Monster Action IDs (P ‐ Z) - mhvuze/MonsterHunterRiseModding GitHub Wiki

Monster Action IDs (P - Z)

Contributed by Fexty and Narathin

NOTE: List is split into two pages due to page size limits.

Monster Actions (A - N)

Pukei Pukei
--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 BreathCheckLow
2 ToBreathCheckLow
3 Breath
4 ToBreath
5 Breath3way
6 ToBreath3way
7 TailBreath
8 BackStepBreathToGround
9 Stamp
10 TurnTailAttackL
11 TurnTailAttackR
12 TurnTailAttackL2
13 TurnTailAttackR2
14 TongueSlap
15 TongueSlapDash
16 ToTongueSlapDash
17 JumpKick
18 ToJumpKick1
19 ToJumpKickTurn
20 ToJumpKick2
21 DashBite
22 DashBiteTired
23 StraightPopEat
26 WaterLaserTail
27 WaterLaserTailSp
28 WaterBombBackjump
29 RotateWaterBomb
31 FlyBreath
32 JumpKickStart
5000 RushBreathStart
5001 FogBreathStart
5002 RushBreathAttack
5003 FogBreathShot
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DamageHappyEnd
2 DamageHappyEndFly
3 DamageLow
4 DamageLowFly
5 DamageHigh
6 DamageHighFly
7 DownL
8 DownR
9 FlyDownStart
10 FlyDownLoop
11 FlyDownEnd
12 Paralyze
13 FlyDownParalyze
14 Sleep
15 FlyDownSleep
16 Stun
17 StunEnd
18 SleepEnd
19 FlyDownStun
20 FallTrapDamage
21 FallTrapDamageEnd
22 ShockTrapDamage
25 TailCutOffDamage
26 FlyTailCutOffDamage
27 Flash
28 MarioHirumiS
29 MarioHirumiM
30 FallTrapSleep
31 FallTrapStun
32 FallTrapParalyze
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Die
2 FallToGround
3 DieTrapFall
4 Capture
5 CaptureTrapFall
6 DieDownL
7 DieDownR
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 TakeOff
2 TakeOffAdjustToGlide
3 TakeOffAdjustToGlideCombat
6 Landing
7 TurnFly
8 QuickTurnFly
9 BackTurnFly
10 ShortDownStepFly
11 SuddenRise
12 SuddenDrop
16 ThreatFly
17 ThreatShortFly
18 IntimidationFly
19 LifeSearchFly
20 LostSearchFly
21 HalfLostSearchFrontFly
22 HalfLostSearchBackFly
23 RefreshFly
24 HappyEndFly
25 PopLvDownFly
26 GlideNaviBlockMove
27 TakeOffBlockMove
28 LandingBlockMove
29 DashTakeOffRisePointBlockMove
30 SoaringBlockMove
31 RapidDescentBlockMove
32 SoarTakeOffBlockMove
33 FromFlyRisePointBlockMove
34 GlideDyingNaviBlockMove
36 GlideEnd
37 CombatNaviGlide
38 GlideStep
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 GrappleWithEm023Mediation
2 GrappleWithEm023MediationWait
3 GrappleWithEm023A
4 GrappleWithEm023B
5 GrappleWithEm023C
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioStartWait
2 MarioStartWaitFly
3 MarioStartWaitLoop
4 MarioStartSuccess
5 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
6 MarioStartFailure
7 MarioStruggleFinish
8 MarioStruggle
10 MarioFinishShootSuccessWall
11 MarioPullBack
12 MarioPullFront
13 MarioPullRight
14 MarioPullLeft
15 MarioFreeRun
16 MarioFinishShootStart
17 MarioFinishShootDown
18 MarioFinishShootEnd
19 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
20 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
21 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
22 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
23 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
24 MarioPullBackFly
25 MarioPullFrontFly
26 MarioPullRightFly
27 MarioPullLeftFly
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Walk
2 WalkCombat
3 Dash
4 DashCombat
5 DashNoHit
7 Turn
8 QuickTurn
9 BackTurn
10 FrontStep
11 NaviWalk
12 NaviWalkCombat
13 NaviDash
14 NaviDashCombat
15 WeakWalk
16 NaviWeakWalk
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 IdleWait
2 Threat
3 ThreatShort
4 Intimidation
5 LifeSearch
6 LostSearch
7 HalfLostSearchFront
8 HalfLostSearchBack
9 LifeTired
10 Tired
11 Drink
12 DrinkEnd
13 Sleep
14 SleepEnd
15 Sunbath
16 SunbathEnd
17 Refresh
18 SniffS
19 SniffL
20 SniffCombatS
21 SniffCombatL
22 SniffPop
23 MarkingPoison
24 PopEatToHappy
25 PopEatToHappy2
26 PopEatEnd
27 PopEatEndChange
28 HappyEnd
29 PopLvDown
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 StepJumpUp5m
2 StepJumpDown
3 StepJumpUp10m
4 LongJump

--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 KiaiBeam
2 JumpKiaiBullet
3 JumpRollingAttackL
4 JumpRollingAttackR
5 DempseyAttackStart
13 SpinAttack
15 ZigzagStep
18 BodyPress
19 TriplePunchB
20 TriplePunchD
21 BackKick
22 SpecialJumpAttack
23 TurnHookL
24 TurnHookR
27 HeadButt
28 DigUpGroundStraight
29 JumpRollingAttackLAfterTurn
30 JumpRollingAttackRAfterTurn
31 DempseyAttackLoop
32 DempseyAttackEnd
33 PredationAttack
5000 OversizeDigUpGroundL
5001 OversizeDigUpGroundR
5002 OversizeDigUpGroundAfterRollingAttackL
5003 OversizeDigUpGroundAfterRollingAttackR
5004 BackKickNotWaitEnd
5005 LongHornAttack
5006 SideStep
5007 OversizeDigUpGroundAfterRollingAttackLAfterTurn
5008 OversizeDigUpGroundAfterRollingAttackRAfterTurn
10000 TwoHandsThunder
10001 HookOfTurnHookAndStrikeLStart
10002 HookOfTurnHookAndStrikeRStart
10003 RaijinRushL
10004 SideSwipeKiaiBulletStart
10005 SideStepL
10006 SideStepR
10007 RaijinRushR
10008 HeadButtStart
10009 HeadButtEnd
10010 SideSwipeKiaiBulletForwardEnd
10011 SideSwipeKiaiBulletBackEnd
10012 HookOfTurnHookAndStrikeLEnd
10013 HookOfTurnHookAndStrikeREnd
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 AttackLeft
2 AttackRight
3 AlignmentLeft
4 AlignmentRight
5 ThrowLeft
6 ThrowRight
7 FinishLeft
8 FinishRight
9 FailLeft
10 FailRight
10000 SpHoldAttackLeft
10001 SpHoldAttackRight
10002 SpHoldReleaseLeft
10003 SpHoldReleaseRight
10004 SpHoldAfterBeamLeft
10005 SpHoldAfterBeamRight
10006 SpHoldFailStart
10007 SpHoldFailThrowRock
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DamageLow
2 DamageHigh
3 DamageTailBreak
4 LeftDown
5 RightDown
6 DamageDropToGround
7 DamageDropToGroundLoop
8 DamageDropToGroundEnd
9 DamageParalyze
10 DamageSleep
11 DamageSleepEnd
12 DamageeStun
13 DamageDropToGroundAbnormalState
14 DamageParalyzeFly
15 DamageSleepFly
16 DamageTrapFall
17 DamageTrapFallPunch
18 DamageTrapAvoid
19 DamageFallConditionEnd
20 DamageTrapParalyze
21 DamageTrapParalyzeBreak
22 DamageSound
23 DamagePumpUpOffLeftDown
24 DamageeStunEnd
25 MarioHirumiS
26 MarioHirumiM
27 FallTrapParalyze
28 FallTrapSleep
29 FallTrapStun
30 DamagePumpUpOffRightDown
31 DamageStunFly
32 DamagePumpUpOffDropToGroundLoop
5000 NewDamageTailBreak
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Die
2 DieFly
3 DieLeftDown
4 DieRightDown
5 DieTrapFall
6 DamageCaptureFalled
7 DamageCapture
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 GrappleWithEm001ReceiverMediation
2 GrappleWithEm001MediationWait
3 GrappleWithEm001A
4 GrappleWithEm001B
5 GrappleWithEm001C
6 GrappleWithEm002ReceiverMediation
7 GrappleWithEm002MediationWait
8 GrappleWithEm002A
9 GrappleWithEm002B
10 GrappleWithEm002C
11 GrappleWithEm102ReceiverMediation
12 GrappleWithEm102MediationWait
13 GrappleWithEm102A
14 GrappleWithEm102B
15 GrappleWithEm102C
5000 GrappleWithEm024Mediation
5001 GrappleWithEm024RecieverMediation
5002 GrappleWithEm024MediationWait
5003 GrappleWithEm024A
5004 GrappleWithEm024B
5005 GrappleWithEm024C
5006 GrappleWithEm027Mediation
5007 GrappleWithEm027RecieverMediation
5008 GrappleWithEm027MediationWait
5009 GrappleWithEm027A
5010 GrappleWithEm027B
5011 GrappleWithEm027C
5012 GrappleWithEm124Mediation
5013 GrappleWithEm124RecieverMediation
5014 GrappleWithEm124MediationWait
5015 GrappleWithEm124A
5016 GrappleWithEm124B
5017 GrappleWithEm124C
10000 GrappleWithEm118Mediation
10001 GrappleWithEm118RecieverMediation
10002 GrappleWithEm118MediationWait
10003 GrappleWithEm118A
10004 GrappleWithEm118B
10005 GrappleWithEm118C
10006 GrappleWithEm118D
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioStartWait
2 MarioStartWaitFly
3 MarioStartWaitLoop
4 MarioStartSuccess
5 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
6 MarioStartFailure
7 MarioStruggleFinish
8 MarioStruggle
9 MarioFinishShootStart
10 MarioFinishShootDown
11 MarioFinishShootEnd
12 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
13 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
14 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
15 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
16 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
17 MarioPullBack
18 MarioPullFront
19 MarioPullRight
20 MarioPullLeft
21 MarioFreeRun
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
10000 RageMarioFinishShootDown
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Walk
5 Dash
6 DashCombat
8 DyingWalk
9 NaviWalk
10 NaviDash
11 NaviDyingWalk
13 QuickTurn
14 BackTurn
15 BackTurnStraight
16 BackTurnShort
17 BackTurnShortStraight
21 WalkNotEndMotion
23 DashNotEndMotion
24 DashCombatNotEndMotion
25 JumpMove
26 NotNaviMove
27 SuperJumpMove
28 HyakuryuEnterRolling
29 JumpDown
30 NaviDashConvat
32 NaviDashConvatNotEndMotion
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
2 IdreCombatTired
3 Threat
4 ThreatShort
5 Intimidation
6 LifeSearch
7 LostSearch
8 HalfLostSearchFront
9 HalfLostSearchBack
10 SniffS
11 SniffL
14 Roar
15 AttackChance
16 Sleep
17 SleepEnd
18 DyingSleep
20 Marking
21 Drink
23 Eat
24 EatToRecover
25 Sunbath
26 SunbathEnd
27 Sunbath2
28 Sunbath2End
29 Refresh
30 EatEnd
31 PumpUp
10000 WireCancel
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 JumpUp5m
2 JumpDown5m
3 JumpUp10m
4 JumpDown10m

