Quest IDs - mhvuze/MonsterHunterRiseModding GitHub Wiki

Quest IDs

Contributed by Fexty#4696

ID Name
101 A Tour of the Ruins
102 Roly-poly Lanterns
103 Fungal Frustrations
104 Impious Peons
105 Help With Maintenance
201 A Tour of the Islands
202 Great Izuchi, Great Pain
203 Grizzly Glutton
204 Plump and Juicy
205 A Frosty Paradise
206 Out Cold
207 Rabid Rabbit
208 Case of the Creepy Crawlies
209 Hmm, Not So Tasty...
301 A Tour of the Plains
302 A Tour of the Forest
303 Feathered Frenzy
304 The Rampage Approaches
305 Can't Stomach the Thought
306 Walking on Eggshells
307 Fightin' Dirty
308 Obnoxious Lord, Noxious Monster
309 Spongy Oasis
310 Supply Run
311 Faceless Foe
312 The Cactus Diet
313 A Sandy Cabal
314 Breath of the Past
315 Ladies of the Lake
401 A Tour of the Caverns
402 Monkey Wrench in Your Plans
403 Special License Test 1
404 Infernal Lacrimosa
405 Raging White-out
406 The Queen's Procession
407 Streaking Shadow
408 A Song of Red and Fire
409 Off Your Rocker
410 Getting Back the Groceries
411 A Poisonous Project
412 Deliver the Liver
413 So Hot, It Melts Iron
414 THE BEST Quest
415 Third Wheel
501 Comeuppance
502 Special License Test 2
503 Wind Speed Wyvern
504 Electrifying Epiphany
505 Nocturnal Tracker
506 Waltzing by Moonlight
507 Rathalos Alert!
508 The Secret Ingredient
509 BZZZZZ or ZZZZzzzz
510 Nosey Nuisances
511 The Hottest Around
601 Hermit of the Swamp
602 Special License Test 3
603 Advanced: The Veterans' Gala
604 Abominable Snow-beast
605 Thundering Voice
606 Twisted Desire
607 A Test of Courage
608 Like a Flash of Lightning
609 King of the Sky, Bane of the Land
10101 A Tour of the Ruins
10102 A Tour of the Islands
10104 Shady Monster
10105 Tired and Feathered
10106 Jumped in the Frost Islands
10107 No Cure for the Common Baggi
10108 A Snowball's Chance...
10109 Wroggi Place, Wroggi Time
10110 A Grizzly Encounter
10111 Off the Beaten Path
10112 Hot Topic Hooligans
10201 A Tour of the Plains
10202 A Tour of the Forest
10203 Dead Ringer
10204 I Want Off This Ride
10205 Way of the Pukei
10206 The Flooding Flooded Forest
10207 So Muddy Hardheaded!
10208 A Pale Shadow
10209 Reinventing the Wheel
10210 Blasted Basarios!
10211 The Path to Royalty
10212 Dawn of the Kestodon
10213 Hide, Hide, Hide!
10214 Bouncing Brawlers
10215 Fried and Baptized
10216 The Rampage Approaches
10301 A Tour of the Caverns
10302 Hellfire
10303 Beckoning Slumber
10304 The Blizzard Blender
10305 Zigzagging Zapper
10306 Down 'n' Dirty
10307 Bully of the Caverns
10308 Twilit Twin Stars
10309 My Muse the Mizutsune
10310 Champion of the Caverns
10311 Wavering Moon and Thunder
10312 White Knight vs. Hunter
10313 A Friend in Need
