MotList IDs - mhvuze/MonsterHunterRiseModding GitHub Wiki


Contributed by Yian Konchu#3380 (MrNiggles).

(Last 3 digits are mot IDs, so 003_001 = mot ID 1, 003_027 = mot ID 27)

Motlist ID Action
003_001 Greeting
003_002 Wave Start
003_003_Loop Wave Loop
003_004 Applaud Start
003_005_Loop Applaud Loop
003_006 Good Work
003_008 Point
003_010 Call Start
003_011_Loop Call Loop
003_012 Joy 1 Start
003_013_Loop Joy 1 Loop
003_014 Joy 2 Start
003_015_Loop Joy 2 Loop
003_016 Taunt Start
003_017_Loop Taunt Loop
003_018 Stop Stop Stop Start
003_019_Loop Stop Stop Stop Loop
003_020 High Five
003_022 Refuse
003_024 Apologize
003_026 Show Off 1 Start
003_027_Loop Show Off 1 Loop
003_028 Show Off 1 End
003_029 Show Off 2 Start
003_030_Loop Show Off 2 Loop
003_031 Show Off 2 End
003_032 Woohoo Start
003_033_Loop Woohoo Loop
003_040 Shadowbox Start
003_041_Loop Shadowbox Loop
003_042 Shadowbox End
003_043 Crossed Arms Start
003_044_Loop Crossed Arms Loop
003_045 Crossed Arms End
003_051 Remorse Start
003_052_Loop Remorse Loop
003_053 Remorse End
003_055 For Honor Start
003_056_Loop For Honor Loop
003_057 For Honor End
003_058 Spirit Fingers Start
003_059_Loop Spirit Fingers Loop
003_060 Spirit Fingers End
003_061 Spirit Fingers End 2 (Other Side)
003_062 Prance Start
003_063_Loop Prance Loop
003_064 Regret Start
003_065_Loop Regret Loop
003_066 Kneel Start
003_067_Loop Kneel Loop
003_068 Kneel End
003_069 OMG Start
003_070_Loop #NAME?
003_071 Bow
003_072 Genuflect
003_073_Loop Genuflect Loop
003_074 Flourish
003_075_Loop Flourish Loop
003_076 Flourish End
003_077 Shock
003_078 Have Fun
003_079_Loop Have Fun Loop
003_080 Have Fun End
003_081 LOL Start
003_082_Loop LOL Loop
003_083 LOL End
003_087 Morale Boost Start
003_088_Loop Morale Boost Loop
003_089 Morale Boost End
003_090 Ponder Start
003_091_Loop Ponder Loop
003_092 Ponder End
003_100 Standing To Sitting On Bench
003_102 Sitting On Bench To Standing Back Up
003_105 Wave End
003_106 Applaud End
003_107 Taunt End
003_108 OMG End
003_109 Genuflect End
003_110 Warm Up Start
003_111_Loop Warm Up Loop (Hands Up In The Air)
003_112 Warm Up (Transition From 111 To 113)
003_113_Loop Warm Up Loop (X Arms And Bent Legs)
003_114_Loop Warm Up Flex
003_115 Warm Up Transition (114 To 116)
003_116_Loop Warm Up Potion Loop
003_117 Warm Up Pickaxe
003_118 Warm Up Pickaxe
003_119 Warm Up Pickaxe
003_120 Warm Up Transition (119 To 121)
003_121 Warm Up Pick Up Start
003_122_Loop Warm Up Pick Up Loop
003_123 Warm Up Bow Pull
003_124 Warm Up Start (Climbing Left/Right Motion?)
003_125_Loop Warm Up Loop (Climbing Left/Right Motion?)
003_126 Transition From 125 To 127
003_127 Warm Up Sharpen
003_128 Warm Up Sharpen
003_129 Warm Up Hammer
003_130 Warm Up Hammer
003_131 Warm Up Hammer
003_132 Warm Up Transition (131 To 133)
003_133_Loop Warm Up Jumps
003_134 Warm Up Transition (From 133 To 135)
003_135 Warm Up Transition (To 136, X Arms To Standing)
003_136 Warm Up End
003_291 To 003_355 Palico/Palamute Interactions
003_400_Loop ~ 405_Loop Cutsey Pose
003_406_Loop ~ 411_Loop Powerful Pose
003_412_Loop ~ 417_Loop Location Pose
003_418_Loop ~ 423_Loop Group Pose
003_424_Loop ~ 429_Loop Brawny Pose
003_430_Loop ~ 435_Loop Heroic Pose
003_436_Loop ~ 441_Loop Dancing Pose
003_442_Loop ~ 447_Loop GS Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_448_Loop ~ 453_Loop SnS Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_454_Loop ~ 459_Loop DB Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_460_Loop ~ 465_Loop LS Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_466_Loop ~ 471_Loop Hammer Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_472_Loop ~ 477_Loop HH Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_478_Loop ~ 483_Loop Lance Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_484_Loop ~ 489_Loop GL Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_490_Loop ~ 495_Loop SA Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_496_Loop ~ 501_Loop CB Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_502_Loop ~ 507_Loop IG Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_508_Loop ~ 513_Loop Bow Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_514_Loop ~ 519_Loop HBG Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_520_Loop ~ 525_Loop LBG Weapon Pose (Base Game)
003_526_Loop ~ 531_Loop Cool Pose
003_533_Loop ~ 536_Loop Cutesy Pose 2
003_538_Loop ~ 543_Loop Noble Pose
003_544_Loop ~ 549_Loop Dancing Pose 2
003_552_Loop ~ 555_Loop Heroic Pose 2
003_556_Loop ~ 558_Loop GS Weapon Pose 2
003_559_Loop ~ 561_Loop SnS Weapon Pose 2
003_562_Loop ~ 564_Loop DB Weapon Pose 2
003_565_Loop ~ 567_Loop LS Weapon Pose 2
003_568_Loop ~ 570_Loop Hammer Weapon Pose 2
003_571_Loop ~ 573_Loop HH Weapon Pose 2
003_574_Loop ~ 576_Loop Lance Weapon Pose 2
003_577_Loop ~ 579_Loop GL Weapon Pose 2
003_580_Loop ~ 582_Loop SA Weapon Pose 2
003_583_Loop ~ 585_Loop CB Weapon Pose 2
003_586_Loop ~ 588_Loop IG Weapon Pose 2
003_589_Loop ~ 591_Loop Bow Weapon Pose 2
003_592_Loop ~ 594_Loop HBG Weapon Pose 2
003_595_Loop ~ 597_Loop LBG Weapon Pose 2