Rakna Kadaki
--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 FrontFootSwing
2 HorizontalFlame
3 DoubleScratch
4 ThrustBite
5 YarnSettingLaser
6 GasFireAttack
7 HipSwingAttack
8 TurnScratch
9 HipStomp
10 SideScratchAttack
11 AllDirectionFlame
14 CombinationSideScratchAttackL
15 CombinationSideScratchAttackR
16 CombinationYarnShot
17 GasFireAttackMoveLeft
18 GasFireAttackMoveRight
19 HorizontalFlameFront
20 HorizontalFlameBack
21 HorizontalFlameLeft
22 HorizontalFlameRight
27 HipStompBackMove
29 ChildShootWaitLanding
30 CombinationFrontFootSwingWaitLanding
31 CombinationFrontFootSwingAttack
32 CeilingFlame
33 HipStompComboFirst
34 HipStompComboFirstBackMove
35 HipStompComboSecond
36 HipStompComboSecondBackMove
37 HipStompBackAttack
38 HipStompComboFirstBackAttack
39 HipStompComboSecondBackAttack
40 ChildShootWaitLandingTurn
41 GasFireAttackComboLeft
42 GasFireAttackComboRight
43 DoubleScratchCombo
44 FrontFootSwingAttack
45 ClawStrikeBigExplosionStart
46 ClawStrikeBigExplosionAttack
47 ClawStrikeBigExplosion
48 RolllingChildSpread
49 RollingChildSpreadStart
50 RollingChildSpreadAttack
51 PullChildren
52 PullChildrenStart
53 PullChildrenJump
54 DetectCommand
55 CrawIgniteExplosion
56 CrawIgniteExplosionStart
57 CrawIgniteExplosionAttack
5001 FrontFlameFirst
5002 FrontFlameSecondStart
5003 FrontFlameSecondAttack
5010 FrontFlameFirstBackMove
5011 CombinationFlameDashStartLtoL
5012 CombinationFlameDashStartLtoR
5015 CombinationFlameDashAttackL
5016 CombinationFlameDashAttackR
5017 CombinationFlameDashAttackLockBackL
5018 CombinationFlameDashAttackLockBackR
5019 CombinationFlameDashSignL
5020 CombinationFlameDashSignR
5021 CombinationFlameDashStartRtoL
5022 CombinationFlameDashStartRtoR
6000 DetectCommand_GatherHip
6001 DetectCommand_Around
6002 QuickHalfDirectionFlame
6003 HipCharge
6004 DetectCommand_TargetAround
6005 DetectCrawIgniteExplosion
6006 DetectCommand_Forward
6007 DetectCommand_Right
6008 DetectCommand_Left
6009 DetectCommand_TargetBack
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 HirumiS
2 HirumiL
3 DownL
4 DonwR
5 FlyDownStart
6 CocoonDamage
7 FlyDownLoop
8 FlyDownEnd
9 Paralyze
10 ParalyzeEnd
11 Sleep
12 SleepEnd
13 Stun
14 StunEnd
15 ConditionDamageFlyDown
16 FlyDownParalyze
17 FlyDownSleep
18 FlyDownStun
19 ShockTrapDamage
20 FallTrapDamage
21 FallTrapDamageEnd
22 MarioHirumiS
23 MarioHirumiM
24 FallTrapDamageParalyze
25 FallTrapDamageSleep
26 FallTrapDamageStun
27 CeilingFlyDown
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DieNormal
2 FallToGround
3 DieDownL
4 DieDownR
5 DirFallTrap
6 CaptureFallTrap
7 CaptureShockTrap
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioStartWait
2 MarioStartWaitFly
3 MarioStartWaitLoop
4 MarioStartSuccess
5 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
6 MarioStartFailure
7 MarioStruggleFinish
8 MarioStruggle
9 MarioPullBack
10 MarioPullFront
11 MarioPullRight
12 MarioPullLeft
13 MarioFreeRun
14 MarioFinishShootStart
15 MarioFinishShootDown
16 MarioFinishShootEnd
17 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
18 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
19 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
20 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
21 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Turn
2 Dash
3 Walk
4 QuickTurn
7 BackWalk
8 LeftWalk
9 RightWalk
12 MarioPullBack
13 MarioPullFront
14 MarioPullRight
15 MarioPullLeft
16 MarioFreeRunL
17 MarioFreeRunR
20 NaviWalk
21 NaviDash
22 NaviWeakWalk
23 BlockMoveJump
25 BurrowMove
30 CombinationJerkTest
31 BlockMoveJumpDown
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
4 MakeCocoon
5 LookAround
6 Found
7 SmallRoar
8 Eat
9 EatFinish
10 Refresh
11 MarioStartWait
12 MarioStartWaitLoop
13 MarioStartSuccess
14 MarioStartFailure
15 MarioStruggle
16 MarioStruggleFinish
17 BirthChild
18 LegRevival
19 TiredIdle
20 Sleep
21 WakeUp
22 Grooming
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 ClimbUp
2 JumpUp
3 ClimbDown
4 JumpDown
5 LongJump

