MotList IDs - mhvuze/MonsterHunterRiseModding GitHub Wiki
Contributed by Yian Konchu#3380 (MrNiggles).
(Last 3 digits are mot IDs, so 003_001 = mot ID 1, 003_027 = mot ID 27)
Motlist ID | Action |
003_001 | Greeting |
003_002 | Wave Start |
003_003_Loop | Wave Loop |
003_004 | Applaud Start |
003_005_Loop | Applaud Loop |
003_006 | Good Work |
003_008 | Point |
003_010 | Call Start |
003_011_Loop | Call Loop |
003_012 | Joy 1 Start |
003_013_Loop | Joy 1 Loop |
003_014 | Joy 2 Start |
003_015_Loop | Joy 2 Loop |
003_016 | Taunt Start |
003_017_Loop | Taunt Loop |
003_018 | Stop Stop Stop Start |
003_019_Loop | Stop Stop Stop Loop |
003_020 | High Five |
003_022 | Refuse |
003_024 | Apologize |
003_026 | Show Off 1 Start |
003_027_Loop | Show Off 1 Loop |
003_028 | Show Off 1 End |
003_029 | Show Off 2 Start |
003_030_Loop | Show Off 2 Loop |
003_031 | Show Off 2 End |
003_032 | Woohoo Start |
003_033_Loop | Woohoo Loop |
003_040 | Shadowbox Start |
003_041_Loop | Shadowbox Loop |
003_042 | Shadowbox End |
003_043 | Crossed Arms Start |
003_044_Loop | Crossed Arms Loop |
003_045 | Crossed Arms End |
003_051 | Remorse Start |
003_052_Loop | Remorse Loop |
003_053 | Remorse End |
003_055 | For Honor Start |
003_056_Loop | For Honor Loop |
003_057 | For Honor End |
003_058 | Spirit Fingers Start |
003_059_Loop | Spirit Fingers Loop |
003_060 | Spirit Fingers End |
003_061 | Spirit Fingers End 2 (Other Side) |
003_062 | Prance Start |
003_063_Loop | Prance Loop |
003_064 | Regret Start |
003_065_Loop | Regret Loop |
003_066 | Kneel Start |
003_067_Loop | Kneel Loop |
003_068 | Kneel End |
003_069 | OMG Start |
003_070_Loop | #NAME? |
003_071 | Bow |
003_072 | Genuflect |
003_073_Loop | Genuflect Loop |
003_074 | Flourish |
003_075_Loop | Flourish Loop |
003_076 | Flourish End |
003_077 | Shock |
003_078 | Have Fun |
003_079_Loop | Have Fun Loop |
003_080 | Have Fun End |
003_081 | LOL Start |
003_082_Loop | LOL Loop |
003_083 | LOL End |
003_087 | Morale Boost Start |
003_088_Loop | Morale Boost Loop |
003_089 | Morale Boost End |
003_090 | Ponder Start |
003_091_Loop | Ponder Loop |
003_092 | Ponder End |
003_100 | Standing To Sitting On Bench |
003_102 | Sitting On Bench To Standing Back Up |
003_105 | Wave End |
003_106 | Applaud End |
003_107 | Taunt End |
003_108 | OMG End |
003_109 | Genuflect End |
003_110 | Warm Up Start |
003_111_Loop | Warm Up Loop (Hands Up In The Air) |
003_112 | Warm Up (Transition From 111 To 113) |
003_113_Loop | Warm Up Loop (X Arms And Bent Legs) |
003_114_Loop | Warm Up Flex |
003_115 | Warm Up Transition (114 To 116) |
003_116_Loop | Warm Up Potion Loop |
003_117 | Warm Up Pickaxe |
003_118 | Warm Up Pickaxe |
003_119 | Warm Up Pickaxe |
003_120 | Warm Up Transition (119 To 121) |
003_121 | Warm Up Pick Up Start |
003_122_Loop | Warm Up Pick Up Loop |
003_123 | Warm Up Bow Pull |
003_124 | Warm Up Start (Climbing Left/Right Motion?) |
003_125_Loop | Warm Up Loop (Climbing Left/Right Motion?) |
003_126 | Transition From 125 To 127 |
003_127 | Warm Up Sharpen |
003_128 | Warm Up Sharpen |
003_129 | Warm Up Hammer |
003_130 | Warm Up Hammer |
003_131 | Warm Up Hammer |
003_132 | Warm Up Transition (131 To 133) |
003_133_Loop | Warm Up Jumps |
003_134 | Warm Up Transition (From 133 To 135) |
003_135 | Warm Up Transition (To 136, X Arms To Standing) |
003_136 | Warm Up End |
003_291 To 003_355 | Palico/Palamute Interactions |
003_400_Loop ~ 405_Loop | Cutsey Pose |
003_406_Loop ~ 411_Loop | Powerful Pose |
003_412_Loop ~ 417_Loop | Location Pose |
003_418_Loop ~ 423_Loop | Group Pose |
003_424_Loop ~ 429_Loop | Brawny Pose |
003_430_Loop ~ 435_Loop | Heroic Pose |
