Quest IDs - mhvuze/MonsterHunterRiseModding GitHub Wiki
Quest IDs
Contributed by Fexty#4696
ID | Name |
101 | A Tour of the Ruins |
102 | Roly-poly Lanterns |
103 | Fungal Frustrations |
104 | Impious Peons |
105 | Help With Maintenance |
201 | A Tour of the Islands |
202 | Great Izuchi, Great Pain |
203 | Grizzly Glutton |
204 | Plump and Juicy |
205 | A Frosty Paradise |
206 | Out Cold |
207 | Rabid Rabbit |
208 | Case of the Creepy Crawlies |
209 | Hmm, Not So Tasty... |
301 | A Tour of the Plains |
302 | A Tour of the Forest |
303 | Feathered Frenzy |
304 | The Rampage Approaches |
305 | Can't Stomach the Thought |
306 | Walking on Eggshells |
307 | Fightin' Dirty |
308 | Obnoxious Lord, Noxious Monster |
309 | Spongy Oasis |
310 | Supply Run |
311 | Faceless Foe |
312 | The Cactus Diet |
313 | A Sandy Cabal |
314 | Breath of the Past |
315 | Ladies of the Lake |
401 | A Tour of the Caverns |
402 | Monkey Wrench in Your Plans |
403 | Special License Test 1 |
404 | Infernal Lacrimosa |
405 | Raging White-out |
406 | The Queen's Procession |
407 | Streaking Shadow |
408 | A Song of Red and Fire |
409 | Off Your Rocker |
410 | Getting Back the Groceries |
411 | A Poisonous Project |
412 | Deliver the Liver |
413 | So Hot, It Melts Iron |
414 | THE BEST Quest |
415 | Third Wheel |
501 | Comeuppance |
502 | Special License Test 2 |
503 | Wind Speed Wyvern |
504 | Electrifying Epiphany |
505 | Nocturnal Tracker |
506 | Waltzing by Moonlight |
507 | Rathalos Alert! |
508 | The Secret Ingredient |
509 | BZZZZZ or ZZZZzzzz |
510 | Nosey Nuisances |
511 | The Hottest Around |
601 | Hermit of the Swamp |
602 | Special License Test 3 |
603 | Advanced: The Veterans' Gala |
604 | Abominable Snow-beast |
605 | Thundering Voice |
606 | Twisted Desire |
607 | A Test of Courage |
608 | Like a Flash of Lightning |
609 | King of the Sky, Bane of the Land |
10101 | A Tour of the Ruins |
10102 | A Tour of the Islands |
10104 | Shady Monster |
10105 | Tired and Feathered |
10106 | Jumped in the Frost Islands |
10107 | No Cure for the Common Baggi |
10108 | A Snowball's Chance... |
10109 | Wroggi Place, Wroggi Time |
10110 | A Grizzly Encounter |
10111 | Off the Beaten Path |
10112 | Hot Topic Hooligans |
10201 | A Tour of the Plains |
10202 | A Tour of the Forest |
10203 | Dead Ringer |
10204 | I Want Off This Ride |
10205 | Way of the Pukei |
10206 | The Flooding Flooded Forest |
10207 | So Muddy Hardheaded! |
10208 | A Pale Shadow |
10209 | Reinventing the Wheel |
10210 | Blasted Basarios! |
10211 | The Path to Royalty |
10212 | Dawn of the Kestodon |
10213 | Hide, Hide, Hide! |
10214 | Bouncing Brawlers |
10215 | Fried and Baptized |
10216 | The Rampage Approaches |
10301 | A Tour of the Caverns |
10302 | Hellfire |
10303 | Beckoning Slumber |
10304 | The Blizzard Blender |
10305 | Zigzagging Zapper |
10306 | Down 'n' Dirty |
10307 | Bully of the Caverns |
10308 | Twilit Twin Stars |
10309 | My Muse the Mizutsune |
10310 | Champion of the Caverns |
10311 | Wavering Moon and Thunder |
10312 | White Knight vs. Hunter |