--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 RollingTailL
2 RollingTailR
3 NormalBreathStart
4 NormalBreathShot
5 BackJumpBreathToAir
6 BackJumpBreathToGround
7 Bite
8 NoBlendBite
9 DashBite
10 TiredDashBite
11 VerticalKick
12 FlyScrach
13 FlyBreath
14 FlyBreathRepeat
15 FlyNagiharaiBreath
16 FlyBackStepBreath
17 FlyBackStepBreathAfter
19 FlyFrontBite
20 FlyFrontBiteAfter
21 FlyTailAttackL
22 FlyTailAttackR
23 Fly2KickToLand
24 FlyKickProgressL
25 FlyKickProgressR
26 FlyNearEndKickProgressL
27 FlyNearEndKickProgressR
28 FlyKickProgressEndL
29 FlyKickProgressEndR
32 FlyVerticalKick
33 GlideCharge
34 RushBiteTurnL_BiteL
35 RushBiteTurnR_BiteL
36 RushBiteTurnL_BiteR
37 RushBiteTurnR_BiteR
38 RushBiteLoopL_R
39 RushBiteLoopR_L
40 RushBiteEndL
41 RushBiteEndR
42 RushBiteLandingConnectStartL
43 RushBiteLandingConnectStartR
44 LauesKickStart
45 ShortRangeLauesKickStart
46 LauesKickLoop
47 ShortRangeLauesKickLoop
48 LauesKickRepeatTurn
49 LauesKickEnd
50 LauesKickLandingEnd
51 GlideBreath
55 FireBurner
56 FireBurnerFlyEnd
58 CatchAttack
59 CatchAttackMatchPosition
60 CatchThrow
61 CatchAttackFailed
62 GroundStartFireBurner
63 GroundStartFireBurnerFlyEnd
64 BigThreatStand
65 BigThreatFly
66 BigSkillReady
67 BigSkillTakeOff
68 BigSkillGlideMove
69 BigSkillGlideBrake
70 BigSkillBreathAttack
71 BigSkillBreathAttackEnd
74 WrapAroundRadiationBreathFlyStartLeft
75 WrapAroundRadiationBreathFlyStartRight
76 ChargeBiteAttackFirstHalf
77 ChargeBiteAttackSecondHalfFromLeft
78 ChargeBiteAttackSecondHalfFromRight
79 FlyHighPowerBackJumpBreathAttackGroundToFlyFromLeft
80 FlyHighPowerBackJumpBreathAttackGroundToGroundFromLeft
81 FlyHighPowerBackStepBreath
82 FireBurnerComboFirstStartGround
83 FireBurnerComboFirstStartFly
84 FireBurnerComboSecondEndGround
85 FireBurnerComboSecondEndFly
86 FlyHighPowerBreathStartFly
87 FlyHighPowerBreathSingle
88 FlyHighPowerBreathComboFirstMoveLeft
89 FlyHighPowerBreathComboSecondLeft
90 FlyHighPowerBreathComboFirstMoveLeftEnd
91 FlyHighPowerBreathComboFirstMoveRight
92 FlyHighPowerBreathComboSecondRight
93 FlyHighPowerBreathComboFirstMoveRightEnd
94 IntroRoar
95 ChargeBiteAttackSingleEndFromFirstHalf
96 WrapAroundRadiationBreathGroundStartRight
97 WrapAroundRadiationBreathGroundStartLeft
98 FlyHighPowerBreathStartGround
100 FlyHighPowerBackJumpBreathStart
101 FlyHighPowerBackJumpBreathAttackGroundToFlyFromRight
102 FlyHighPowerBackJumpBreathAttackGroundToGroundFromRight
5000 TurningBreathLeftStart
5001 TurningBreathLeftLong
5002 TurningBreathRight
5003 TurningBreathedLeftFireBallShot
5004 TurningBreathedRightFireBallShot
5005 TurningBreathedLeftPoisonClaw
5006 TurningBreathedRightPoisonClaw
5007 TurningBreathedLeftPoisonClawEnd
5008 TurningBreathedRightPoisonClawEnd
5009 TurningBreathRightStart
5010 TurningBreathLeftFlyTurn
5011 TurningBreathRightFlyTurn
5012 TurningBreathLeftFlyStart
5013 TurningBreathRightFlyStart
5014 TurningBreathLeftShort
5015 TurningBreathLeftMiddle
5016 TurningBreathRightShort
5017 TurningBreathRightMiddle
7000 RareJumpSlash3BreathStart
7001 RareJumpSlash3Breath_ClawAttack
7008 RareTurnTailAttack
7009 RareTurnFireBurner_GroundStart1Attack
7010 RareTurnFireBurner_AirStart1Attack
7011 RareTurnFireBurner_Turn2AttackLeft
7012 RareTurnFireBurner_Turn2AttackRight
7013 RareTurnFireBurner_LandingLeft
7014 RareTurnFireBurner_LandingRight
7015 RareJumpSlash3Breath_LandBreathLeft
7016 RareJumpSlash3Breath_LandBreathRight
7017 RareJumpSlash3Breath_GroundToFly
7018 RareJumpSlash3Breath_LandBreathOmen
7019 RareTornadoExplosion_GroundStart_L
7020 RareTornadoExplosion_GroundStart_R
7021 RareTornadoExplosion_FlyStart_L
7022 RareTornadoExplosion_FlyStart_R
7023 RareTornadoExplosion_1_2_Breath_TurnL_L
7024 RareTornadoExplosion_1_2_Breath_TurnL_R
7025 RareTornadoExplosion_1_2_Breath_TurnR_L
7026 RareTornadoExplosion_1_2_Breath_TurnR_R
7027 RareTornadoExplosion_3_4_Breath_L_TurnL
7028 RareTornadoExplosion_3_4_Breath_R_TurnL
7029 RareTornadoExplosion_3_4_Breath_L_TurnR
7030 RareTornadoExplosion_3_4_Breath_R_TurnR
7031 RareTornadoExplosion_5_BreathStart_TurnL_L
7032 RareTornadoExplosion_5_BreathStart_TurnL_R
7033 RareTornadoExplosion_5_BreathStart_TurnR_L
7034 RareTornadoExplosion_5_BreathStart_TurnR_R
7035 RareTornadoExplosion_Land_TurnR_LR
7038 RareTornadoExplosion_Land_TurnL_LR
7044 RareTornadoExplosion_GroundToFly_L
7045 RareTornadoExplosion_GroundToFly_R
7046 RareMultiClawBreath_GroundStart_L
7047 RareMultiClawBreath_GroundStart_R
7048 RareMultiClawBreath_FlyStart_R
7049 RareMultiClawBreath_FlyStart_L
7050 RareMultiClawBreath_LeftClaw_LSwitch
7051 RareMultiClawBreath_ReftClaw_LSwitch
7052 RareMultiClawBreath_LeftClaw_RSwitch
7053 RareMultiClawBreath_ReftClaw_RSwitch
7054 RareMultiClawBreath_OmenBreathLanding_LClawSwitch
7055 RareMultiClawBreath_OmenBreathLanding_RClawSwitch
7056 RareJumpSlash3Breath_LandBreathOmen_combo
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Hirumi
3 BindWireDamage
4 Down
5 FlyHirumiS
6 FlySeamlessHirumiS
7 FlyHirumiL
8 FlyMarioHirumiS
9 MarioHirumiS
11 HirumiL
12 DownL
13 DownR
14 FlyDownStart
16 Paralyze
18 FlyDownLoop
19 FlyDownEnd
20 ShockTrapDamage
22 FallTrapDamage
23 FallTrapDamageEnd
24 FlyDownParalyze
25 MarioHirumiL
26 TailCutOffDamage
27 Flash
28 FlyTailCutOffDamage
29 Sleep
30 FlyDownSleep
31 StunDamage
32 FallDownStunDamage
33 StunDamageEnd
34 FallTrapSleep
35 FallTrapParalyze
36 FallTrapStun
7000 RarePowerUpGroundDamage
7001 RarePowerUpFlyDamage
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DieNormal
4 FallToGround
5 DownLeftDie
6 DownRightDie
7 ShockTrapCapture
8 FallTrapDie
9 FallTrapCapture
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 TakeOff
2 DashTakeOff
3 Landing
4 DashLanding
5 FlyNormalTurn
6 FlyCombatTurn
7 FlyShortFrontStep
8 FlyShortBackStep
9 FlyThreat
10 FlyThreatShort
11 FlyIkaku
17 FlyRefresh
18 Glide
19 GlideCombat
20 TakeOffGlide
21 GlideEnd
24 WingDamageL_L
25 WingDamageL_R
26 FlyWrapArroundL00
27 FlyWrapArroundR00
28 FlyWrapArroundL01
29 FlyWrapArroundR01
30 FlyWrapArroundL01Landing
31 FlyWrapArroundR01Landing
51 GlideNavi
52 TakeOffBlockMove
53 LandingBlockMove
54 MarioFinishShoot
55 DashTakeOffRisePointBlockMove
56 SoaringBlockMove
57 RapidDescentBlockMove
58 SoarTakeOffBlockMove
59 SoarTakeOff
60 GlideCombatNaviMove
61 FlyMarking
64 FlyAlignmentPos
65 GlideEndShort
66 FromFlyRisePointBlockMove
67 RapidDescent
68 GlideDyingNavi
69 HyakuryuFlyAdjustHeight
2001 MarioTestHirumiS
2002 MarioTestSeamlessHirumiS
2003 MarioPullBack
2004 MarioPullFront
2005 MarioPullRight
2006 MarioPullLeft
2007 MarioStruggleS
2008 MarioStruggleL
2009 GlideContinue
2010 MarioGlideStruggle1
2011 MarioGlideStruggle2
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
3 GrappleWithEm100A
5 GrappleWithEm089MediationWait
6 GrappleWithEm089A
7 GrappleWithEm089B
8 GrappleWithEm089C2
9 GrappleWithEm089D
10 GrappleWithEm089ASurprise
12 GrappleWithEm059A
13 GrappleWithEm059B
15 GrappleWithEm109A
16 GrappleWithEm109B
17 GrappleWithEm037ReceiverMediation
18 GrappleWithEm037ReceiverMediationFly
19 GrappleWithEm037MediationWaitFly
20 GrappleWithEm037A
21 GrappleWithEm037B
22 GrappleWithEm037C
23 GrappleWithEm037D
24 GrappleWithEm037E
25 GrappleWithEm037F
27 GrappleWithEm037ReceiverMediationTakeOff
29 GrappleWithEm107A
30 GrappleWithEm107B
31 GrappleWithEm032ReceiverMediation
32 GrappleWithEm032ReceiverMediationTakeOff
33 GrappleWithEm032ReceiverMediationFly
34 GrappleWithEm032MediationWaitFly
35 GrappleWithEm032A
36 GrappleWithEm032B
37 GrappleWithEm032C
38 GrappleWithEm032D
39 GrappleWithEm032E
40 GrappleWithEm032F
41 GrappleWithEm032MediationFly
42 GrappleWithEm037MediationFly
43 GrappleWithEm057ReceiverMediation
44 GrappleWithEm057ReceiverMediationFly
45 GrappleWithEm057ReceiverMediationLanding
46 GrappleWithEm057MediationWait
47 GrappleWithEm057A
48 GrappleWithEm057B
49 GrappleWithEm057C
50 GrappleWithEm057D
51 GrappleWithEm057Mediation
52 GrappleWithEm057AdjustmentMoveTurn
53 GrappleWithLowerMediation
54 GrappleWithLowerMediationWait
55 GrappleWithLowerAdjustmentMoveTurn
56 GrappleWithEm090A
57 GrappleWithEm090B
58 GrappleWithEm089C1
59 GrappleWithEm089E
60 GrappleWithEm023Mediation
61 GrappleWithEm023MediationWait
62 GrappleWithEm023AdjustmentMoveTurn
63 GrappleWithEm023A
64 GrappleWithEm023B
65 GrappleWithEm023C
66 GrappleWithEm100B
67 GrappleWithEm089F
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioFreeRun
2 MarioStartWait
3 MarioStartWaitFly
4 MarioStartWaitLoop
5 MarioStartSuccess
6 MarioStartFailure
7 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
8 MarioFinishShootStartFly
9 MarioFinishShootDown
10 MarioFinishShootEnd
11 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartFly
12 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRunFly
13 MarioFinishShootChallengeEndFly
14 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStartFly
15 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWaitFly
16 MarioStartReject
17 MarioFreeRunStartDashTakeOff
18 MarioFinishShootStart
19 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
20 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
21 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
22 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
23 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 NormalWalk
2 Dash
3 DashCombat
4 NormalTurn
5 CombatTurn
6 ShortBackStep
7 FixDistDashCombat
8 NaviNormalWalk
9 NaviBattaleWalk
10 NaviDash
11 NaviDashLoop
12 NaviBattaleDash
13 NaviBattaleDashLoop
15 WeakWalk
16 NaviWeakWalk
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 TiredIdle
2 CombatTiredIdle
3 Threat
4 ThreatShort
5 Ikaku
6 Search
10 Refresh
18 MarioStruggleFinishFly
19 MarioFinishShootSuccessWall
20 Tired
21 Eat
22 EatFinish
23 Sleep
24 WakeUp
25 MarioPullBack
26 MarioPullFront
27 MarioPullRight
28 MarioPullLeft
29 MarioStruggleL
30 MarioStruggleFinish
31 MarioFreeRun
33 DrinkWater
34 Sunbathing
36 Marking
37 SmellS
38 SmellL
7000 RarePowerUpGroundStart
7001 RarePowerUpFlyStart
7004 RareThreatShort
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 StepJumpUp5m
2 StepJumpDown
3 LongJump
4 FlyTrainStepUp
5 FlyTrainStepDown
6 StepJumpUp10m