003_436_Loop ~ 441_Loop | Dancing Pose |
003_442_Loop ~ 447_Loop | GS Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_448_Loop ~ 453_Loop | SnS Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_454_Loop ~ 459_Loop | DB Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_460_Loop ~ 465_Loop | LS Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_466_Loop ~ 471_Loop | Hammer Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_472_Loop ~ 477_Loop | HH Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_478_Loop ~ 483_Loop | Lance Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_484_Loop ~ 489_Loop | GL Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_490_Loop ~ 495_Loop | SA Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_496_Loop ~ 501_Loop | CB Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_502_Loop ~ 507_Loop | IG Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_508_Loop ~ 513_Loop | Bow Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_514_Loop ~ 519_Loop | HBG Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_520_Loop ~ 525_Loop | LBG Weapon Pose (Base Game) |
003_526_Loop ~ 531_Loop | Cool Pose |
003_533_Loop ~ 536_Loop | Cutesy Pose 2 |
003_538_Loop ~ 543_Loop | Noble Pose |
003_544_Loop ~ 549_Loop | Dancing Pose 2 |
003_552_Loop ~ 555_Loop | Heroic Pose 2 |
003_556_Loop ~ 558_Loop | GS Weapon Pose 2 |
003_559_Loop ~ 561_Loop | SnS Weapon Pose 2 |
003_562_Loop ~ 564_Loop | DB Weapon Pose 2 |
003_565_Loop ~ 567_Loop | LS Weapon Pose 2 |
003_568_Loop ~ 570_Loop | Hammer Weapon Pose 2 |
003_571_Loop ~ 573_Loop | HH Weapon Pose 2 |
003_574_Loop ~ 576_Loop | Lance Weapon Pose 2 |
003_577_Loop ~ 579_Loop | GL Weapon Pose 2 |
003_580_Loop ~ 582_Loop | SA Weapon Pose 2 |
003_583_Loop ~ 585_Loop | CB Weapon Pose 2 |
003_586_Loop ~ 588_Loop | IG Weapon Pose 2 |
003_589_Loop ~ 591_Loop | Bow Weapon Pose 2 |
003_592_Loop ~ 594_Loop | HBG Weapon Pose 2 |
003_595_Loop ~ 597_Loop | LBG Weapon Pose 2 |
Charge Blade
Contributed by ampo#7188
MotList ID | Action Description |
001 | 검방 idle |
017 | 도끼 idle |
001 | sword idle |
002 | sword draw |
003 | sword sheath while standing still |
004 | sword walking |
005 | sword walking start |
006 | sword turning left to walking |
007 | sword turning right to walking |
008 | sword walking stop |
009 | sword sheath while walking |
010 | sword roll forward |
011 | sword side-step-left |
012 | sword side-step-right |
013 | sword rolling back |
014 | sword rolling to walk forward |
015 | sword rolling to walk back |
017 | axe idle |
018 | axe turning right |
019 | axe turning back |
020 | axe turning left |
021 | axe turning back |
022 | axe walking start |
023 | axe walking |
024 | axe walking stop |
025 | axe roll forward |
026 | axe roll left |
027 | axe roll right |
028 | axe roll backward |
029 | axe sheath while walking |
065 | axe sheath while standing still |
071 | sword climb |
072 | sword climb |
073 | sword climb |
074 | sword jumping down |
075 | sword jumping down |
076 | sword landing |
077 | sword landing to walking |
078 | sword landing to walking |
079 | sword landing |
080 | sword climb |
081 | sword climb |
082 | sword climb |
083 | axe jumping down |
084 | axe jumping down |
085 | axe landing |
086 | axe landing ~ walking |
087 | axe landing |
088 | axe landing |
101 | sword Weak Slash |
102 | sword Return Stroke |
103 | sword Forward Slash |
104 | sword Charged Double Slash start |
105 | sword Charged Double Slash charging |
106 | sword Charged Double Slash success |
107 | sword Charged Double Slash fail |
108 | sword Spinning Slash |
109 | sword Shield Thrust |
110 | sword Charge success |
111 | sword Charge fail |