10314 A Few Bumps Along the Way
10315 Tail to Tail
10316 Beastly Chaos
10317 Disastrously Beautiful
10401 A Tour of the Ruins
10402 A Tour of the Islands
10403 The Blue Apex
10404 The Swirling Gale
10405 Divine Comedy
10406 Didn't Get the Memo
10407 Dancing A-purr-ition
10408 The Frost Islands Arena
10409 Even Cute Things Have Fangs
10410 Donning Toxicity
10411 Night of the Khezu
10412 Dango Duty
10413 Totally Not Cool, Kulu!
10414 Study the Sword & Shield
10415 Honing Your Hunting Horn
10416 Study the Switch Axe
10417 Learning the Light Bowgun
10418 Lost and Found
10419 Blue, Round, and Cute
10501 A Tour of the Plains
10502 A Tour of the Forest
10503 The Restless Swamp
10504 Foul Play in the Forest
10505 Rise above the Mud
10506 Bowled Over
10507 Rotten Fruit
10508 Go Away, Pukei!
10509 Miner Problem
10510 Charmed by a Queen
10511 Grasp the Great Sword
10512 Honing Your Hammer
10513 Learn the Lance
10514 Charge Blade Coalescing
10515 Hone Your Heavy Bowgun
10516 Bad Review
10517 Flooded Forest Fiasco
10518 Shadows Over the Frost
10601 A Tour of the Caverns
10602 A Bewitching Dance
10603 Serpent God of Wind
10604 Skies Flash, Clouds Boom
10605 A Somniferous Elegy
10606 Sharpening Amber Fangs
10607 Skies are Gray
10608 Closer Than it Appears
10609 The Abyss Stares Back
10610 Red Skies at Night
10611 Do It for the Dango!
10612 Learn the Long Sword
10613 Dissect the Dual Blades
10614 Grasp the Gunlance
10615 Invoke the Insect Glaive
10616 Be One with the Bow
10617 The Lava Caverns Sweep
10618 Showdown in the Arena
10701 Can't Kill It with Fire
10702 Serpent Goddess of Thunder
10703 Ancient Illusion
10704 The Steely Storm
10705 The Emperor of Flame
10706 The Allmother
10707 The Crimson Glow
10708 It's Gonna Get You!
10709 Clad in Hellfire
10710 A Muddy Invitation
10711 Subterranean Disturbances
10712 A Resounding Roar
10713 Evil Afoot
10714 Seared Situation
10715 Ruckus in the Ruins
10716 A Frosty Stalemate
10717 Fought, Failed, Fired Up
10718 Occupational Hazards
10719 Omnidirectional Threats
10720 A Whirlwind of a Stage
10721 A Quartet of Horns
10722 A Blaze Among Beasts
10723 May Fire Quell Fury
10725 The Evil Star from Beyond
10726 The Evil Star from Beyond
10727 The Evil Star from Beyond
10728 The Evil Star from Beyond
10729 Death From Above
10730 Return of the Bazelgeuse
10731 Return of the Bazelgeuse
10733 Return of the Bazelgeuse
10734 Return of the Bazelgeuse
10735 The Avaricious Apex Arzuros
10736 The Graceful Apex Rathian
10737 The Harlequin Apex Mizutsune
10738 The Fearsome Apex Rathalos
10739 The Devastating Apex Diablos
10740 The Voltaic Apex Zinogre
10741 Advanced: Dual Calamities
10742 Advanced: Monsters in Ink
10743 Advanced: Of Storm and Fire