--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 RollingTailL
2 RollingTailR
3 NormalBreathStart
4 NormalBreathShot
7 DashBite
8 TiredDashBite
10 FlyScrach
14 FlyFrontBite
15 FlyFrontBiteAfter
32 DashBiteMiddle
33 HighPowerBreath
34 ThreeWayBreath
35 TripleDashAttackFirst
36 TripleDashAttackSecond
37 TripleDashAttackThird
38 AdjustBite
39 SomerSault
40 DoubleSomerSaultKick
41 DoubleSomerSaultKickSecond
42 SomerSaultKickFly
43 SomerSaultKickFlyToLanding
44 SomerSaultKickNoAdjust
45 SomerSaultKickFlyToLandNoAdjust
46 SomerSaultKickTakeOff
47 GlideAttackShort
48 RollingTail2L
49 FlyBreath
50 BigThreatStand
51 BigThreatFly
52 BigSkillReady
53 BigSkillDoubleSaultKickFirst
54 BigSkillDoubleSaultKickSecond
55 BiteFirstL
56 BiteSecondL
57 RoarTailAttack
58 RushCancelSomerSault
59 TailAttack
60 TripleDashAttackFirstNoEnd
63 DropTailAttack
64 BiteFirstR
65 BiteSecondR
66 BiteAndTailAttackNormal
67 BiteAndTailAttackDash
68 IntroBigSkill
70 BigSkillDoubleSaultKickFirstNormalQuest
71 SomerSaultTailCutOff
72 DoubleSomerSaultKickTailCutOff
73 DoubleSomerSaultKickSecondTailCutOff
74 SomerSaultKickFlyTailCutOff
75 SomerSaultKickFlyToLandingTailCutOff
76 SomerSaultKickNoAdjustTailCutOff
77 SomerSaultKickFlyToLandNoAdjustTailCutOff
78 SomerSaultKickTakeOffTailCutOff
5000 RapidNapalm
5001 BackstepRushStart
5003 BackstepRushEnd
5004 SomerSaultKickFlyStart
5005 SomerSaultKickFlyAttack
5006 SomerSaultKickFlyAttackTailCutOff
7000 SideSomerSaultGround
7001 SideSomerSaultFly
7002 StepInSomerSaultLanding
7003 StepInSomerSaultStart
7004 StepInSomerSaultAttackLeft
7005 StepInSomerSaultAttackRight
7006 BackThreeWayHighPowerBreathFirst
7013 UltimateBreathGroundStart
7016 UltimateBreathFlyStart
7017 UltimateBreathShotLeft
7018 UltimateBreathShotRight
7019 BackThreeWayHighPowerBreathSecond
7020 StepInSomerSaultFlyEnd
7021 MkTwoRoughTailChargeBreathStart
7022 MkTwoRoughTailChargeBreathSomerSault
7023 UltimateBreathGroundStartFlyTurn
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5 FlyHirumiS
7 FlyHirumiL
9 HirumiL
10 DownL
11 DownR
12 FlyDownStart
15 FlyMarioHirumiS
16 MarioHirumiS
17 Paralyze
20 FlyDownParalyze
21 FlyDownLoop
22 FlyDownEnd
23 ShockTrapDamage
24 FallTrapDamage
25 FallTrapDamageEnd
26 WingDamageL_L
27 WIngDamageL_R
28 MarioHirumiL
29 HirumiS
30 Sleep
31 FlyDownSleep
32 FlashDamage
33 TailCutOffDamage
34 FlyTailCutOffDamage
35 Stun
36 StunEnd
37 FlyDownStun
38 FallTrapParalyze
39 FallTrapSleep
40 FallTrapStun
7000 PowerUpOffGround
7001 PowerUpOffFly
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DieNormal
4 FallToGround
5 FallTrapCapture
6 ShockTrapCapture
7 DieFallTrap
8 DieDownR
9 DieDownL
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 TakeOff
2 DashTakeOff
3 Landing
4 DashLanding
5 FlyNormalTurn
6 FlyCombatTurn
7 FlyShortFrontStep
8 FlyShortBackStep
9 FlyThreat
10 FlyThreatShort
11 FlyIkaku
12 FlySearch
13 FlySearch2
14 FlyLostSearch
15 FlyHalfLostSearchFront
16 FlyHalfLostSearchBack
17 FlyRefresh
18 Glide
19 GlideCombat
21 GlideEnd
24 WingDamageL_L
25 WingDamageL_R
26 FlyWrapArroundL00
27 FlyWrapArroundR00
28 FlyWrapArroundL01
29 FlyWrapArroundR01
32 StepJumpUp5m
41 TakeOffBlockMove
43 LandingBlockMove
44 DashTakeOffRisePointBlockMove
45 SoaringBlockMove
46 RapidDescentBlockMove
47 SoarTakeOffBlockMove
48 SoarTakeOffTest
49 JumpDownTest
51 FlySmellS
52 FlySmellL
53 FromFlyRisePointBlockMove
54 GlideDyingNavi
55 IntroBigSkillRapidDescent
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 GrappleWithEm032MediationFly
2 GrappleWithEm032ReceiverMediation
3 GrappleWithEm032ReceiverMediationTakeOff
4 GrappleWithEm032ReceiverMediationFly
5 GrappleWithEm032MediationWaitFly
6 GrappleWithEm032A
7 GrappleWithEm032B
8 GrappleWithEm032C
9 GrappleWithEm032D
10 GrappleWithEm032E
11 GrappleWithEm032F
12 GrappleWithEm037MediationFly
13 GrappleWithEm037ReceiverMediation
14 GrappleWithEm037ReceiverMediationTakeOff
15 GrappleWithEm037ReceiverMediationFly
16 GrappleWithEm037MediationWaitFly
17 GrappleWithEm037A
18 GrappleWithEm037B
19 GrappleWithEm037C
20 GrappleWithEm037D
21 GrappleWithEm037E
22 GrappleWithEm037F
23 GrappleWithEm007ReceiverMediation
24 GrappleWithEm007ReceiverMediationFly
25 GrappleWithEm007ReceiverMediationLanding
26 GrappleWithEm007MediationWait
27 GrappleWithEm007A
28 GrappleWithEm007B
29 GrappleWithEm007C
30 GrappleWithEm057Mediation
31 GrappleWithEm057MediationWait
32 GrappleWithEm057AdjustmentMoveTurn
33 GrappleWithEm057ReceiverMediation
34 GrappleWithEm057ReceiverMediationFly
35 GrappleWithEm057ReceiverMediationLanding
36 GrappleWithEm057A
37 GrappleWithEm057B
38 GrappleWithEm057C
39 GrappleWithEm057D
40 GrappleWithEm100MediationFly
41 GrappleWithEm100AdjustmentMoveTurnFly
42 GrappleWithEm100MediationWaitFly
43 GrappleWithEm100A
44 GrappleWithEm023Mediation
45 GrappleWithEm023MediationWait
46 GrappleWithEm023A
47 GrappleWithEm023B
48 GrappleWithEm023C
49 GrappleWithEm100B
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioStartWait
2 MarioStartWaitFly
3 MarioStartWaitLoop
5 MarioStartFailure
6 MarioStruggleFinishFly
7 MarioStruggle
10 MarioPullBack
11 MarioPullFront
12 MarioPullRight
13 MarioPullLeft
14 MarioFreeRun
16 MarioPullBackFly
17 MarioPullFrontFly
18 MarioPullRightFly
19 MarioPullLeftFly
20 MarioStruggleFly
22 MarioStartSuccess
23 MarioStruggleFinish
24 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
25 MarioFinishShootStart
26 MarioFinishShootDown
27 MarioFinishShootEnd
28 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
29 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
30 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
31 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
32 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
33 MarioStartReject
34 MarioFinishShootStartFly
35 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWaitFly
36 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartFly
37 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRunFly
38 MarioFinishShootChallengeEndFly
39 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStartFly
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 NormalWalk
2 Dash
3 DashCombat
4 NormalTurn
5 CombatTurn
6 ShortBackStep
8 NaviMove
10 DashTired
11 WeakWalk
12 NaviWeakWalk
13 NaviDash
15 NaviDashEndMatchPosition
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 TiredIdle
2 CombatTiredIdle
3 Threat
4 ThreatShort
5 Ikaku
6 Search
7 LostSearch
8 HalfLostSearchFront
9 HalfLostSearchBack
10 Refresh
11 Tired
12 Eat
13 EatFinish
14 Sleep
15 WakeUp
16 Sunbathing
17 DrinkWater
18 SmellS
19 SmellL
20 Marking
7000 PowerUpStart
7001 RareThreatShort
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 StepJumpUp5m
2 StepJumpUp10m
3 StepJumpDown
4 LongJump
5 FlyTrainStepUp
6 FlyTrainStepDown