112 | sword Fade Slash Forward |
113 | sword Fade Slash Back |
114 | sword Fade Slash Left |
115 | sword Fade Slash Right |
116 | sword Condensed Element Slash start |
117 | sword Condensed Element Slash charging |
118 | sword Condensed Element Slash success |
119 | sword morph slash |
120 ~ 121 | ? |
122 | axe hopper cancel start |
123 | axe hopper cancel |
124 | axe hopper cancel end |
125 | axe dash slam |
126 | axe atk up |
127 | axe atk down |
128 | axe Elemental Discharge I |
129 | axe Elemental Discharge II |
130 | AED/SAED start |
131 | AED |
132 | AED finish |
133 | SAED |
134 | SAED finish |
135 | axe air attack |
136 | ? |
137 ~ 138 | axe air attack |
139 ~ 140 | ? |
153 | counter morph slash (sword to axe) |
154 | counter morph slash (axe to sword) |
155 | condensed spinning slash charge start |
156 | condensed spinning slash charge |
157 | condensed spinning slash attack after charging it |
158 | morphing advance |
159 | morphing advance |
160 | counter peak performance start |
161 | counter peak performance fail |
162 | counter peak performance success |
163 | axe hopper start |
164 | axe hopper start |
165 | axe hopper do nothing |
166 | axe hopper AED |
167 | axe hopper AED |
168 | axe hopper SAED |
169 | axe hopper SAED |
300 | sword foward slash |
301 ~ 302 | sword Charged Double Slash |
303 | axe atk down |
304 | axe atk down |
305 | SAED to Spinning Slash |
306 | elemental discharge |
307 | counter aed |
308 | ? |
309 | ? |
310 | sword charge slash |
311 | axe atk down |
312 | sword morph atk |
313 | ? |
314 | ? |
315 | sword morph atk |
316 | axe atk down to atk up |
317 | axe atk up |
318 | axe atk down |
319 | axe Elemental Discharge II to morphing slash |
320 | axe ? to morphing slash |
321 | sword guard point to SAED |
322 | axe Elemental Discharge II to SAED |
323 | axe Elemental Discharge I to Elemental Discharge II |
324 | axe Elemental Discharge II |
325 | axe Elemental Discharge II to atk up |
326 | axe atk down |
327 | axe walking to Elemental Discharge |
328 | axe atk down |
329 | axe atk down |
330 | sword ? |
331 | axe Elemental Discharge |
332 | axe ? |
333 | ? |
334 | Counter Peak Performance to Condensed Spinning Slash |
335 | Counter Peak Performance to axe atk down |
336 | Counter Peak Performance to SAED |
337 | Counter Peak Performance to Condensed Element Slash |
338 | axe Morphing Advance to SAED |
339 | sword charge to elemental discharge |
340 | sword ? |
400 | sword flinch backward |
401 | sword flinch left |
402 | sword flinch right |
403 | sword flinch forward |
404 | sword atk bounce off |
405 | axe flinch backward |
406 | axe flinch left |
407 | axe flinch right |
408 | axe flinch forward |
409 | axe atk bounce off |
411 | sword bubble blight stand still |
412 | sword bubble blight walk |
414 | sword bubble blight stop |
415 | axe bubble blight stand still |
416 | axe bubble blight to walk |
418 | axe bubble blight stop |
420 | sheild pushed little |
421 | sheild pushed |
422 | sheild pushed big |
430 | sheild up start |
431 | sheild up |
432 | sheild up to down |
433 | sheild up moving |
450 ~ 453 | sword stand up |
454 ~ 455 | sword wind pressure recover |
456 | sword Tremor recover |
459 ~ 461 | climb |
462 | sword climb to turing back |
463 ~ 466 | climb |
467 | axe ? to turning back |
468 | axe ? to forward |
550 ~ 553 | axe stand up |
554 | axe wind pressure recover |
555 | axe Roar recover |
566 | axe Tremor recover |
605 | axe Sharping start |
606 | Sharping |
607 | sword Sharping end |
608 | sword Sharping start |
609 | Sharping |
610 | axe Sharping end |
611 | Sharping |
Switch Axe
Contributed by Yian Konchu#3380 (MrNiggles).
