Set Model IDs - mhvuze/MonsterHunterRiseModding GitHub Wiki

Contributed by Yian Konchu#3380 (MrNiggles).


ID Set Model Description
sm811 foliage
sm812 rocks, boulders


ID Set Model Description
sm813_000 item box
sm813_001 buddy totem
sm813_002 Hinoa's bench
sm813_003 paper lanterns
sm813_004 wooden lantern posts (the ones with horns at the top)
sm813_005 bales of coal? Rocks? You see these near the bridge with the umbrella lady
sm813_006 bales of rice
sm813_020 ore trinket
sm813_021 bombadgy pot trinket
sm813_022 kamura twins trinket
sm813_023 machalite ore trinket
sm813_024 palamute trinket
sm813_025 lucky felyne trinket
sm813_026 felyne daruma trinket
sm813_027 moofa trinket
sm813_028 golden hojo trinket
sm813_031 melding pot
sm813_032 four hanging paper lanterns on a bamboo post, no idea where this is used
sm813_033 album frame in your room
sm813_034 album frame in your room
sm813_035 album frame in your room
sm813_038 curtains + wall scrolls in the gathering hub
sm813_040 lantern (hangs from the top), no idea where this is used
sm813_041 felyne stool (the one in buddy plaza by Iori)
sm813_042 dango cooking props
sm813_043 dango oven
sm813_044 cooked dango (flat, flat: electric boogaloo 2, bunny), sits on top of 043
sm813_045 dango cooking prop lid with leaves, sits on top of 042
sm813_048 dango shop front (the quest board looking thing behind Kinako and Shiratama)
sm813_049 dango shop sign (the one hanging on the tree branch)
sm813_052 your bed (laid out), probably the one used in the first cutscene
sm813_053 your bed (folded)
sm813_054 wall scroll (the one in buddy plaza by Iori)
sm813_055 huge pile of leaves, no idea where this is used
sm813_056 rathian wall scroll
sm813_057 sealed shrine (buddy plaza)
sm813_058 gathering hub book (Maido's)
sm813_059 gathering hub dango shop's cooking lid
sm813_060 bowl of soup, empty bowls, stacked empty bowls
sm813_061 quest board
sm813_062 sonic
sm813_063 tails
sm813_064 knuckles
sm813_900 wooden stairs, no idea where this is used
sm813_901 wooden crate full of spices? Gunpowder? No idea where this is used
sm813_902 wooden box with hay wrapping, the ones by the docks in the village (not buddy plaza)


ID Set Model Description
sm814_001 raft
sm814_005 pointy wooden fence (the ones you see around the village)