Royal Ludroth
--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Bite
2 SpinAttack
3 Shoulder
4 Breath
5 ThreeTimesBreath
6 FailedBreath
7 GrandSlam
8 LeftFook
9 RightFook
10 TailAttack
11 JumpAttack
12 RollingOver
13 RollingOverEarly
14 DashJumpAttack
15 DashRollingAttack
16 SnakeRushStart
17 SnakeRush
18 BreathRushStart
19 BreathRushLoop
20 BreathRushTurn
21 BreathRushEnd
22 BreathRushTrip
23 DashAttack
25 SpongeSwing
26 SpongeSwingLoopRight
27 SpongeSwingEndLeft
28 SpongeSwingFinishLeft
29 SpongeSwingLoopLeft
30 SpongeSwingEndRight
31 SpongeSwingFinishRight
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 SmallDamage
2 LargeDamage
3 LeftDown
4 RightDown
5 Paralyze
6 FallDownStart
7 FallDownLoop
8 FallDownEnd
9 FallDownParalyzeStart
10 ShockTrapStart
11 FallTrapStart
12 FallTrapEnd
13 HirumiSS
14 FallDownParalyze
15 TailCutOffDamage
16 HirumiM
17 TailCutOffDamageAir
18 FlashDamage
19 SleepDamage
20 SleepDamageAirStart
21 SleepDamageAirLoop
22 SleepDamageEnd
23 StunDamage
24 StunDamageEnd
25 FallDownStunDamage
26 FallTrapParalyze
27 FallTrapSleep
28 FallTrapStun
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 NormalDie
2 FallDownDie
3 LeftDownDie
4 RightDownDie
5 FallTrapDie
6 FallTrapCapture
7 ParalyzeTrapCapture
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioStartWait
2 MarioStartWaitFly
3 MarioStartWaitLoop
4 MarioStartSuccess
5 MarioStartFailure
6 MarioStruggleFinish
7 MarioStruggle
10 MarioPullBack
11 MarioPullFront
12 MarioPullRight
13 MarioPullLeft
14 MarioFreeRun
16 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
17 MarioFinishShootStart
18 MarioFinishShootDown
19 MarioFinishShootEnd
20 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
21 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
22 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
23 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
24 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DiveIntoTheWater
2 SwimMove
3 GoUpToLand
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Walk
2 WeakendWalk
3 Run
4 Turn
5 QuickTurn
6 BackStep
7 NaviWalk
8 NaviWeakenedWalk
9 NaviRun
10 BurrowMove
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 ThreatAndFind
2 Sleep
3 SleepEnd
4 Search
5 WeaknessFW
6 Refresh
7 Eat
8 EatEnd
9 Bathing
10 BathingEnd
13 ShortThreat
14 Chance
15 Marking
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 ClimbStep
2 FallStep
3 JumpStep
4 LongJump

