Monster IDs - mhvuze/MonsterHunterRiseModding GitHub Wiki

List of Monsters

Enum Type Type hex ID Enum Index Index Name
EmTypeNoData 00000000
EmType001_00 00000001 EnemyIndex000 0 Rathian
EmType001_07 00000701 EnemyIndex001 1 Apex Rathian
EmType002_00 00000002 EnemyIndex002 2 Rathalos
EmType002_07 00000702 EnemyIndex003 3 Apex Rathalos
EmType003_00 00000003 EnemyIndex004 4 Khezu
EmType004_00 00000004 EnemyIndex005 5 Basarios
EmType007_00 00000007 EnemyIndex006 6 Diablos
EmType007_07 00000707 EnemyIndex007 7 Apex Diablos
EmType023_00 00000017 EnemyIndex008 8 Rajang
EmType024_00 00000018 EnemyIndex009 9 Kushala Daora
EmType025_00 00000019 EnemyIndex010 10 Chameleos
EmType027_00 0000001B EnemyIndex011 11 Teostra
EmType032_00 00000020 EnemyIndex012 12 Tigrex
EmType037_00 00000025 EnemyIndex013 13 Nargacuga
EmType042_00 0000002A EnemyIndex014 14 Barioth
EmType044_00 0000002C EnemyIndex015 15 Barroth
EmType047_00 0000002F EnemyIndex016 16 Royal Ludroth
EmType054_00 00000036 EnemyIndex017 17 Great Baggi
EmType057_00 00000039 EnemyIndex018 18 Zinogre
EmType057_07 00000739 EnemyIndex019 19 Apex Zinogre
EmType059_00 0000003B EnemyIndex020 20 Great Wroggi
EmType060_00 0000003C EnemyIndex021 21 Arzuros
EmType060_07 0000073C EnemyIndex022 22 Apex Arzuros
EmType061_00 0000003D EnemyIndex023 23 Lagombi
EmType062_00 0000003E EnemyIndex024 24 Volvidon
EmType082_00 00000052 EnemyIndex025 25 Mizutsune
EmType082_07 00000752 EnemyIndex026 26 Apex Mizutsune
EmType086_05 00000556 EnemyIndex027 27 Crimson Glow Valstrax
EmType089_00 00000059 EnemyIndex028 28 Magnamalo
EmType090_00 0000005A EnemyIndex029 29 Bishaten
EmType091_00 0000005B EnemyIndex030 30 Aknosom
EmType092_00 0000005C EnemyIndex031 31 Tetranadon
EmType093_00 0000005D EnemyIndex032 32 Somnacanth
EmType094_00 0000005E EnemyIndex033 33 Rakna-Kadaki
EmType095_00 0000005F EnemyIndex034 34 Almudron
EmType096_00 00000060 EnemyIndex035 35 Wind Serpent Ibushi
EmType097_00 00000061 EnemyIndex036 36 Goss Harag
EmType098_00 00000062 EnemyIndex037 37 Great Izuchi
EmType099_00 00000063 EnemyIndex038 38 Thunder Serpent Narwa
EmType099_05 00000563 EnemyIndex039 39 Narwa the Allmother
EmType100_00 00000064 EnemyIndex040 40 Anjanath
EmType102_00 00000066 EnemyIndex041 41 Pukei-Pukei
EmType107_00 0000006B EnemyIndex042 42 Kulu-Ya-Ku
EmType108_00 0000006C EnemyIndex043 43 Jyuratodus
EmType109_00 0000006D EnemyIndex044 44 Tobi-Kadachi
EmType118_00 00000076 EnemyIndex045 45 Bazelgeuse
EmType131_00 00000083 EnemyIndex046 46 Giant Mechanized Toa
EmsType003_00 00001003 EnemyIndex047 47 Kelbi (Male)
EmsType003_05 00001503 EnemyIndex048 48 Kelbi (Female)
EmsType007_00 00001007 EnemyIndex049 49 Felyne
EmsType008_00 00001008 EnemyIndex050 50 Melynx
EmsType013_00 0000100D EnemyIndex051 51 Bullfango
EmsType014_00 0000100E EnemyIndex052 52 Popo
EmsType016_00 00001010 EnemyIndex053 53 Anteka
EmsType019_00 00001013 EnemyIndex054 54 Remobra
EmsType025_00 00001019 EnemyIndex055 55 Rhenoplos
EmsType026_00 0000101A EnemyIndex056 56 Bnahabra
EmsType027_00 0000101B EnemyIndex057 57 Altaroth
EmsType029_00 0000101D EnemyIndex058 58 Gajau
EmsType034_00 00001022 EnemyIndex059 59 Jaggi
EmsType035_00 00001023 EnemyIndex060 60 Jaggia
EmsType036_00 00001024 EnemyIndex061 61 Baggi
EmsType038_00 00001026 EnemyIndex062 62 Delex
EmsType039_00 00001027 EnemyIndex063 63 Ludroth
EmsType040_00 00001028 EnemyIndex064 64 Uroktor
EmsType041_00 00001029 EnemyIndex065 65 Slagtoth
EmsType042_00 0000102A EnemyIndex066 66 Gargwa