Charge Blade

Contributed by ampo#7188

MotList ID Action Description
001 검방 idle
017 도끼 idle
001 sword idle
002 sword draw
003 sword sheath while standing still
004 sword walking
005 sword walking start
006 sword turning left to walking
007 sword turning right to walking
008 sword walking stop
009 sword sheath while walking
010 sword roll forward
011 sword side-step-left
012 sword side-step-right
013 sword rolling back
014 sword rolling to walk forward
015 sword rolling to walk back
017 axe idle
018 axe turning right
019 axe turning back
020 axe turning left
021 axe turning back
022 axe walking start
023 axe walking
024 axe walking stop
025 axe roll forward
026 axe roll left
027 axe roll right
028 axe roll backward
029 axe sheath while walking
065 axe sheath while standing still
071 sword climb
072 sword climb
073 sword climb
074 sword jumping down
075 sword jumping down
076 sword landing
077 sword landing to walking
078 sword landing to walking
079 sword landing
080 sword climb
081 sword climb
082 sword climb
083 axe jumping down
084 axe jumping down
085 axe landing
086 axe landing ~ walking
087 axe landing
088 axe landing
101 sword Weak Slash
102 sword Return Stroke
103 sword Forward Slash
104 sword Charged Double Slash start
105 sword Charged Double Slash charging
106 sword Charged Double Slash success
107 sword Charged Double Slash fail
108 sword Spinning Slash
109 sword Shield Thrust
110 sword Charge success
111 sword Charge fail
112 sword Fade Slash Forward
113 sword Fade Slash Back
114 sword Fade Slash Left
115 sword Fade Slash Right
116 sword Condensed Element Slash start
117 sword Condensed Element Slash charging
118 sword Condensed Element Slash success
119 sword morph slash
120 ~ 121 ?
122 axe hopper cancel start
123 axe hopper cancel
124 axe hopper cancel end
125 axe dash slam
126 axe atk up
127 axe atk down
128 axe Elemental Discharge I
129 axe Elemental Discharge II
130 AED/SAED start
131 AED
132 AED finish
133 SAED
134 SAED finish
135 axe air attack
136 ?
137 ~ 138 axe air attack
139 ~ 140 ?
153 counter morph slash (sword to axe)
154 counter morph slash (axe to sword)
155 condensed spinning slash charge start
156 condensed spinning slash charge
157 condensed spinning slash attack after charging it
158 morphing advance
159 morphing advance
160 counter peak performance start
161 counter peak performance fail
162 counter peak performance success
163 axe hopper start
164 axe hopper start
165 axe hopper do nothing
166 axe hopper AED
167 axe hopper AED
168 axe hopper SAED
169 axe hopper SAED
300 sword foward slash
301 ~ 302 sword Charged Double Slash
303 axe atk down
304 axe atk down
305 SAED to Spinning Slash
306 elemental discharge
307 counter aed
308 ?
309 ?
310 sword charge slash
311 axe atk down
312 sword morph atk
313 ?
314 ?
315 sword morph atk
316 axe atk down to atk up
317 axe atk up
318 axe atk down
319 axe Elemental Discharge II to morphing slash
320 axe ? to morphing slash
321 sword guard point to SAED
322 axe Elemental Discharge II to SAED
323 axe Elemental Discharge I to Elemental Discharge II
324 axe Elemental Discharge II
325 axe Elemental Discharge II to atk up
326 axe atk down
327 axe walking to Elemental Discharge
328 axe atk down
329 axe atk down
330 sword ?
331 axe Elemental Discharge
332 axe ?
333 ?
334 Counter Peak Performance to Condensed Spinning Slash
335 Counter Peak Performance to axe atk down
336 Counter Peak Performance to SAED
337 Counter Peak Performance to Condensed Element Slash
338 axe Morphing Advance to SAED
339 sword charge to elemental discharge
340 sword ?
400 sword flinch backward
401 sword flinch left
402 sword flinch right
403 sword flinch forward
404 sword atk bounce off
405 axe flinch backward
406 axe flinch left
407 axe flinch right
408 axe flinch forward
409 axe atk bounce off
411 sword bubble blight stand still
412 sword bubble blight walk
414 sword bubble blight stop
415 axe bubble blight stand still
416 axe bubble blight to walk
418 axe bubble blight stop
420 sheild pushed little
421 sheild pushed
422 sheild pushed big
430 sheild up start
431 sheild up
432 sheild up to down
433 sheild up moving
450 ~ 453 sword stand up
454 ~ 455 sword wind pressure recover
456 sword Tremor recover
459 ~ 461 climb
462 sword climb to turing back
463 ~ 466 climb
467 axe ? to turning back
468 axe ? to forward
550 ~ 553 axe stand up
554 axe wind pressure recover
555 axe Roar recover
566 axe Tremor recover
605 axe Sharping start
606 Sharping
607 sword Sharping end
608 sword Sharping start
609 Sharping
610 axe Sharping end
611 Sharping

Switch Axe

Contributed by Yian Konchu#3380 (MrNiggles).