--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 FootScratchSingleL
5001 FootScratchDoubleLtoR
5002 FootScratchSingleR
5003 FootScratchDoubleRtoL
5004 HeadbuttToTailSpin
5005 JumpKickStartStand
5006 JumpKickEndLeft
5007 JumpKickEndRight
5008 JumpAttackAgainstWall
5009 SpecialRoundhouseKickStart
5010 SpecialRoundhouseKick
5011 JumpUpPinpointAttackStartStand
5012 JumpUpPinpointAttackEndLeft
5013 JumpUpPinpointAttackEndRight
5014 HeadbuttToTailSpinAnger
5015 HeadbuttStart
5016 Headbutt
5017 HeadbuttStartAnger
5018 HeadbuttAnger
5019 StabKickComboFirstStart
5020 StabKickComboSecondStartLeft
5021 StabKickComboSecondStartRight
5022 JumpKickStartStandBackJump
5023 JumpKickStartFly
5024 JumpKickStartFlyBackJump
5025 SpecialRoundhouseKickEndNormal
5026 SpecialRoundhouseKickEndAttack
5027 TailSweepBackJumpToTailScaleShotStart
5028 TailSweepBackJumpToTailScaleShotMoveAndAttackNormal
5029 TailSweepBackJumpToTailScaleShotMoveAndAttackAnger
5030 TailSweepBackJumpToTailScaleShotEndLeft
5031 TailSweepBackJumpToTailScaleShotEndRight
5032 JumpKickStartFlyAttack
5033 JumpUpPinpointAttackFlyTurnLeft
5034 JumpUpPinpointAttackFlyTurnRight
5035 StabKickComboFirstStartAttack
5036 StabKickComboSecondAttackLeft
5037 StabKickComboSecondAttackRight
5038 RollingJumpScaleShotToFrontStand
5039 RollingJumpScaleShotToBackStand
5040 JumpUpPinpointAttackStartFly
5041 RollingJumpScaleShotToFrontFly
5042 RollingJumpScaleShotToBackFly
5043 Tackle
5045 StabKickComboFirstStartAttackNoComboEnd
5046 TailSweepBackJumpToTailScaleShotTiredMoveToEnd
5047 JumpUpPinpointAttackEndTiredLeft
5048 JumpUpPinpointAttackEndTiredRight
5049 SpecialRoundhouseKickEndAttackAnger
5050 RollingJumpScaleShotToFrontStandAnger
5051 RollingJumpScaleShotToBackStandAnger
5052 RollingJumpScaleShotToFrontFlyAnger
5053 RollingJumpScaleShotToBackFlyAnger
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 LowDamage
5001 HighDamage
5002 LeftDown
5003 RightDown
5004 LowDamageAir
5005 HighDamageAir
5006 TailBreakDamage
5007 TailBreakDamageAir
5008 DamageDropToGround
5009 DamageDropToGroundLoop
5010 DamageDropToGroundEnd
5011 ParalyzeDamage
5012 SleepDamage
5013 FlashDamage
5014 StunDamage
5015 StunDamageEnd
5016 ParalyzeDamageAir
5017 SleepDamageAir
5018 StunDamageAir
5019 DamageTrapFall
5020 DamageFallConditionEnd
5021 FallTrapParalyze
5022 FallTrapSleep
5023 FallTrapStun
5024 DamageTrapParalyze
5025 FlyMarioHirumiS
5026 MarioHirumiS
5027 MarioHirumiL
5028 LeftDownNoStart
5029 RightDownNoStart
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 DieNormal
5001 FallToGround
5002 DownLeftDie
5003 DownRightDie
5004 ShockTrapCapture
5005 FallTrapDie
5006 FallTrapCapture
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 TakeOff
5001 DashTakeOff
5002 Landing
5004 FlyNormalTurn
5005 FlyCombatTurn
5006 FlyShortFrontStep
5007 FlyShortBackStep
5008 FlyThreat
5009 FlyThreatShort
5010 FlyIkaku
5011 FlySearch
5012 FlyMarking
5013 FlyRefresh
5014 Glide
5015 GlideCombat
5016 TakeOffGlide
5017 GlideContinue
5018 GlideEnd
5019 GlideEndShort
5020 WingDamageL_L
5021 WingDamageL_R
5022 FlyWrapArroundL00
5023 FlyWrapArroundR00
5024 FlyWrapArroundL01
5025 FlyWrapArroundR01
5028 GlideNavi
5029 GlideDyingNavi
5030 TakeOffBlockMove
5031 LandingBlockMove
5032 DashTakeOffRisePointBlockMove
5033 SoaringBlockMove
5034 RapidDescentBlockMove
5035 SoarTakeOffBlockMove
5036 FromFlyRisePointBlockMove
5037 SoarTakeOff
5038 GlideCombatNaviMove
5039 FlyAlignmentPos
5040 RapidDescent
5041 BackJumpHover
5042 SpinHoverLandingStartToFront
5043 SpinHoverLandingEndLeft
5044 WraparoundTakeOffStartToFront
5045 WraparoundTakeOffEndLeft
5046 SpinHoverLandingMoveLeft
5047 WraparoundTakeOffMoveLeft
5048 SpinHoverLandingMoveRight
5049 SpinHoverLandingEndRight
5050 WraparoundTakeOffMoveRight
5051 WraparoundTakeOffEndRight
5052 SpinHoverLandingStartToBack
5053 WraparoundTakeOffStartToBack
5054 GiveUpFlyStop
5055 BackJumpHoverAnger
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 GrappleMediation
5001 GrappleMediationFly
5002 GrappleMediationWaitFly
5003 GrappleWithEm071A
5004 GrappleWithEm071B
5005 GrappleWithEm071C
5006 GrappleWithEm071D
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 MarioStartWait
5001 MarioStartWaitFly
5002 MarioStartWaitLoop
5003 MarioStartSuccess
5004 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
5005 MarioStartFailure
5006 MarioStruggleFinish
5007 MarioStruggleFinishFly
5008 MarioStruggle
5009 MarioStruggleFly
5010 MarioFinishShootStart
5011 MarioFinishShootDown
5012 MarioFinishShootEnd
5013 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
5014 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
5015 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
5016 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
5017 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
5018 MarioPullBack
5019 MarioPullFront
5020 MarioPullRight
5021 MarioPullLeft
5022 MarioPullBackFly
5023 MarioPullFrontFly
5024 MarioPullRightFly
5025 MarioPullLeftFly
5026 MarioFreeRun
5027 MarioFinishShootStartFly
5028 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWaitFly
5029 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartFly
5030 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRunFly
5031 MarioFinishShootChallengeEndFly
5032 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStartFly
5033 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 Walk
5001 WalkNotEndMot
5002 Dash
5003 DashNotEndMot
5004 WeaknessWalk
5005 TiredDash
5006 Turn
5007 QuickTurn
5008 NaviWalk
5011 NaviDash
5012 NaviDashLoop
5013 NaviWeaknessWalk
5014 SideStepLeft
5015 SideStepRight
5016 FrontStep
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 TiredIdle
5001 CombatTiredIdle
5002 Threat
5003 ThreatShort
5004 Ikaku
5005 Search
5006 Refresh
5008 Eat
5009 EatEnd
5010 SleepStart
5012 SleepEnd
5014 DrinkWater
5015 Sunbathing
5016 Marking
5017 SmellS
5018 SmellL
5019 UrokoOpenIkaku
5020 ThreatAnger
5021 UrokoOpenIkakuAnger
5022 Grooming
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 StepJumpUp5m
5001 StepJumpUp10m
5002 StepJumpDown
5003 LongJump
5004 FlyTrainStepUp
5005 FlyTrainStepDown