10313 | A Friend in Need |
10314 | A Few Bumps Along the Way |
10315 | Tail to Tail |
10316 | Beastly Chaos |
10317 | Disastrously Beautiful |
10401 | A Tour of the Ruins |
10402 | A Tour of the Islands |
10403 | The Blue Apex |
10404 | The Swirling Gale |
10405 | Divine Comedy |
10406 | Didn't Get the Memo |
10407 | Dancing A-purr-ition |
10408 | The Frost Islands Arena |
10409 | Even Cute Things Have Fangs |
10410 | Donning Toxicity |
10411 | Night of the Khezu |
10412 | Dango Duty |
10413 | Totally Not Cool, Kulu! |
10414 | Study the Sword & Shield |
10415 | Honing Your Hunting Horn |
10416 | Study the Switch Axe |
10417 | Learning the Light Bowgun |
10418 | Lost and Found |
10419 | Blue, Round, and Cute |
10501 | A Tour of the Plains |
10502 | A Tour of the Forest |
10503 | The Restless Swamp |
10504 | Foul Play in the Forest |
10505 | Rise above the Mud |
10506 | Bowled Over |
10507 | Rotten Fruit |
10508 | Go Away, Pukei! |
10509 | Miner Problem |
10510 | Charmed by a Queen |
10511 | Grasp the Great Sword |
10512 | Honing Your Hammer |
10513 | Learn the Lance |
10514 | Charge Blade Coalescing |
10515 | Hone Your Heavy Bowgun |
10516 | Bad Review |
10517 | Flooded Forest Fiasco |
10518 | Shadows Over the Frost |
10601 | A Tour of the Caverns |
10602 | A Bewitching Dance |
10603 | Serpent God of Wind |
10604 | Skies Flash, Clouds Boom |
10605 | A Somniferous Elegy |
10606 | Sharpening Amber Fangs |
10607 | Skies are Gray |
10608 | Closer Than it Appears |
10609 | The Abyss Stares Back |
10610 | Red Skies at Night |
10611 | Do It for the Dango! |
10612 | Learn the Long Sword |
10613 | Dissect the Dual Blades |
10614 | Grasp the Gunlance |
10615 | Invoke the Insect Glaive |
10616 | Be One with the Bow |
10617 | The Lava Caverns Sweep |
10618 | Showdown in the Arena |
10701 | Can't Kill It with Fire |
10702 | Serpent Goddess of Thunder |
10703 | Ancient Illusion |
10704 | The Steely Storm |
10705 | The Emperor of Flame |
10706 | The Allmother |
10707 | The Crimson Glow |
10708 | It's Gonna Get You! |
10709 | Clad in Hellfire |
10710 | A Muddy Invitation |
10711 | Subterranean Disturbances |
10712 | A Resounding Roar |
10713 | Evil Afoot |
10714 | Seared Situation |
10715 | Ruckus in the Ruins |
10716 | A Frosty Stalemate |
10717 | Fought, Failed, Fired Up |
10718 | Occupational Hazards |
10719 | Omnidirectional Threats |
10720 | A Whirlwind of a Stage |
10721 | A Quartet of Horns |
10722 | A Blaze Among Beasts |
10723 | May Fire Quell Fury |
10725 | The Evil Star from Beyond |
10726 | The Evil Star from Beyond |
10727 | The Evil Star from Beyond |
10728 | The Evil Star from Beyond |
10729 | Death From Above |
10730 | Return of the Bazelgeuse |
10731 | Return of the Bazelgeuse |
10733 | Return of the Bazelgeuse |
10734 | Return of the Bazelgeuse |
10735 | The Avaricious Apex Arzuros |
10736 | The Graceful Apex Rathian |
10737 | The Harlequin Apex Mizutsune |
10738 | The Fearsome Apex Rathalos |
10739 | The Devastating Apex Diablos |
10740 | The Voltaic Apex Zinogre |
10741 | Advanced: Dual Calamities |
10742 | Advanced: Monsters in Ink |