MotList ID Action Description
[0] 001_Loop axe idle (loop)
[1] 002 draw from sheathed state
[2] 003 sheathing while stationary (axe)
[3] 004_loop forward run loop (axe mode)
[4] 005 forward run start (axe mode)
[5] 006 forward run start (axe mode) (plays when you do a 180 turn from standing)
[6] 007 forward run start (axe mode) (plays when you do a 180 turn from standing)
[7] 008 stopping after moving (axe mode)
[8] 009 sheathing while running (axe)
[9] 010 forward roll (axe)
[10] 011 left slide/hop dodge (axe)
[11] 012 right slide/hop dodge (axe)
[12] 013 back roll (axe)
[13] 014 forward run start (axe mode) (plays after roll)
[14] 015 forward run start (axe mode) (plays when you do a 180 turn after roll)
[15] 017_Loop idle loop (sword)
[16] 018 idle start (sword) (plays when you do a right turn from standing)
[17] 019 idle start (sword) (plays when you do a 180 turn from standing)
[18] 020 idle start (sword) (plays when you do a left turn from standing)
[19] 021 idle start (sword) (plays when you do a 180 turn from standing)
[20] 022 forward movement start (sword mode)
[21] 023_Loop forward movement loop (sword mode)
[22] 024 idle start (sword) (plays when you stop after moving)
[23] 025 forward hop (sword)
[24] 026 left hop (sword)
[25] 027 right hop (sword)
[26] 028 back hop (sword)
[27] 029 sheathing while moving (sword)
[28] 031 forward roll (sword)
[29] 032 sheathing while stationary (sword)
[30] 071 forward run start (axe mode) (plays when you climb a small ledge)
[31] 072 climbing up ledge with weapon out (axe)
[32] 073 Hanging on ledge with weapon out (axe probably)*
[33] 074 Falling with weapon out when you roll away from ledges without wiggly legs (axe?)*
[34] 075 Falling with weapon out when you roll away from ledges with wiggly legs (axe?)*
[35] 076_Loop Falling with weapon out when you roll away from ledges (loop, axe?)*
[36] 077 forward run start (axe mode probably) (probably ledge related)
[37] 078 big fall landing to forward run transition in axe mode
[38] 079 short fall landing to forward run transition in axe mode
[39] 080 climbing up ledge with weapon out (sword)
[40] 081 climbing up ledge with weapon out (sword)
[41] 082 Hanging on ledge with weapon out (sword probably)*
[42] 083 Falling with weapon out when you roll away from ledges without wiggly legs (sword?)*
[43] 084 Falling with weapon out when you roll away from ledges with wiggly legs (sword?)*
[44] 085_Loop Falling with weapon out when you roll away from ledges (loop, sword?)*
[45] 086 ??? Climbing up small ledge with weapon out (sword)*
[46] 087 big fall landing to forward movement transition in sword mode
[47] 088 short fall landing to forward movement transition in sword mode
[48] 101 overhead slash (axe)
[49] 102 side slash (axe)
[50] 103 rising slash (axe)
[51] 104 forward slash (axe)
[52] 105 wild swing (start)
[53] 106_Loop wild swing (loop)
[54] 107 wild swing end to axe mode idle transition (when ending at left side)
[55] 108 wild swing end to axe mode idle transition (when ending at right side)
[56] 110 reload
[57] 111 overhead slash (sword)
[58] 112 right rising slash (sword)
[59] 113 left rising slash (sword)
[60] 114 double slash (sword)
[61] 115 heavenward flurry (sword)
[62] 116 element discharge (thrust and pull back anim that plays when you don't provide input after)
[63] 117 element discharge (when you mash after thrust, start)
[64] 118_Loop element discharge (when you mash after thrust, loop)
[65] 119 element discharge end (the one that plays after phial ejaculation)
[66] 120 morph to sword mode when stationary
[67] 121 morph to axe mode when stationary
[68] 122 wide sweep (axe)
[69] 124 forward morph slash from sword to axe (the one after rolling)
[70] 125 landing from jumping slash (axe)
[71] 126 landing from jumping slash (axe)
[72] 127 jumping slash (axe, start of loop?)
[73] 128_Loop jumping slash (axe, loop)
[74] 129 mid air reload (start)
[75] 130_Loop mid air reload (loop)
[76] 131 landing from mid air reload
[77] 132 landing from jumping slash (sword)