10744 Advanced: Scaredy-Cat
10745 Advanced: The Fallen Comet
10746 Advanced: Proof of Power
10747 Advanced: Those Crowned Apex
10748 Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 1
10749 Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 2
10750 Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 3
10751 Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 4
10752 Master Utsushi's Challenge Part 5
20101 Arena 01
20201 Arena 02
20301 Arena 03
20601 Arena 04
20701 Arena 05
20702 Arena 06
30101 Back to Basics
30102 Learning to Ride
30103 The Basics of Capturing Monsters
60002 Heart of a Warrior
60003 Bird Wyverns of Ruin?
60004 Rising Sun!?
60005 Gotta Hoard Fast!
60101 Out of Sight, Out of Mind's Eye
60102 Beast of the Shadows
60103 Haste Makes Waste
60104 I Can't Do What Somnacan
60105 Dancing Parasol, Snowy Breeze
60106 Heart of a Ninja
60107 Almudron: Fashion Victim
60108 Fooled in the Flooded Forest
60109 Rampage: Muddi Gras
60110 Heart of a Hero
60111 An Icy Blade So Bright
60112 Tempest in the Desert
60113 Rampage: Enchanting Parade
60114 Boomy Dango
60115 Heart of Rivalry
60116 Rampage: Kamura Night Hunt
60117 SF: Ultimate Promotion Exam
60118 Scorching Showdown
60119 White Desert Blossom
60120 Heart of Might
60121 Gales of Ibushi Blow Again
60122 Clouds of Narwa Rumble Again
60123 Trouble in Paradise
60124 Diablos Deception
60125 Blazin' Soul of a Warrior
60126 Advanced: Born of Paradise
60127 Advanced: Crimson Calamity
60128 The Blue Bomber's Best Bud
60129 Knight in Shattered Armor
60130 Soaring Desire
60131 Kunai Ask You a Favor?
60132 Troubled Waters
60133 Rajang's Holiday Special
60134 Heart of an Apex
60135 Nothing to Sneeze At!
60136 Frost Bites
60137 Dastardly Vile Aknosom Trio
60138 Wrestling with Pain
60139 A Good Old-Fashioned Rampage
60140 Princesses' Banquet
60141 Monster Maniacs
60142 Zin and Yang
60143 The Tiniest Snowbaron!
60144 Rampage: Rampaging Rajang
60145 Memories of That Day
60146 Apex Arzuros Emergency
60147 Apex Rathian Emergency
60148 Apex Mizutsune Emergency
60149 Apex Rathalos Emergency
60150 Apex Diablos Emergency
60151 Apex Zinogre Emergency
60152 Super Shady Look-alike
60153 USJ - Arzuros Onslaught!
60154 USJ - Shrine Showdown!
70001 Challenge Quest 01
70002 Challenge Quest 02
70003 Challenge Quest 03
70004 Challenge Quest 04
70005 Challenge Quest 05
70006 Challenge Quest 06
70007 Challenge Quest 07
315100 Uninvited Guest
315101 A Sinking Feeling
315102 Need a Hunter, ASAP!
315103 You Had Me at Poofy
315104 Catnap Ruined
315107 Buggin' Out!
315108 Reap What You Saw
315109 It Could be Worse...
315110 The Red Rolling Terror
315111 Barroth to a Great Start
315112 [REDACTED]
