Monster IDs - mhvuze/MonsterHunterRiseModding GitHub Wiki
List of Monsters
Enum Type | Type hex ID | Enum Index | Index | Name |
EmTypeNoData | 00000000 | |||
EmType001_00 | 00000001 | EnemyIndex000 | 0 | Rathian |
EmType001_07 | 00000701 | EnemyIndex001 | 1 | Apex Rathian |
EmType002_00 | 00000002 | EnemyIndex002 | 2 | Rathalos |
EmType002_07 | 00000702 | EnemyIndex003 | 3 | Apex Rathalos |
EmType003_00 | 00000003 | EnemyIndex004 | 4 | Khezu |
EmType004_00 | 00000004 | EnemyIndex005 | 5 | Basarios |
EmType007_00 | 00000007 | EnemyIndex006 | 6 | Diablos |
EmType007_07 | 00000707 | EnemyIndex007 | 7 | Apex Diablos |
EmType023_00 | 00000017 | EnemyIndex008 | 8 | Rajang |
EmType024_00 | 00000018 | EnemyIndex009 | 9 | Kushala Daora |
EmType025_00 | 00000019 | EnemyIndex010 | 10 | Chameleos |
EmType027_00 | 0000001B | EnemyIndex011 | 11 | Teostra |
EmType032_00 | 00000020 | EnemyIndex012 | 12 | Tigrex |
EmType037_00 | 00000025 | EnemyIndex013 | 13 | Nargacuga |
EmType042_00 | 0000002A | EnemyIndex014 | 14 | Barioth |
EmType044_00 | 0000002C | EnemyIndex015 | 15 | Barroth |
EmType047_00 | 0000002F | EnemyIndex016 | 16 | Royal Ludroth |
EmType054_00 | 00000036 | EnemyIndex017 | 17 | Great Baggi |
EmType057_00 | 00000039 | EnemyIndex018 | 18 | Zinogre |
EmType057_07 | 00000739 | EnemyIndex019 | 19 | Apex Zinogre |
EmType059_00 | 0000003B | EnemyIndex020 | 20 | Great Wroggi |
EmType060_00 | 0000003C | EnemyIndex021 | 21 | Arzuros |
EmType060_07 | 0000073C | EnemyIndex022 | 22 | Apex Arzuros |
EmType061_00 | 0000003D | EnemyIndex023 | 23 | Lagombi |
EmType062_00 | 0000003E | EnemyIndex024 | 24 | Volvidon |
EmType082_00 | 00000052 | EnemyIndex025 | 25 | Mizutsune |
EmType082_07 | 00000752 | EnemyIndex026 | 26 | Apex Mizutsune |
EmType086_05 | 00000556 | EnemyIndex027 | 27 | Crimson Glow Valstrax |
EmType089_00 | 00000059 | EnemyIndex028 | 28 | Magnamalo |
EmType090_00 | 0000005A | EnemyIndex029 | 29 | Bishaten |
EmType091_00 | 0000005B | EnemyIndex030 | 30 | Aknosom |
EmType092_00 | 0000005C | EnemyIndex031 | 31 | Tetranadon |
EmType093_00 | 0000005D | EnemyIndex032 | 32 | Somnacanth |
EmType094_00 | 0000005E | EnemyIndex033 | 33 | Rakna-Kadaki |
EmType095_00 | 0000005F | EnemyIndex034 | 34 | Almudron |
EmType096_00 | 00000060 | EnemyIndex035 | 35 | Wind Serpent Ibushi |
EmType097_00 | 00000061 | EnemyIndex036 | 36 | Goss Harag |
EmType098_00 | 00000062 | EnemyIndex037 | 37 | Great Izuchi |
EmType099_00 | 00000063 | EnemyIndex038 | 38 | Thunder Serpent Narwa |
EmType099_05 | 00000563 | EnemyIndex039 | 39 | Narwa the Allmother |
EmType100_00 | 00000064 | EnemyIndex040 | 40 | Anjanath |
EmType102_00 | 00000066 | EnemyIndex041 | 41 | Pukei-Pukei |
EmType107_00 | 0000006B | EnemyIndex042 | 42 | Kulu-Ya-Ku |
EmType108_00 | 0000006C | EnemyIndex043 | 43 | Jyuratodus |