[78] 133 Jumping slash (axe? start)*
[79] 134_Loop Jumping slash (axe? falling loop)*
[80] 135 aerial element discharge thrust (the one you can do when you roll from ledge)
[81] 136_Loop aerial element discharge (loop)
[82] 137 jumping slash start (axe, used for both drawn and sheathed states)
[83] 138 jumping morph slash start (sword to axe, from drawn state. Roll off ledge > R2/RT)
[84] 139 jumping slash start (sword, from drawn state. Roll off ledge > attack)
[85] 140 jumping slash start (sword, from sheathed state. Jump off ledge > R2/RT)
[86] 141 aerial element discharge start from sword mode
[87] 142 aerial element discharge start from axe mode
[88] 143 advancing overhead slash (axe switch skill)
[89] 144 ZSD grapple and thrust (the start)
[90] 145_Loop ZSD (loop)
[91] 146 ZSD end (the yeet after the climax shot)
[92] 147_Loop ZSD end (flying away loop)
[93] 148 ZSD end (the sword stab to ground part)
[94] 149 ZSD (premature ejaculation)
[95] 150 ZSD landing after premature shot
[96] 151 compressed elemental discharge (switch skill)
[97] 152 double morph slash (from sword to axe mode)
[98] 153 morph rising double slash (from axe to sword mode)
[99] 157 invincible gambit (switch skill)
[100] 160 soaring wyvern blade start (switch skill, the lift off part)
[101] 161 soaring wyvern blade mid air (switch skill, after lift off)
[102] 162_Loop advancing slash (switch skill, the aerial sword attack after soaring wyvern blade)
[103] 163 soaring wyvern blade start (switch skill, the lift off part)
[104] 164 switch charger (switch skill)
[105] 165 switch charger (switch skill)
[106] 166 invincible gambit (switch skill)
[107] 168 advancing slash (switch skill, the aerial sword attack after soaring wyvern blade)
[108] 169 advancing slash end (switch skill, the aerial sword attack after soaring wyvern blade)
[109] 172 Landing with weapon drawn*
[110] 173_Loop Falling with weapon drawn (loop)*
[111] 174 fade slash (axe)
[112] 175 heavy slam (axe)
[113] 176 downward fade slash (morph from sword to axe)
[114] 177 landing with weapon drawn (axe)
[115] 178 morph slash (sword to axe after forward roll)
[116] 300 side slash start (axe)
[117] 301 overhead slash transition (morphing to sword from sheathed state?)
[118] 302 morph slash start (morphing to sword after axe side slash)
[119] 303 Overhead slash transition (axe)*
[120] 304 overhead slash transition (axe, between upswing -> overhead slash)
[121] 305 Overhead slash transition (sword)*
[122] 306 Side slash start (axe)*
[123] 307 overhead slash start (sword, attacking from sheathed state)
[124] 308 early wide sweep transition (axe, when you activate after first slash of wild swing)
[125] 309 overhead slash transition (axe, after first slash of wild swing)
[126] 310 overhead slash transition (axe, after second slash of wild swing)
[127] 315 wild swing transition (axe, for most combo transitions except for downard morphing fade slash)
[128] 316 morph overhead slash transition (axe to sword, the one where you advance forward with the slash)
[129] 317 Overhead slash transition (sword)*
[130] 318 Side slash transition (axe)*
[131] 319 side slash transition (axe, when attacking from sheathed state)
[132] 320 Overhead slash transition (sword?)*
[133] 321 Overhead slash transition (sword?)*
[134] 322 double slash transition (sword, transition after overhead sword slash)
[135] 323 morph slash transition (sword to axe, morphing after first overhead sword slash)
[136] 324 double slash transition (sword, from right rising slash to double slash)
[137] 325 morph slash transition (sword to axe, morphing after right rising slash)
[138] 326 overhead slash transition (sword, from left rising slash back to overhead)
[139] 327 triple slash transition (sword, from left rising slash or morph double slash to triple)
[140] 328 morph slash transition (sword to axe, morphing after left rising slash)
[141] 329 Sword transition*
[142] 330 overhead slash transition (sword, from double slash to overhead)
[143] 331 element discharge transition (after double slash)