EmsType043_00 0000102B EnemyIndex067 67 Wroggi
EmsType044_00 0000102C EnemyIndex068 68 Zamite
EmsType049_00 00001031 EnemyIndex069 69 Jagras
EmsType051_00 00001033 EnemyIndex070 70 Kestodon (Male)
EmsType051_05 00001533 EnemyIndex071 71 Kestodon (Female)
EmsType090_00 0000105A EnemyIndex072 72 Bombadgy
EmsType091_00 0000105B EnemyIndex073 73 Izuchi (Male)
EmsType091_05 0000155B EnemyIndex074 74 Izuchi (Female)
EmsType092_00 0000105C EnemyIndex075 75 Rachnoid
EmType001_02 00000201 EnemyIndex076 76 Gold Rathian
EmType002_02 00000202 EnemyIndex077 77 Silver Rathalos
EmType019_00 00000013 EnemyIndex078 78 Daimyo Hermitaur
EmType020_00 00000014 EnemyIndex079 79 Shogun Ceanataur
EmType023_05 00000517 EnemyIndex080 80 Furious Rajang
EmType037_02 00000225 EnemyIndex081 81 Lucent Nargacuga
EmType071_00 00000047 EnemyIndex082 82 Gore Magala
EmType072_00 00000048 EnemyIndex083 83 Shagaru Magala
EmType077_00 0000004D EnemyIndex084 84 Seregios
EmType081_00 00000051 EnemyIndex085 85 Astalos
EmType082_02 00000252 EnemyIndex086 86 Violet Mizutsune
EmType089_05 00000559 EnemyIndex087 87 Scorned Magnamalo
EmType090_01 0000015A EnemyIndex088 88 Blood Orange Bishaten
EmType093_01 0000015D EnemyIndex089 89 Aurora Somnacanth
EmType094_01 0000015E EnemyIndex090 90 Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
EmType095_01 0000015F EnemyIndex091 91 Magma Almudron
EmType118_05 00000576 EnemyIndex092 92 Seething Bazelgeuse
EmType132_00 00000084 EnemyIndex093 93 Malzeno
EmType133_00 00000085 EnemyIndex094 94 Lunagaron
EmType134_00 00000086 EnemyIndex095 95 Garangolm
EmType135_00 00000087 EnemyIndex096 96 Gaismagorm
EmType136_00 00000088 EnemyIndex097 97 Espinas
EmType136_01 00000188 EnemyIndex098 98 Flaming Espinas
EmsType005_00 00001005 EnemyIndex099 99 Hornetaur
EmsType006_00 00001006 EnemyIndex100 100 Vespoid
EmsType009_00 00001009 EnemyIndex101 101 Velociprey
EmsType020_00 00001014 EnemyIndex102 102 Hermitaur
EmsType021_00 00001015 EnemyIndex103 103 Ceanataur
EmsType092_01 0000115C EnemyIndex104 104 Pyrantula
EmsType093_00 0000105D EnemyIndex105 105 Gowngoat
EmsType094_00 0000105E EnemyIndex106 106 Boggi
EmType024_08 00000818 EnemyIndex107 107 Risen Kushala Daora
EmType025_08 00000819 EnemyIndex108 108 Risen Chameleos
EmType027_08 0000081B EnemyIndex109 109 Risen Teostra
EmType072_08 00000848 EnemyIndex110 110 Risen Shagaru Magala
EmType086_08 00000856 EnemyIndex111 111 Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax
EmType132_05 00000584 EnemyIndex112 112 Primordial Malzeno
EmType071_05 00000547 EnemyIndex113 113 Chaotic Gore Magala
EmType124_00 0000007C EnemyIndex114 114 Velkhana
EmType058_00 0000003A EnemyIndex115 115 Amatsu
EnemyIndex116 116
EnemyIndex117 117
EnemyIndex118 118
EnemyIndex119 119
EnemyIndex120 120
EnemyIndex121 121
EnemyIndex122 122
EnemyIndex123 123
EnemyIndex124 124
EnemyIndex125 125
EnemyIndex126 126
EnemyIndex127 127
EnemyIndex128 128
EnemyIndex129 129
EnemyIndex130 130
EnemyIndex131 131
EnemyIndex132 132
EnemyIndex133 133
EnemyIndex134 134
EnemyIndex135 135
EnemyIndex136 136
EnemyIndex137 137
EnemyIndex138 138
EnemyIndex139 139
EnemyIndex140 140
EnemyIndex141 141
EnemyIndex142 142
EnemyIndex143 143
EnemyIndex144 144
EnemyIndex145 145
EnemyIndex146 146
EnemyIndex147 147
EnemyIndex148 148
EnemyIndex149 149
EnemyIndex150 150
EnemyIndex151 151
EnemyIndex152 152
EnemyIndex153 153
EnemyIndex154 154
EnemyIndex155 155
EnemyIndex156 156
EnemyIndex157 157
EnemyIndex158 158
EnemyIndex159 159
TotalNum 116
IndexInvalid 65535