315113 BRRRR Plus ZZZzzz Equals?
315122 The Good, the Bad, and Lagombi
315123 The Jungle Guidebook
315160 Supply Line Shell Game
315180 A Tour of the Ruins
315181 A Tour of the Islands
315182 A Tour of the Plains
315183 A Tour of the Jungle
315190 Tetranadon Blockade
315200 Sour Grapes
315201 The Queen's Garden
315202 The Alabaster Devourer
315203 Somnacanth Sleep Aid
315204 Poison Drops in the Sand
315205 Rumble in the Jungle
315206 Pent-Up Frustrations
315207 Messed Up Situation
315208 Shrine Ruined
315209 Now That's What I Call Great!
315211 Plant Probe Pests
315212 A Fond Fur-Well
315214 In Pursuit of the Khezuit
315215 Skulking Among the Sand
315216 BZZZZZ or ZZZZzzzz Pt. 2
315219 A Shocking, Sloppy Synthesis
315220 The Assault of the Scarlet Tengu
315224 Bird Wyvern Jamboree
315260 Pinecone Pelting Panic
315261 A Dangerous Dare ♪
315280 A Tour of the Forest
315290 Provoking an Anjanath's Wrath
315300 Pollution Problems
315301 Trial of the Almudron
315302 My Ceanataur Gently Weeps
315303 White Knight on Ice
315304 Oh, My Garsh Harag
315305 Nocturnal Nuisances
315306 Shadow in the Jungle
315307 A Sandy Spider Nest
315308 Purging Hatred
315309 A Tale of Two Titans
315310 Rock, Razor, Pincers
315313 A Keen-Eyed Observation
315314 Soft or Spotty?
315315 The Hot and Cold Treatment
315316 In His Master's Footsteps
315317 Freedom from a Frigid Future!
315318 Garangolm Gone Mad
315321 Shady Activity
315323 Stitching a Wintry Wardrobe
315325 Troublemaker Trio
315326 The Mother of All Medicines!?
315327 Desert Lost and Found
315360 Studying Starvation Effects
315361 Tempering the Fierce
315380 A Tour of the Citadel
315390 Keep it Busy
315400 Citadel Security
315401 A Mizutsune's Appeal
315402 Dust Devil Despot
315403 King of the Crumbling Castle
315404 Pincers Versus Pyro
315406 Sacrilegious Thunder Wolf
315407 A Thousand Scales of Dread
315408 Hot Mud in Your Eye
315409 White Knight, Armored Warrior
315411 Troublemaking Trio Pt. 2
315412 Tears for Temnocerans
315413 Quit Spooking My Lunch!
315414 Twin Sparks in the Dark
315415 Monju Mashup!
315416 Jade Membrane, Sapphire Claws
315417 Thousand Cuts, Totally Crushed
315418 Dark Wings, Dark Work
315419 Absolute Power
315420 A Mighty Need
315421 Spooky Citadel!?
315422 Wicked Wyvern Trilogy
315423 Buddy Rescue Operation
315425 Give a Girl Some Fluff!
315426 A Request From Your Superior
315427 Power Struggle
315428 Impassioned Cavern Crawl
315429 Howling Moon
315460 Unavoidable Cold
315461 An Electrifying Grace
315480 A Tour of the Caverns
315490 In Search of the Doctor
315491 A Slumbering Jungle Espinas
315500 Seismic Scares
315501 Settle the Score!
315502 Bazelgeuse Warning
315503 Evil Forest
315504 Blade Cloaked in Darkness
315506 Beyond the Silence
315507 Leave No Trace Behind
315508 Storm of The Kushala Daora
315509 The Frozen Dictator
315510 Emperor of Flame
315511 Burn Brighter Than the Sun
315512 Bombs and Beams
315523 Crimson Moonlight
315524 Hard & Soft Supreme
315525 Life is Full of Ups and Downs
315560 Stats on Statuses, Stat!
315561 With the Power of Friendship...
315590 Dark Citadel, White Wheel
315591 Gathering of the Qurio
315600 The Devil's Reincarnation
315601 Spine-Tingling Divinity
315602 Retribution
315603 Pierce the Heavens
315604 Star at Worlds End
315605 Back with a Vengeance
315606 Spine-Tingling Divinity - Reprise
315607 The Ultimate Fight?
315608 Bested by Bazelgeuse
315609 Winds that Burn
315610 Mystery Shrouded in Mist
315611 Bringing Back That Sparkle
315612 Trials of Passion and Composure
315613 Unreasonable Rage
315614 Unreasonable Rage
315615 Unreasonable Rage
315616 Unreasonable Rage
315617 Unreasonable Rage
315618 Unreasonable Rage
315619 Mysterious Glow
315620 Mysterious Glow
315621 Mysterious Glow
315622 Mysterious Glow
315623 Mysterious Glow
315624 Mysterious Glow
315625 Unbridled Mayhem
315626 Dance of The Fierce Flame
315627 Monster Mash
315628 Four Beast Quartet
315661 Sticky Secret Sticking Sauce
315662 Advanced: Hail to the Fierce
325101 MR Arena 01
325201 MR Arena 02