[144] 332 Attack transition*
[145] 333 Sword transition*
[146] 334 element discharge transition (after heavenward flurry)
[147] 335 right rising slash transition (sword, after heavenward flurry)
[148] 336 ???
[149] 337 ???
[150] 338 ???
[151] 339 morph double slash transition (sword to axe, after heavenward flurry)
[152] 341 element discharge transition (after right rising slash)
[153] 342 element discharge transition (after left rising slash)
[154] 343 Attack transition*
[155] 344 Attack transition*
[156] 345 Overhead slash transition*
[157] 346 Overhead slash transition*
[158] 347 overhead slash transition (while walking forward in sword mode)
[159] 348 Overhead slash transition*
[160] 349 axe side slash transition (after sword to axe downward fade slash)
[161] 350 morph overhead slash transition (after sword to axe downward fade slash)
[162] 400 taking minor damage while in axe mode (from front)*
[163] 401 taking minor damage while in axe mode (from the side)*
[164] 402 taking minor damage while in axe mode (from the side)*
[165] 403 taking minor damage while in axe mode (from back?)*
[166] 404 bouncing in axe mode
[167] 405 taking minor damage while in sword mode (from front)*
[168] 406 taking minor damage while in sword mode (from the side)*
[169] 407 taking minor damage while in sword mode (from the side)*
[170] 408 taking minor damage while in sword mode (from back)*
[171] 411_Loop slipping while idle in axe mode (Mizutsune bubble stuff)*
[172] 412 slipping while moving in axe mode (Mizutsune bubble stuff)*
[173] 414 slipping while idle in sword mode (Mizutsune bubble stuff)*
[174] 415 slipping while moving in sword mode? (Mizutsune bubble stuff)*
[175] 416 slipping while moving in sword mode? (Mizutsune bubble stuff)*
[176] 418 slipping while stopping in sword mode? (Mizutsune bubble stuff)*
[177] 450 knockback or tripping in axe mode? (lands on butt and stands back up)*
[178] 451 knockback or tripping in axe mode? (lands towards front and stands back up)*
[179] 452 knockback or tripping in axe mode? (lands towards front and stands back up)*
[180] 453 knockback or tripping in axe mode? (lands on butt and stands back up)*
[181] 454 stun from roar? (axe mode)*
[182] 455 stun from roar recovery? (axe mode)*
[183] 456 knockback or tripping?*
[184] 457 ??? Has same address as [0]
[185] 458 looks like sword mode idle, but isn't used*
[186] 459 something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?*
[187] 460 something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?*
[188] 461 something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?*
[189] 462 something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?*
[190] 463 something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?*
[191] 464 something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?*
[192] 465 something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?*
[193] 466 something to do with ledge climbing with weapon drawn?*
[194] 467 ??? Has backward steps with sword mode stance*
[195] 468 ??? Has forward steps with sword mode stance*
[196] 550 knockback or tripping in sword mode? (lands on butt and stands back up)*
[197] 551 knockback or tripping in sword mode? (tilts forwards and grabs weapon into sword mode stance)*
[198] 552 knockback or tripping in sword mode? (lands forwards and grabs weapon into sword mode stance)*
[199] 553 knockback or tripping in sword mode? (lands on butt and stands back up)*
[200] 554 stun from roar? (sword mode)*
[201] 555 stun from roar recovery? (sword mode)*
[202] 556 knockback or tripping in sword mode? (lands forwards and grabs weapon into sword mode stance)*
[203] 605 whetstone motion start (axe mode)
[204] 606 whetstone motion stroke loop (axe mode)
[205] 607 whetstone motion end (axe mode)
[206] 608 whetstone motion start (sword mode)
[207] 609 whetstone motion stroke loop (sword mode)
[208] 610 whetstone motion end (sword mode)
[209] 611_Loop whestone start, used when sharpening from sheathed state