Shagaru Magala
--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5001 ThreeWayBreath
5002 BigBreath
5003 BigBreathContinious
5004 BigBreathEnd
5005 BackJumpBreath
5006 AttackToUnderBelly
5007 Punch
5008 DoublePunch1
5009 DoublePunch2
5010 Tackle
5011 BackKnuckleL
5012 BackKnuckleR
5013 DashAttack_Start
5014 DashAttack_Search
5015 DashAttack_Dash
5016 GrideDivingPunch_Turn
5017 VirusBite
5018 LongDistMadScaleBlast
5019 TurnTackle
5020 FlyingSwipeAwayBreath
5021 FlyingStraightBreath
5022 FlyingSpinRush
5023 Slice
5024 GroundExpBreath
5025 MoveWingHookL
5026 GrideDivingBreath_Breath
5027 StraightLazerStart
5028 StraightLazerShot
5029 MoveWingHookR
5030 MoveWingHookL_Long
5031 MoveWingHookR_Long
5032 Bite
5033 LazerChargeStart
5034 SlashingLazerStartR
5035 SlashingLazerShotR
5036 SlashingLazerStartL
5037 SlashingLazerShotL
5039 GrideDivingPunch_Dive
5040 GrideDivingBreath_Dive
13000 Mystery_MultiPunch1
13001 Mystery_MultiPunch2
13002 Mystery_MultiPunchConnect
13003 Mystery_MultiPunch1_End
13004 Mystery_MultiPunch2_End
13005 Mystery_MultiPunchStart
13006 Mystery_TurnSwipeAwayBreath
13007 Mystery_DiagonalBreath
13008 Mystery_JumpWingPunch
13009 Mystery_SuperBigExplosion
13010 Mystery_FlyingBackBreath
13011 Mystery_FlyingGrideDivingPunch
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 CatchBranch
5001 CatchSuccess
5002 CatchFailure
5003 CatchPositioning
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 Hirumi
5001 HirumiL
5002 DownL
5003 DownR
5005 TailLoss
5006 Paralyze
5007 Sleep
5008 SleepEnd
5009 Stun
5010 StunEnd
5017 FlyHirumi
5018 FlyHirumiL
5019 FlyFallStart
5020 FlyFallDownLoop
5021 FlyFallDownEnd
5022 FlyFallConditionDamage
5023 FlyFallParalyze
5024 FlyFallSleep
5025 FlyFallStun
5026 FlyFallStunEnd
5027 FlyFallTailLoss
5028 MarioHirumiS
5029 MarioHirumiL
5030 FlashDamage
5031 LazerLiftDamage
13000 ReleaseOverMysteryBurst
13001 FlyReleaseOverMysteryBurstStart
13002 FlyReleaseOverMysteryBurstLoopEnd
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 DieNormal
5001 DieDownL
5002 DieDownR
5003 DieFall
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 Landing
5003 QuickTurn
5004 BackStep
5012 TakeOff
5014 BlockMoveTakeOff
5015 BlockMoveTakeOffSoar
5016 BlockMoveSoaring
5017 BlockMoveGlide
5018 BlockMoveGlideDying
5019 BlockMoveRapidDescent
5020 BlockMoveLanding
5021 BackJumpTakeOff
5022 TakeOffTurn
5023 GlideStart
5025 BlockMoveTakeOffDash
5026 FromFlyRisePointBlockMove
5027 Roar
5028 Threat
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 MarioStartWait
5001 MarioStartWaitLoop
5002 MarioStartSuccess
5003 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
5004 MarioStartFailure
5005 MarioStruggleFinish
5006 MarioStruggle
5007 MarioFinishShootStart
5008 MarioFinishShootDown
5009 MarioFinishShootEnd
5010 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
5011 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
5012 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
5013 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
5014 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDown
5015 MarioPullFront
5016 MarilPullBack
5017 MarioPullLeft
5018 MarioPullRight
5019 MarioFreeRun
5020 MarioStartWaitFly
5021 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 Walk
5001 WalkNoEnd
5002 Dash
5003 DashNoEnd
5004 DyingWalk
5005 NaviWalk
5006 NaviWalkNoEnd
5007 NaviDash
5008 NaviDashNoEnd
5009 NaviDyingWalk
5010 Turn
5011 BackStep
5012 ShortStep
5013 TurnSideStepL
5014 TurnSideStepR
5015 SideStepL
5016 SideStepR
5017 CloakMoveStep
13001 Mystery_TurnSideStepShortL
13002 Mystery_TurnSideStepShortR
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 Threat
5001 ThreatShort
5002 Refresh
5003 Search
5004 Sleep
5005 SleepFinish
5006 AwaikingAngerStart
5007 FlappingWings_Eco
13000 OverMysteryBurst
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 StepJumpUp
5001 StepJumpDown

Shogun Ceanataur
--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 LowScissorsAttack
5001 MoveAttackLeft
5002 MoveAttackRight
5003 MoveStopAttackLeft
5004 MoveStopAttackRight
5005 VerticalScissorsAttack
5006 BothScissorsAttack
5007 LeftTurnAttack
5008 RightTurnAttack
5009 SpringBothScissorsAttack
5010 SideScratch
5011 ShellSwingAttack
5012 BackBreath
5013 ScissorsAttackFinish
5014 ScissorsSlamming
5015 BothScissorsAttackEnd
5016 VerticalScissorsHighPowerAttack
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 DamageLow
5001 DamageHigh
5002 LeftDown
5003 RightDown
5004 DamageShellBreak
5005 DamageSleep
5006 DamageSleepEnd
5007 DamageParalyze
5008 DamageStun
5009 DamageStunEnd
5010 FlyDownStart
5011 FlyDownLoop
5012 FlyDownEnd
5013 FlyDownSleep
5014 FlyDownParalyze
5015 DamageTrapParalyze
5016 DamageTrapFall
5017 DamageTrapFallReover
5018 FallTrapSleep
5019 FallTrapParalyze
5020 FallTrapStun
5021 MarioHirumiS
5022 MarioHirumiM
5023 ConditionDamageFlyDown
5024 DamageClawBreak
5025 FlyDownStun
5026 UpWallDownStart
5027 DownWallDownStart
5028 ConditionDamageUpWallDownStart
5029 ConditionDamageDownWallDownStart
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 Die
5001 FallToGroundDie
5002 DieLeftDown
5003 DieRightDown
5004 DieTrapFall
5005 DamageCaptureFalled
5006 DamageCaptureStun
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 MarioStartWait
5001 MarioStartWaitFly
5002 MarioStartWaitLoop
5003 MarioStartSuccess
5004 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
5005 MarioStartFailure
5006 MarioStruggleFinish
5007 MarioStruggle
5008 MarioFinishShootStart
5009 MarioFinishShootDown
5010 MarioFinishShootEnd
5011 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
5012 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
5013 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
5014 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
5015 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
5016 MarioPullBack
5017 MarioPullFront
5018 MarioPullRight
5019 MarioPullLeft
5020 MarioFreeRun
5021 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
5022 MarioStartWaitWallUp
5023 MarioStartWaitWallDown
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 DiveToGround
5001 DiveMove
5002 ReturnToDive
5003 PushUpAttackGroundContinue
5004 PushUpAttackGround
5005 DiveMoveNavi
5006 ChangeShellDive
5007 WaitInSand
5008 ChangeShellReturnToDive
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 Walk
5001 WalkNotEndMotion
5002 BattleWalkNotEndMotion
5003 DyingWalk
5004 walkingBackwards
5005 WalkSidewaysL
5006 WalkSidewaysR
5007 Turn
5008 BattleTurn
5009 BackDash
5010 LeftDashCurve
5011 RightDashCurve
5012 LeftDash
5013 RightDash
5014 LeftDashHighCurve
5015 RightDashHighCurve
5016 NaviWalk
5017 NaviWalkNotEndMotion
5018 DyingNaviWalk
5019 BattleNaviWalk
5020 BattleNaviWalkNotEndMotion
5021 BattleWalk
5022 LeftBehindDash
5023 RightBehindDash
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 Refresh
5001 IdleBattleTired
5002 Search
5003 SearchLeft
5004 Find
5005 Sleep
5006 SleepEnd
5007 Intimidation
5008 IntimidationShort
5009 Eat
5010 EatEnd
5011 TactileCareRight
5012 TactileCareLeft
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 DownJump
5001 ClimbWall
5002 ClimbDownWall
5003 ClimbWallDiving
5004 ClimbDownWallDiving