EmType109_00 | 0000006D | EnemyIndex044 | 44 | Tobi-Kadachi |
EmType118_00 | 00000076 | EnemyIndex045 | 45 | Bazelgeuse |
EmType131_00 | 00000083 | EnemyIndex046 | 46 | Giant Mechanized Toa |
EmsType003_00 | 00001003 | EnemyIndex047 | 47 | Kelbi (Male) |
EmsType003_05 | 00001503 | EnemyIndex048 | 48 | Kelbi (Female) |
EmsType007_00 | 00001007 | EnemyIndex049 | 49 | Felyne |
EmsType008_00 | 00001008 | EnemyIndex050 | 50 | Melynx |
EmsType013_00 | 0000100D | EnemyIndex051 | 51 | Bullfango |
EmsType014_00 | 0000100E | EnemyIndex052 | 52 | Popo |
EmsType016_00 | 00001010 | EnemyIndex053 | 53 | Anteka |
EmsType019_00 | 00001013 | EnemyIndex054 | 54 | Remobra |
EmsType025_00 | 00001019 | EnemyIndex055 | 55 | Rhenoplos |
EmsType026_00 | 0000101A | EnemyIndex056 | 56 | Bnahabra |
EmsType027_00 | 0000101B | EnemyIndex057 | 57 | Altaroth |
EmsType029_00 | 0000101D | EnemyIndex058 | 58 | Gajau |
EmsType034_00 | 00001022 | EnemyIndex059 | 59 | Jaggi |
EmsType035_00 | 00001023 | EnemyIndex060 | 60 | Jaggia |
EmsType036_00 | 00001024 | EnemyIndex061 | 61 | Baggi |
EmsType038_00 | 00001026 | EnemyIndex062 | 62 | Delex |
EmsType039_00 | 00001027 | EnemyIndex063 | 63 | Ludroth |
EmsType040_00 | 00001028 | EnemyIndex064 | 64 | Uroktor |
EmsType041_00 | 00001029 | EnemyIndex065 | 65 | Slagtoth |
EmsType042_00 | 0000102A | EnemyIndex066 | 66 | Gargwa |
EmsType043_00 | 0000102B | EnemyIndex067 | 67 | Wroggi |
EmsType044_00 | 0000102C | EnemyIndex068 | 68 | Zamite |
EmsType049_00 | 00001031 | EnemyIndex069 | 69 | Jagras |
EmsType051_00 | 00001033 | EnemyIndex070 | 70 | Kestodon (Male) |
EmsType051_05 | 00001533 | EnemyIndex071 | 71 | Kestodon (Female) |
EmsType090_00 | 0000105A | EnemyIndex072 | 72 | Bombadgy |
EmsType091_00 | 0000105B | EnemyIndex073 | 73 | Izuchi (Male) |
EmsType091_05 | 0000155B | EnemyIndex074 | 74 | Izuchi (Female) |
EmsType092_00 | 0000105C | EnemyIndex075 | 75 | Rachnoid |
EmType001_02 | 00000201 | EnemyIndex076 | 76 | Gold Rathian |
EmType002_02 | 00000202 | EnemyIndex077 | 77 | Silver Rathalos |
EmType019_00 | 00000013 | EnemyIndex078 | 78 | Daimyo Hermitaur |
EmType020_00 | 00000014 | EnemyIndex079 | 79 | Shogun Ceanataur |
EmType023_05 | 00000517 | EnemyIndex080 | 80 | Furious Rajang |
EmType037_02 | 00000225 | EnemyIndex081 | 81 | Lucent Nargacuga |
EmType071_00 | 00000047 | EnemyIndex082 | 82 | Gore Magala |
EmType072_00 | 00000048 | EnemyIndex083 | 83 | Shagaru Magala |
EmType077_00 | 0000004D | EnemyIndex084 | 84 | Seregios |
EmType081_00 | 00000051 | EnemyIndex085 | 85 | Astalos |
EmType082_02 | 00000252 | EnemyIndex086 | 86 | Violet Mizutsune |
EmType089_05 | 00000559 | EnemyIndex087 | 87 | Scorned Magnamalo |
EmType090_01 | 0000015A | EnemyIndex088 | 88 | Blood Orange Bishaten |
EmType093_01 | 0000015D | EnemyIndex089 | 89 | Aurora Somnacanth |
EmType094_01 | 0000015E | EnemyIndex090 | 90 | Pyre Rakna-Kadaki |
