it follows
For the Folder Icon:
[email protected] WxH=400.0x400.0 [email protected] WxH=400.0x400.0 [email protected] WxH=400.0x400.0 [email protected] WxH=400.0x400.0
For the folder background:
ANEMFolderBackground.png WxH=180.0x180.0 [email protected] WxH=120.0x120.0 [email protected] WxH=180.0x180.0
They can also be WxH=400.0x400.0 depending on the theming engine they usually resize to fit.
If you want to theme each folder by name you can do as follow example
ANEMFolderIconBG-Media.png [email protected] [email protected]