MotList ID | Action Description |
[0] 001_Loop | axe idle (loop) |
[1] 002 | draw from sheathed state |
[2] 003 | sheathing while stationary (axe) |
[3] 004_loop | forward run loop (axe mode) |
[4] 005 | forward run start (axe mode) |
[5] 006 | forward run start (axe mode) (plays when you do a 180 turn from standing) |
[6] 007 | forward run start (axe mode) (plays when you do a 180 turn from standing) |
[7] 008 | stopping after moving (axe mode) |
[8] 009 | sheathing while running (axe) |
[9] 010 | forward roll (axe) |
[10] 011 | left slide/hop dodge (axe) |
[11] 012 | right slide/hop dodge (axe) |
[12] 013 | back roll (axe) |
[13] 014 | forward run start (axe mode) (plays after roll) |
[14] 015 | forward run start (axe mode) (plays when you do a 180 turn after roll) |
[15] 017_Loop | idle loop (sword) |
[16] 018 | idle start (sword) (plays when you do a right turn from standing) |
[17] 019 | idle start (sword) (plays when you do a 180 turn from standing) |
[18] 020 | idle start (sword) (plays when you do a left turn from standing) |
[19] 021 | idle start (sword) (plays when you do a 180 turn from standing) |
[20] 022 | forward movement start (sword mode) |
[21] 023_Loop | forward movement loop (sword mode) |
[22] 024 | idle start (sword) (plays when you stop after moving) |
[23] 025 | forward hop (sword) |
[24] 026 | left hop (sword) |
[25] 027 | right hop (sword) |
[26] 028 | back hop (sword) |
[27] 029 | sheathing while moving (sword) |
[28] 031 | forward roll (sword) |
[29] 032 | sheathing while stationary (sword) |
[30] 071 | forward run start (axe mode) (plays when you climb a small ledge) |
[31] 072 | climbing up ledge with weapon out (axe) |
[32] 073 | Hanging on ledge with weapon out (axe probably)* |
[33] 074 | Falling with weapon out when you roll away from ledges without wiggly legs (axe?)* |
[34] 075 | Falling with weapon out when you roll away from ledges with wiggly legs (axe?)* |
[35] 076_Loop | Falling with weapon out when you roll away from ledges (loop, axe?)* |
[36] 077 | forward run start (axe mode probably) (probably ledge related) |
[37] 078 | big fall landing to forward run transition in axe mode |
[38] 079 | short fall landing to forward run transition in axe mode |
[39] 080 | climbing up ledge with weapon out (sword) |
[40] 081 | climbing up ledge with weapon out (sword) |
[41] 082 | Hanging on ledge with weapon out (sword probably)* |
[42] 083 | Falling with weapon out when you roll away from ledges without wiggly legs (sword?)* |
[43] 084 | Falling with weapon out when you roll away from ledges with wiggly legs (sword?)* |
[44] 085_Loop | Falling with weapon out when you roll away from ledges (loop, sword?)* |
[45] 086 | ??? Climbing up small ledge with weapon out (sword)* |
[46] 087 | big fall landing to forward movement transition in sword mode |
[47] 088 | short fall landing to forward movement transition in sword mode |
[48] 101 | overhead slash (axe) |
[49] 102 | side slash (axe) |
[50] 103 | rising slash (axe) |
[51] 104 | forward slash (axe) |
[52] 105 | wild swing (start) |
[53] 106_Loop | wild swing (loop) |
[54] 107 | wild swing end to axe mode idle transition (when ending at left side) |
[55] 108 | wild swing end to axe mode idle transition (when ending at right side) |
[56] 110 | reload |
[57] 111 | overhead slash (sword) |
[58] 112 | right rising slash (sword) |
[59] 113 | left rising slash (sword) |
[60] 114 | double slash (sword) |
[61] 115 | heavenward flurry (sword) |
[62] 116 | element discharge (thrust and pull back anim that plays when you don't provide input after) |