10743 | Advanced: Of Storm and Fire |
10744 | Advanced: Scaredy-Cat |
10745 | Advanced: The Fallen Comet |
10746 | Advanced: Proof of Power |
10747 | Advanced: Those Crowned Apex |
10748 | Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 1 |
10749 | Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 2 |
10750 | Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 3 |
10751 | Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 4 |
10752 | Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 5 |
20101 | Arena 01 |
20201 | Arena 02 |
20301 | Arena 03 |
20601 | Arena 04 |
20701 | Arena 05 |
20702 | Arena 06 |
30101 | Back to Basics |
30102 | Learning to Ride |
30103 | The Basics of Capturing Monsters |
60002 | Heart of a Warrior |
60003 | Bird Wyverns of Ruin? |
60004 | Rising Sun!? |
60005 | Gotta Hoard Fast! |
60101 | Out of Sight, Out of Mind's Eye |
60102 | Beast of the Shadows |
60103 | Haste Makes Waste |
60104 | I Can't Do What Somnacan |
60105 | Dancing Parasol, Snowy Breeze |
60106 | Heart of a Ninja |
60107 | Almudron: Fashion Victim |
60108 | Fooled in the Flooded Forest |
60109 | Rampage: Muddi Gras |
60110 | Heart of a Hero |
60111 | An Icy Blade So Bright |
60112 | Tempest in the Desert |
60113 | Rampage: Enchanting Parade |
60114 | Boomy Dango |
60115 | Heart of Rivalry |
60116 | Rampage: Kamura Night Hunt |
60117 | SF: Ultimate Promotion Exam |
60118 | Scorching Showdown |
60119 | White Desert Blossom |
60120 | Heart of Might |
60121 | Gales of Ibushi Blow Again |
60122 | Clouds of Narwa Rumble Again |
60123 | Trouble in Paradise |
60124 | Diablos Deception |
60125 | Blazin' Soul of a Warrior |
60126 | Advanced: Born of Paradise |
60127 | Advanced: Crimson Calamity |
60128 | The Blue Bomber's Best Bud |
60129 | Knight in Shattered Armor |
60130 | Soaring Desire |
60131 | Kunai Ask You a Favor? |
60132 | Troubled Waters |
60133 | Rajang's Holiday Special |
60134 | Heart of an Apex |
60135 | Nothing to Sneeze At! |
60136 | Frost Bites |
60137 | Dastardly Vile Aknosom Trio |
60138 | Wrestling with Pain |
60139 | A Good Old-Fashioned Rampage |
60140 | Princesses' Banquet |
60141 | Monster Maniacs |
60142 | Zin and Yang |
60143 | The Tiniest Snowbaron! |
60144 | Rampage: Rampaging Rajang |
60145 | Memories of That Day |
60146 | Apex Arzuros Emergency |
60147 | Apex Rathian Emergency |
60148 | Apex Mizutsune Emergency |
60149 | Apex Rathalos Emergency |
60150 | Apex Diablos Emergency |
60151 | Apex Zinogre Emergency |
60152 | Super Shady Look-alike |
60153 | USJ - Arzuros Onslaught! |
60154 | USJ - Shrine Showdown! |
70001 | Challenge Quest 01 |
70002 | Challenge Quest 02 |
70003 | Challenge Quest 03 |
70004 | Challenge Quest 04 |
70005 | Challenge Quest 05 |
70006 | Challenge Quest 06 |
70007 | Challenge Quest 07 |
315100 | Uninvited Guest |
315101 | A Sinking Feeling |
315102 | Need a Hunter, ASAP! |
315103 | You Had Me at Poofy |
315104 | Catnap Ruined |
315107 | Buggin' Out! |
315108 | Reap What You Saw |
315109 | It Could be Worse... |
315110 | The Red Rolling Terror |