EmType095_01 | 0000015F | EnemyIndex091 | 91 | Magma Almudron |
EmType118_05 | 00000576 | EnemyIndex092 | 92 | Seething Bazelgeuse |
EmType132_00 | 00000084 | EnemyIndex093 | 93 | Malzeno |
EmType133_00 | 00000085 | EnemyIndex094 | 94 | Lunagaron |
EmType134_00 | 00000086 | EnemyIndex095 | 95 | Garangolm |
EmType135_00 | 00000087 | EnemyIndex096 | 96 | Gaismagorm |
EmType136_00 | 00000088 | EnemyIndex097 | 97 | Espinas |
EmType136_01 | 00000188 | EnemyIndex098 | 98 | Flaming Espinas |
EmsType005_00 | 00001005 | EnemyIndex099 | 99 | Hornetaur |
EmsType006_00 | 00001006 | EnemyIndex100 | 100 | Vespoid |
EmsType009_00 | 00001009 | EnemyIndex101 | 101 | Velociprey |
EmsType020_00 | 00001014 | EnemyIndex102 | 102 | Hermitaur |
EmsType021_00 | 00001015 | EnemyIndex103 | 103 | Ceanataur |
EmsType092_01 | 0000115C | EnemyIndex104 | 104 | Pyrantula |
EmsType093_00 | 0000105D | EnemyIndex105 | 105 | Gowngoat |
EmsType094_00 | 0000105E | EnemyIndex106 | 106 | Boggi |
EmType024_08 | 00000818 | EnemyIndex107 | 107 | Risen Kushala Daora |
EmType025_08 | 00000819 | EnemyIndex108 | 108 | Risen Chameleos |
EmType027_08 | 0000081B | EnemyIndex109 | 109 | Risen Teostra |
EmType072_08 | 00000848 | EnemyIndex110 | 110 | Risen Shagaru Magala |
EmType086_08 | 00000856 | EnemyIndex111 | 111 | Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax |
EmType132_05 | 00000584 | EnemyIndex112 | 112 | Primordial Malzeno |
EmType071_05 | 00000547 | EnemyIndex113 | 113 | Chaotic Gore Magala |
EmType124_00 | 0000007C | EnemyIndex114 | 114 | Velkhana |
EmType058_00 | 0000003A | EnemyIndex115 | 115 | Amatsu |
EnemyIndex116 | 116 | |||
EnemyIndex117 | 117 | |||
EnemyIndex118 | 118 | |||
EnemyIndex119 | 119 | |||
EnemyIndex120 | 120 | |||
EnemyIndex121 | 121 | |||
EnemyIndex122 | 122 | |||
EnemyIndex123 | 123 | |||
EnemyIndex124 | 124 | |||
EnemyIndex125 | 125 | |||
EnemyIndex126 | 126 | |||
EnemyIndex127 | 127 | |||
EnemyIndex128 | 128 | |||
EnemyIndex129 | 129 | |||
EnemyIndex130 | 130 | |||
EnemyIndex131 | 131 | |||
EnemyIndex132 | 132 | |||
EnemyIndex133 | 133 | |||
EnemyIndex134 | 134 | |||
EnemyIndex135 | 135 | |||
EnemyIndex136 | 136 | |||
EnemyIndex137 | 137 | |||
EnemyIndex138 | 138 | |||
EnemyIndex139 | 139 | |||
EnemyIndex140 | 140 | |||
EnemyIndex141 | 141 | |||
EnemyIndex142 | 142 | |||
EnemyIndex143 | 143 | |||
EnemyIndex144 | 144 | |||
EnemyIndex145 | 145 | |||
EnemyIndex146 | 146 | |||
EnemyIndex147 | 147 | |||
EnemyIndex148 | 148 | |||
EnemyIndex149 | 149 | |||
EnemyIndex150 | 150 | |||
EnemyIndex151 | 151 | |||
EnemyIndex152 | 152 | |||
EnemyIndex153 | 153 | |||
EnemyIndex154 | 154 | |||
EnemyIndex155 | 155 | |||
EnemyIndex156 | 156 | |||
EnemyIndex157 | 157 | |||
EnemyIndex158 | 158 | |||
EnemyIndex159 | 159 | |||
TotalNum | 116 | |||
IndexInvalid | 65535 |