325301 MR Arena 03
325401 MR Arena 04
325501 MR Arena 05
325601 MR Arena 06
335101 Switch Skill Swap
385100 Anomaly Research: Arzuros
385101 Anomaly Research: Great Izuchi
385102 Anomaly Research: Great Baggi
385103 Anomaly Research: Great Wroggi
385104 Anomaly Research: Volvidon
385105 Anomaly Research: Kulu-Ya-Ku
385106 Anomaly Research: Lagombi
385201 Anomaly Research: Aknosom
385202 Anomaly Research: Tetranadon
385203 Anomaly Research: Royal Ludroth
385204 Anomaly Research: Daimyo Hermitaur
385205 Anomaly Research: Barroth
385206 Anomaly Research: Basarios
385207 Anomaly Research: Bishaten
385208 Anomaly Research: Khezu
385301 Anomaly Research: Blood Orange Bishaten
385302 Anomaly Research: Tobi-Kadachi
385303 Anomaly Research: Rathian
385304 Anomaly Research: Somnacanth
385305 Anomaly Research: Jyuratodus
385306 Anomaly Research: Anjanath
385307 Anomaly Research: Pukei-Pukei
385308 Anomaly Research: Shogun Ceanataur
385401 Anomaly Research: Garangolm
385402 Anomaly Research: Aurora Somnacanth
385403 Anomaly Research: Goss Harag
385404 Anomaly Research: Magnamalo
385405 Anomaly Research: Rakna-Kadaki
385406 Anomaly Research: Nargacuga
385407 Anomaly Research: Barioth
385408 Anomaly Research: Almudron
405200 Scarlet Tengu in the Shrine Ruins
405300 A Rocky Rampage
405400 Ice Wolf, Red Moon
405500 Witness by Moonlight
405600 Proof of Courage
455201 Operation Rathian
455202 Operation Bishaten
455203 Operation Tobi-Kadachi
455204 Operation Khezu
455205 Operation Blood Orange Bishaten
455206 Operation Anjanath
455301 Operation Barioth
455302 Operation Almudron
455303 Operation Garangolm
455304 Operation Jungle Rumble
455305 Operation Swampy Suspects
455306 Operation Hot Pursuit
455307 Operation Shogun Ceanataur
455308 Operation Nargacuga
455309 Operation Cold Case
455310 Operation Aurora Somnacanth
455311 Operation Citadel Situation
455312 Operation Magnamalo
455313 Operation Double Basarios
455401 Operation Mizutsune
455402 Operation Rathalos
455403 Operation Purple Fire
455404 Operation Sandy Situation
455405 Operation Frozen Rescue
455406 Operation Seregios
455407 Operation Zinogre
455408 Operation Astalos
455409 Operation Espinas
455410 Operation Gore Magala
455411 Operation Lunagaron
455412 Operation Tigrex
455413 Flooded Forest Probe
455414 Operation Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
455501 Operation Rajang
455502 Dangers in the Dark Desert
455503 Operation Magma Region
455504 Operation Ogre Gore
455505 Operation Night Stalker
455506 Operation Fire Dweller
455507 Operation Thunder-Clad
455508 Operation Double Garangolm
455509 Operation Sandy Plains
455510 Operation Mermaid Tale
455511 Operation Kushala Daora
455512 Operation Bazelgeuse
455513 Operation Teostra
455601 Operation Chameleos
455602 Operation Double Magnamalo
455603 Operation Dancing Blades
455604 Operation Furious Golden Fur
455605 Operation Foggy Jungle
455606 Operation T'd Off
455607 Monkey-Crab Turf War
455608 Operation Explosive Anger
455609 Operation Dominion
455611 Operation Jungle Comet
455612 Operation Wrath
455613 Advanced: Monster Hunter!
465201 An Audience With the Queen
465202 Fruit Vs. Firearms
465203 Flicker in the Night
465301 White Knight Vs. New Knight
465302 Into the Jungle Deep
465303 Hunting is All the Rage
465304 Sisters Sally Forth
465305 Basarios Buzzkill
465306 A Tough Lesson
465307 Passion Melts Ice
465308 A Muddy Revival
465309 Enshrined Resentment
465401 Moonlit Espinascapade
465402 Destructive Instructor
465403 Rumbling Tummy, Rumbling Thunder
465404 Flooded Forest Feast
465405 Dust off Those Hunting Boots
465406 Cherry Blossoms in Battle
465407 Not Your Average Picnic
465408 An Ace Idea!
465409 Breaking the Ice
465410 Unknown Invader
465501 Grabbin' Life by the Horns
465502 The Fire Still Burns
465503 Front Row Seat
465504 Burning Air, Trembling Earth
465505 Fire Vs. Fire
465506 The Flame that Burns Within
465507 A Cold Wind Blows
465601 Invisible Threat
465602 Lava Caverns Litter Box
465603 True Hunters
465604 Rage That Never Dies