315111 | Barroth to a Great Start |
315112 | [REDACTED] |
315113 | BRRRR Plus ZZZzzz Equals? |
315122 | The Good, the Bad, and Lagombi |
315123 | The Jungle Guidebook |
315160 | Supply Line Shell Game |
315180 | A Tour of the Ruins |
315181 | A Tour of the Islands |
315182 | A Tour of the Plains |
315183 | A Tour of the Jungle |
315190 | Tetranadon Blockade |
315200 | Sour Grapes |
315201 | The Queen's Garden |
315202 | The Alabaster Devourer |
315203 | Somnacanth Sleep Aid |
315204 | Poison Drops in the Sand |
315205 | Rumble in the Jungle |
315206 | Pent-Up Frustrations |
315207 | Messed Up Situation |
315208 | Shrine Ruined |
315209 | Now That's What I Call Great! |
315211 | Plant Probe Pests |
315212 | A Fond Fur-Well |
315214 | In Pursuit of the Khezuit |
315215 | Skulking Among the Sand |
315216 | BZZZZZ or ZZZZzzzz Pt. 2 |
315219 | A Shocking, Sloppy Synthesis |
315220 | The Assault of the Scarlet Tengu |
315224 | Bird Wyvern Jamboree |
315260 | Pinecone Pelting Panic |
315261 | A Dangerous Dare ♪ |
315280 | A Tour of the Forest |
315290 | Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath |
315300 | Pollution Problems |
315301 | Trial of the Almudron |
315302 | My Ceanataur Gently Weeps |
315303 | White Knight on Ice |
315304 | Oh, My Garsh Harag |
315305 | Nocturnal Nuisances |
315306 | Shadow in the Jungle |
315307 | A Sandy Spider Nest |
315308 | Purging Hatred |
315309 | A Tale of Two Titans |
315310 | Rock, Razor, Pincers |
315313 | A Keen-Eyed Observation |
315314 | Soft or Spotty? |
315315 | The Hot and Cold Treatment |
315316 | In His Master's Footsteps |
315317 | Freedom from a Frigid Future! |
315318 | Garangolm Gone Mad |
315321 | Shady Activity |
315323 | Stitching a Wintry Wardrobe |
315325 | Troublemaker Trio |
315326 | The Mother of All Medicines!? |
315327 | Desert Lost and Found |
315360 | Studying Starvation Effects |
315361 | Tempering the Fierce |
315380 | A Tour of the Citadel |
315390 | Keep it Busy |
315400 | Citadel Security |
315401 | A Mizutsune's Appeal |
315402 | Dust Devil Despot |
315403 | King of the Crumbling Castle |
315404 | Pincers Versus Pyro |
315406 | Sacrilegious Thunder Wolf |
315407 | A Thousand Scales of Dread |
315408 | Hot Mud in Your Eye |
315409 | White Knight, Armored Warrior |
315411 | Troublemaking Trio Pt. 2 |
315412 | Tears for Temnocerans |
315413 | Quit Spooking My Lunch! |
315414 | Twin Sparks in the Dark |
315415 | Monju Mashup! |
315416 | Jade Membrane, Sapphire Claws |
315417 | Thousand Cuts, Totally Crushed |
315418 | Dark Wings, Dark Work |
315419 | Absolute Power |
315420 | A Mighty Need |
315421 | Spooky Citadel!? |
315422 | Wicked Wyvern Trilogy |
315423 | Buddy Rescue Operation |
315425 | Give a Girl Some Fluff! |
315426 | A Request From Your Superior |
315427 | Power Struggle |
315428 | Impassioned Cavern Crawl |
315429 | Howling Moon |
315460 | Unavoidable Cold |
315461 | An Electrifying Grace |
315480 | A Tour of the Caverns |
315490 | In Search of the Doctor |
315491 | A Slumbering Jungle Espinas |
315500 | Seismic Scares |
315501 | Settle the Score! |