[63] 117 | element discharge (when you mash after thrust, start) |
[64] 118_Loop | element discharge (when you mash after thrust, loop) |
[65] 119 | element discharge end (the one that plays after phial ejaculation) |
[66] 120 | morph to sword mode when stationary |
[67] 121 | morph to axe mode when stationary |
[68] 122 | wide sweep (axe) |
[69] 124 | forward morph slash from sword to axe (the one after rolling) |
[70] 125 | landing from jumping slash (axe) |
[71] 126 | landing from jumping slash (axe) |
[72] 127 | jumping slash (axe, start of loop?) |
[73] 128_Loop | jumping slash (axe, loop) |
[74] 129 | mid air reload (start) |
[75] 130_Loop | mid air reload (loop) |
[76] 131 | landing from mid air reload |
[77] 132 | landing from jumping slash (sword) |
[78] 133 | Jumping slash (axe? start)* |
[79] 134_Loop | Jumping slash (axe? falling loop)* |
[80] 135 | aerial element discharge thrust (the one you can do when you roll from ledge) |
[81] 136_Loop | aerial element discharge (loop) |
[82] 137 | jumping slash start (axe, used for both drawn and sheathed states) |
[83] 138 | jumping morph slash start (sword to axe, from drawn state. Roll off ledge > R2/RT) |
[84] 139 | jumping slash start (sword, from drawn state. Roll off ledge > attack) |
[85] 140 | jumping slash start (sword, from sheathed state. Jump off ledge > R2/RT) |
[86] 141 | aerial element discharge start from sword mode |
[87] 142 | aerial element discharge start from axe mode |
[88] 143 | advancing overhead slash (axe switch skill) |
[89] 144 | ZSD grapple and thrust (the start) |
[90] 145_Loop | ZSD (loop) |
[91] 146 | ZSD end (the yeet after the climax shot) |
[92] 147_Loop | ZSD end (flying away loop) |
[93] 148 | ZSD end (the sword stab to ground part) |
[94] 149 | ZSD (premature ejaculation) |
[95] 150 | ZSD landing after premature shot |
[96] 151 | compressed elemental discharge (switch skill) |
[97] 152 | double morph slash (from sword to axe mode) |
[98] 153 | morph rising double slash (from axe to sword mode) |
[99] 157 | invincible gambit (switch skill) |
[100] 160 | soaring wyvern blade start (switch skill, the lift off part) |
[101] 161 | soaring wyvern blade mid air (switch skill, after lift off) |
[102] 162_Loop | advancing slash (switch skill, the aerial sword attack after soaring wyvern blade) |
[103] 163 | soaring wyvern blade start (switch skill, the lift off part) |
[104] 164 | switch charger (switch skill) |
[105] 165 | switch charger (switch skill) |
[106] 166 | invincible gambit (switch skill) |
[107] 168 | advancing slash (switch skill, the aerial sword attack after soaring wyvern blade) |
[108] 169 | advancing slash end (switch skill, the aerial sword attack after soaring wyvern blade) |
[109] 172 | Landing with weapon drawn* |
[110] 173_Loop | Falling with weapon drawn (loop)* |
[111] 174 | fade slash (axe) |
[112] 175 | heavy slam (axe) |
[113] 176 | downward fade slash (morph from sword to axe) |
[114] 177 | landing with weapon drawn (axe) |
[115] 178 | morph slash (sword to axe after forward roll) |
[116] 300 | side slash start (axe) |
[117] 301 | overhead slash transition (morphing to sword from sheathed state?) |
[118] 302 | morph slash start (morphing to sword after axe side slash) |
[119] 303 | Overhead slash transition (axe)* |
[120] 304 | overhead slash transition (axe, between upswing -> overhead slash) |
[121] 305 | Overhead slash transition (sword)* |
[122] 306 | Side slash start (axe)* |