Misc. Motlist Contents

Contributed by Yian Konchu#3380 (MrNiggles).

File Name Contents
plc_DLCv1_019.motlist Fanfare, High Five Gestures, Attack Poses, Hurt Poses
plc_DLCv2_020.motlist Ninjutsu, Delightful Dance Gestures, Idol Poses
plc_DLCv3_021.motlist Blow A Kiss Gesture, Using The Wall Poses, Hide Poses
plc_DLCv4_022.motlist Play Possum, Traditional Dance Gestures
plc_DLCv5_023.motlist Mew Mew Gestures
plc_DLCv6_024.motlist Akuma Gestures And Poses
plc_DLCv7_025.motlist Arthur
plc_DLCv8_026.motlist Wirebug Poses, Arthur (Has Same Motions As DLCv7_025)
plc_DLCv9_027.motlist Kunai Poses
plc_DLCv10_028.motlist Hot And Cold Poses
plc_DLCv11_029.motlist Sitting Poses
plc_DLCv12_030.motlist Heart Poses
plc_DLCv13_031.motlist Running Poses
plc_DLCv14_033.motlist Graceful Dance Gestures, Chase Poses
plc_DLCv15_034.motlist It's Over Gestures, For The Fans Gestures, MC Poses, Delightful Poses
plc_DX_018.motlist Base Game Deluxe Gestures And Poses (Jumping, Samurai...)
plc_DXv2_032.motlist Aim Gestures, Fight Poses
plc_Edit_014.motlist Character Creation Motions (The Ones Used For Testing Voices)