315502 | Bazelgeuse Warning |
315503 | Evil Forest |
315504 | Blade Cloaked in Darkness |
315506 | Beyond the Silence |
315507 | Leave No Trace Behind |
315508 | Storm of The Kushala Daora |
315509 | The Frozen Dictator |
315510 | Emperor of Flame |
315511 | Burn Brighter Than the Sun |
315512 | Bombs and Beams |
315523 | Crimson Moonlight |
315524 | Hard & Soft Supreme |
315525 | Life is Full of Ups and Downs |
315560 | Stats on Statuses, Stat! |
315561 | With the Power of Friendship... |
315590 | Dark Citadel, White Wheel |
315591 | Gathering of the Qurio |
315600 | The Devil's Reincarnation |
315601 | Spine-Tingling Divinity |
315602 | Retribution |
315603 | Pierce the Heavens |
315604 | Star at Worlds End |
315605 | Back with a Vengeance |
315606 | Spine-Tingling Divinity - Reprise |
315607 | The Ultimate Fight? |
315608 | Bested by Bazelgeuse |
315609 | Winds that Burn |
315610 | Mystery Shrouded in Mist |
315611 | Bringing Back That Sparkle |
315612 | Trials of Passion and Composure |
315613 | Unreasonable Rage |
315614 | Unreasonable Rage |
315615 | Unreasonable Rage |
315616 | Unreasonable Rage |
315617 | Unreasonable Rage |
315618 | Unreasonable Rage |
315619 | Mysterious Glow |
315620 | Mysterious Glow |
315621 | Mysterious Glow |
315622 | Mysterious Glow |
315623 | Mysterious Glow |
315624 | Mysterious Glow |
315625 | Unbridled Mayhem |
315626 | Dance of The Fierce Flame |
315627 | Monster Mash |
315628 | Four Beast Quartet |
315661 | Sticky Secret Sticking Sauce |
315662 | Advanced: Hail to the Fierce |
325101 | MR Arena 01 |
325201 | MR Arena 02 |
325301 | MR Arena 03 |
325401 | MR Arena 04 |
325501 | MR Arena 05 |
325601 | MR Arena 06 |
335101 | Switch Skill Swap |
385100 | Anomaly Research: Arzuros |
385101 | Anomaly Research: Great Izuchi |
385102 | Anomaly Research: Great Baggi |
385103 | Anomaly Research: Great Wroggi |
385104 | Anomaly Research: Volvidon |
385105 | Anomaly Research: Kulu-Ya-Ku |
385106 | Anomaly Research: Lagombi |
385201 | Anomaly Research: Aknosom |
385202 | Anomaly Research: Tetranadon |
385203 | Anomaly Research: Royal Ludroth |
385204 | Anomaly Research: Daimyo Hermitaur |
385205 | Anomaly Research: Barroth |
385206 | Anomaly Research: Basarios |
385207 | Anomaly Research: Bishaten |
385208 | Anomaly Research: Khezu |
385301 | Anomaly Research: Blood Orange Bishaten |
385302 | Anomaly Research: Tobi-Kadachi |
385303 | Anomaly Research: Rathian |
385304 | Anomaly Research: Somnacanth |
385305 | Anomaly Research: Jyuratodus |
385306 | Anomaly Research: Anjanath |
385307 | Anomaly Research: Pukei-Pukei |
385308 | Anomaly Research: Shogun Ceanataur |
385401 | Anomaly Research: Garangolm |
385402 | Anomaly Research: Aurora Somnacanth |
385403 | Anomaly Research: Goss Harag |
385404 | Anomaly Research: Magnamalo |
385405 | Anomaly Research: Rakna-Kadaki |
385406 | Anomaly Research: Nargacuga |
385407 | Anomaly Research: Barioth |
385408 | Anomaly Research: Almudron |
405200 | Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins |
405300 | A Rocky Rampage |