[123] 307 | overhead slash start (sword, attacking from sheathed state) |
[124] 308 | early wide sweep transition (axe, when you activate after first slash of wild swing) |
[125] 309 | overhead slash transition (axe, after first slash of wild swing) |
[126] 310 | overhead slash transition (axe, after second slash of wild swing) |
[127] 315 | wild swing transition (axe, for most combo transitions except for downard morphing fade slash) |
[128] 316 | morph overhead slash transition (axe to sword, the one where you advance forward with the slash) |
[129] 317 | Overhead slash transition (sword)* |
[130] 318 | Side slash transition (axe)* |
[131] 319 | side slash transition (axe, when attacking from sheathed state) |
[132] 320 | Overhead slash transition (sword?)* |
[133] 321 | Overhead slash transition (sword?)* |
[134] 322 | double slash transition (sword, transition after overhead sword slash) |
[135] 323 | morph slash transition (sword to axe, morphing after first overhead sword slash) |
[136] 324 | double slash transition (sword, from right rising slash to double slash) |
[137] 325 | morph slash transition (sword to axe, morphing after right rising slash) |
[138] 326 | overhead slash transition (sword, from left rising slash back to overhead) |
[139] 327 | triple slash transition (sword, from left rising slash or morph double slash to triple) |
[140] 328 | morph slash transition (sword to axe, morphing after left rising slash) |
[141] 329 | Sword transition* |
[142] 330 | overhead slash transition (sword, from double slash to overhead) |
[143] 331 | element discharge transition (after double slash) |
[144] 332 | Attack transition* |
[145] 333 | Sword transition* |
[146] 334 | element discharge transition (after heavenward flurry) |
[147] 335 | right rising slash transition (sword, after heavenward flurry) |
[148] 336 | ??? |
[149] 337 | ??? |
[150] 338 | ??? |
[151] 339 | morph double slash transition (sword to axe, after heavenward flurry) |
[152] 341 | element discharge transition (after right rising slash) |
[153] 342 | element discharge transition (after left rising slash) |
[154] 343 | Attack transition* |
[155] 344 | Attack transition* |
[156] 345 | Overhead slash transition* |
[157] 346 | Overhead slash transition* |
[158] 347 | overhead slash transition (while walking forward in sword mode) |
[159] 348 | Overhead slash transition* |
[160] 349 | axe side slash transition (after sword to axe downward fade slash) |
[161] 350 | morph overhead slash transition (after sword to axe downward fade slash) |
[162] 400 | taking minor damage while in axe mode (from front)* |
[163] 401 | taking minor damage while in axe mode (from the side)* |
[164] 402 | taking minor damage while in axe mode (from the side)* |
[165] 403 | taking minor damage while in axe mode (from back?)* |
[166] 404 | bouncing in axe mode |
[167] 405 | taking minor damage while in sword mode (from front)* |
[168] 406 | taking minor damage while in sword mode (from the side)* |
[169] 407 | taking minor damage while in sword mode (from the side)* |
[170] 408 | taking minor damage while in sword mode (from back)* |
[171] 411_Loop | slipping while idle in axe mode (Mizutsune bubble stuff)* |
[172] 412 | slipping while moving in axe mode (Mizutsune bubble stuff)* |
[173] 414 | slipping while idle in sword mode (Mizutsune bubble stuff)* |
[174] 415 | slipping while moving in sword mode? (Mizutsune bubble stuff)* |
[175] 416 | slipping while moving in sword mode? (Mizutsune bubble stuff)* |
[176] 418 | slipping while stopping in sword mode? (Mizutsune bubble stuff)* |
[177] 450 | knockback or tripping in axe mode? (lands on butt and stands back up)* |
[178] 451 | knockback or tripping in axe mode? (lands towards front and stands back up)* |
[179] 452 | knockback or tripping in axe mode? (lands towards front and stands back up)* |
[180] 453 | knockback or tripping in axe mode? (lands on butt and stands back up)* |
[181] 454 | stun from roar? (axe mode)* |
[182] 455 | stun from roar recovery? (axe mode)* |
[183] 456 | knockback or tripping?* |
[184] 457 | ??? Has same address as [0] |
[185] 458 | looks like sword mode idle, but isn't used* |
[186] 459 | something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?* |
[187] 460 | something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?* |
[188] 461 | something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?* |
[189] 462 | something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?* |
[190] 463 | something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?* |
[191] 464 | something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?* |
[192] 465 | something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?* |
[193] 466 | something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?* |
[194] 467 | ??? Has backward steps with sword mode stance* |
[195] 468 | ??? Has forward steps with sword mode stance* |
[196] 550 | knockback or tripping in sword mode? (lands on butt and stands back up)* |
[197] 551 | knockback or tripping in sword mode? (tilts forwards and grabs weapon into sword mode stance)* |
[198] 552 | knockback or tripping in sword mode? (lands forwards and grabs weapon into sword mode stance)* |
[199] 553 | knockback or tripping in sword mode? (lands on butt and stands back up)* |
[200] 554 | stun from roar? (sword mode)* |
[201] 555 | stun from roar recovery? (sword mode)* |
[202] 556 | knockback or tripping in sword mode? (lands forwards and grabs weapon into sword mode stance)* |
[203] 605 | whetstone motion start (axe mode) |
[204] 606 | whetstone motion stroke loop (axe mode) |
[205] 607 | whetstone motion end (axe mode) |
[206] 608 | whetstone motion start (sword mode) |
[207] 609 | whetstone motion stroke loop (sword mode) |
[208] 610 | whetstone motion end (sword mode) |
[209] 611_Loop | whestone start, used when sharpening from sheathed state |
Misc. Motlist Contents
Contributed by Yian Konchu#3380 (MrNiggles).
File Name | Contents |
plc_DLCv1_019.motlist | Fanfare, High Five Gestures, Attack Poses, Hurt Poses |
plc_DLCv2_020.motlist | Ninjutsu, Delightful Dance Gestures, Idol Poses |
plc_DLCv3_021.motlist | Blow A Kiss Gesture, Using The Wall Poses, Hide Poses |
plc_DLCv4_022.motlist | Play Possum, Traditional Dance Gestures |
plc_DLCv5_023.motlist | Mew Mew Gestures |
plc_DLCv6_024.motlist | Akuma Gestures And Poses |
plc_DLCv7_025.motlist | Arthur |
plc_DLCv8_026.motlist | Wirebug Poses, Arthur (Has Same Motions As DLCv7_025) |
plc_DLCv9_027.motlist | Kunai Poses |
plc_DLCv10_028.motlist | Hot And Cold Poses |
plc_DLCv11_029.motlist | Sitting Poses |
plc_DLCv12_030.motlist | Heart Poses |
plc_DLCv13_031.motlist | Running Poses |
plc_DLCv14_033.motlist | Graceful Dance Gestures, Chase Poses |
plc_DLCv15_034.motlist | It's Over Gestures, For The Fans Gestures, MC Poses, Delightful Poses |
plc_DX_018.motlist | Base Game Deluxe Gestures And Poses (Jumping, Samurai...) |
plc_DXv2_032.motlist | Aim Gestures, Fight Poses |
plc_Edit_014.motlist | Character Creation Motions (The Ones Used For Testing Voices) |