405400 | Ice Wolf, Red Moon |
405500 | Witness by Moonlight |
405600 | Proof of Courage |
455201 | Operation Rathian |
455202 | Operation Bishaten |
455203 | Operation Tobi-Kadachi |
455204 | Operation Khezu |
455205 | Operation Blood Orange Bishaten |
455206 | Operation Anjanath |
455301 | Operation Barioth |
455302 | Operation Almudron |
455303 | Operation Garangolm |
455304 | Operation Jungle Rumble |
455305 | Operation Swampy Suspects |
455306 | Operation Hot Pursuit |
455307 | Operation Shogun Ceanataur |
455308 | Operation Nargacuga |
455309 | Operation Cold Case |
455310 | Operation Aurora Somnacanth |
455311 | Operation Citadel Situation |
455312 | Operation Magnamalo |
455313 | Operation Double Basarios |
455401 | Operation Mizutsune |
455402 | Operation Rathalos |
455403 | Operation Purple Fire |
455404 | Operation Sandy Situation |
455405 | Operation Frozen Rescue |
455406 | Operation Seregios |
455407 | Operation Zinogre |
455408 | Operation Astalos |
455409 | Operation Espinas |
455410 | Operation Gore Magala |
455411 | Operation Lunagaron |
455412 | Operation Tigrex |
455413 | Flooded Forest Probe |
455414 | Operation Pyre Rakna-Kadaki |
455501 | Operation Rajang |
455502 | Dangers in the Dark Desert |
455503 | Operation Magma Region |
455504 | Operation Ogre Gore |
455505 | Operation Night Stalker |
455506 | Operation Fire Dweller |
455507 | Operation Thunder-Clad |
455508 | Operation Double Garangolm |
455509 | Operation Sandy Plains |
455510 | Operation Mermaid Tale |
455511 | Operation Kushala Daora |
455512 | Operation Bazelgeuse |
455513 | Operation Teostra |
455601 | Operation Chameleos |
455602 | Operation Double Magnamalo |
455603 | Operation Dancing Blades |
455604 | Operation Furious Golden Fur |
455605 | Operation Foggy Jungle |
455606 | Operation T'd Off |
455607 | Monkey-Crab Turf War |
455608 | Operation Explosive Anger |
455609 | Operation Dominion |
455611 | Operation Jungle Comet |
455612 | Operation Wrath |
455613 | Advanced: Monster Hunter! |
465201 | An Audience With the Queen |
465202 | Fruit Vs. Firearms |
465203 | Flicker in the Night |
465301 | White Knight Vs. New Knight |
465302 | Into the Jungle Deep |
465303 | Hunting is All the Rage |
465304 | Sisters Sally Forth |
465305 | Basarios Buzzkill |
465306 | A Tough Lesson |
465307 | Passion Melts Ice |
465308 | A Muddy Revival |
465309 | Enshrined Resentment |
465401 | Moonlit Espinascapade |
465402 | Destructive Instructor |
465403 | Rumbling Tummy, Rumbling Thunder |
465404 | Flooded Forest Feast |
465405 | Dust off Those Hunting Boots |
465406 | Cherry Blossoms in Battle |
465407 | Not Your Average Picnic |
465408 | An Ace Idea! |
465409 | Breaking the Ice |
465410 | Unknown Invader |
465501 | Grabbin' Life by the Horns |
465502 | The Fire Still Burns |
465503 | Front Row Seat |
465504 | Burning Air, Trembling Earth |
465505 | Fire Vs. Fire |
465506 | The Flame that Burns Within |
465507 | A Cold Wind Blows |
465601 | Invisible Threat |
465602 | Lava Caverns Litter Box |
465603 | True Hunters |
465604 | Rage That Never Dies |