--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DoublePunchRightStartKairyuFInish
2 DoublePunchRightStartNormalFinish
3 DoublePunchLeftStartKairyuFInish
4 DoublePunchLeftStartNormalFinish
5 FiletPunchRight
6 FiletPunchLeft
7 HairNagiharai
8 SleepBreath
9 DolphinJumpKairyuEnd
10 KairyuRushStart
11 TailRushStart
12 TailHandSlam
13 TailNeedleShotLeft
14 TailNeedleShotRight
15 RakkoShellAttackStart
16 RushKairyuEnd
17 RushTailEnd
18 RakkoShellAttackLoop
19 RakkoShellAttackExplosionEnd
20 SleepBreathAnger
21 SleepBreathWide
23 RakkoSwimRush
24 RakkoShellAttackHealEnd
26 DolphinJumpTailEnd
27 RakkoRoundSwimSleepRush
28 RakkoShellAttackFrontStart
29 RakkoShellAttackLeftStart
30 RakkoShellAttackRightStart
31 RakkoRoundSwimSleepRushStart
32 RakkoSwimRushNoSign
33 RakkoShinryuken
34 RakkoShellAttackStart2
5000 KairyuWarpAroundLeftStart
5001 KairyuWarpAroundRightStart
5002 kairyuWarpAroundLeftEnd
5003 KairyuWarpAroundRightEnd
5008 KairyuSlideRollingStart
5009 KairyuSlideRollingEnd
5010 TailBlowOut
5011 KairyuSlideWaterBreathLeftStart
5012 KairyuSlideWaterBreathRightStart
5014 TailIceBombRoar
5015 MR_SleepShotgunBreath
5016 MR_JumpHairStrike
5017 MR_JumpHairStrikeStart
5018 MR_JumpHairStrikeAttack
6000 KairyuSpinAttack
6002 KairyuHook
6004 KairyuLaserBreathStart
6005 KairyuLaserBreathTired
6006 KairyuMowDownLaserBreathStart
6008 KairyuSlideRollingLoop
6009 KairyuNeedleShotLeft
6010 KairyuNeedleShotRight
6011 KairyuShinryuken
6014 KairyuToRakkoShinryuken
6015 RakkoToKairyuShinryuken
6016 KairyuSideSlidePressAroundLeft
6017 KairyuSideSlidePressAroundRight
6018 KairyuIceInjection
6019 KairyuWarpAroundDecimate
6020 KairyuSlideRollingStartOnly
6021 KairyuSlideRollingStartDistanceCheck
6022 KairyuSlideWaterBreathLeftAttack
6023 KairyuSlideWaterBreathRightAttack
6024 KairyuLaserBreathAttack
6025 KairyuMowDownLaserBreathAttack
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 KairyuHirumiS
2 KairyuHirumiL
3 KairyuDownL
4 KairyuDownR
5 KairyuFlyDownStart
6 KairyuFlyDownLoop
7 KairyuFlyDownEnd
8 KairyuParalyze
9 KairyuConditionDamageFlyDown
10 KairyuFlyDownParalyze
11 KairyuShockTrapDamage
12 KairyuFallTrapDamage
13 KairyuFallTrapDamageEnd
14 TailHirumiS
15 TailDown
16 TailParalyze
17 RakkoHirumiS
18 RakkoDownL
19 RakkoDownR
20 RakkoParalyze
21 TailShockTrapDamage
22 RakkoShockTrapDamage
23 MarioHirumiSS
24 KairyuSleep
25 KairyuSleepEnd
26 TailSleep
28 RakkoSleep
29 KairyuFlyDownSleep
30 KairyuStun
31 KairyuStunEnd
32 KairyuFlyDownStun
33 TailStun
34 RakkoStun
35 KairyuFallTrapDamageParalyze
36 KairyuFallTrapDamageSleep
37 KairyuFallTrapDamageStun
38 MarioHirumiM
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 KairyuDieNormal
2 KairyuFallToGround
3 TailDieNormal
4 RakkoDieNormal
5 KairyuDieDownL
6 KairyuDieDownR
7 KairyuDieFallTrap
8 KairyuCaptureFallTrap
9 KairyuCaptureShockTrap
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 GrappleWithEm091Mediation
2 GrappleWithEm091MediationWait
3 GrappleWithEm091AdjustmentMoveTurn
4 GrappleWithEm091A
5 GrappleWithEm091B
6 GrappleWithEm091C
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 KairyuMarioStartWait
2 MarioStartWaitFly
3 MarioStartWaitLoop
4 MarioStartSuccess
5 MarioStartFailure
6 MarioStruggleFinish
7 MarioStruggle
10 MarioPullBack
11 MarioPullFront
12 MarioPullRight
13 MarioPullLeft
14 TailMarioStartWait
15 RakkoMarioStartWait
16 MarioFreeRunStart
18 MarioFreeRun
19 MarioFreeRunEnd
20 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
21 MarioFinishShootStart
22 MarioFinishShootDown
23 MarioFinishShootEnd
24 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
25 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
26 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
27 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
28 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DiveIntoTheWater
2 SwimMove
3 GoUpToLand
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 StepFront
2 StepBack
3 TailTurn
4 KairyuWalk
5 KairyuRun
6 KairyuTurn
7 RakkoSwim
8 RakkoCombatSwim
9 RakkoTurn
10 KairyuNaviWalk
11 KairyuNaviRun
12 KairyuNaviWeakWalk
13 RakkoNaviSwim
14 RakkoNaviCombatSwim
15 RakkoNaviWeakSwim
17 RakkoBurrowMove
18 KairyuNaviWalkWater
19 KairyuNaviWalkWaterFast
20 RakkoNaviSwimWater
21 RakkoNaviSwimWaterFast
22 KairyuNaviWeakWalkWater
23 RakkoNaviWeakSwimWater
24 TailTurnNavi
25 KairyuTurnNavi
6000 KairyuBackStepLeft
6001 KairyuBackStepRight
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 TailIdle
2 KairyuIdle
3 RakkoIdle
4 KairyuToTailC
5 KairyuToRakko
6 RakkoToKairyuA
7 TailToRakko
10 KairyuToTailD
11 RakkoToKairyuB
12 RakkoToTailC
13 RakkoToTailD
14 TailToKairyuA
15 TailToKairyuB
17 kairyuCombatSearch
18 KairyuThreat
19 KairyuShortThreat
20 TailSearch
21 TailThreat
22 TailShortThreat
23 RakkoSearch
24 RakkoShortThreat
25 RakkoThreat
26 TailTiredIdle
27 KairyuTiredIdle
28 RakkoTiredIdle
29 Refresh
30 KairyuMermaidStart
31 KairyuMermaidEnd
32 KairyuMermaidSing
33 KairyuMermaidHair
34 KairyuMermaidSearch
35 KairyuSleep
36 KairyuWakeUp
37 KairyuEat
38 KairyuEatFinish
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 KairyuStepJumpUp
2 KairyuStepJumpDown
3 RakkoStepJumpUp
4 RakkoStepJumpDown

--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 CloseBreathL
2 RadiationBreath
4 BackScratch
5 FrontScratch
6 BiteAttack
7 SideBite
8 DiagonalBite
9 ReversalBite
10 DamageCounter
11 TailAttack
12 DetonationShort
13 DetonationLong
14 DustExplosion
15 DustExplosion2
16 DustExplosionActing
17 DustExplosionActing2
18 SmallNova
19 SmallNova2
20 Rush
21 JumpAttack
22 RushNotEnd
23 ResetHeatWave
24 NewScratch
5000 ZeroRangeChargeNovaConboStartL
5001 ZeroRangeChargeNovaConboChargeL
5002 ZeroRangeChargeNovaConboTurnL
5003 TripleChaseRot_1_L
5004 TripleChaseAtk_1_L
5009 TripleChaseRot_2_L
5010 TripleChaseAtk_2_L
5011 TripleChaseRot_3_L
5012 TripleChaseAtk_3_L
5013 MultiRushStart
5014 MultiRushTurn
5015 MultiRushEnd
5016 MultiRushLoop
5017 TripleChaseRot_1_R
5018 TripleChaseAtk_1_R
5019 TripleChaseRot_2_R
5020 TripleChaseAtk_2_R
5021 TripleChaseRot_3_R
5022 TripleChaseAtk_3_R
5023 ZeroRangeChargeNovaConboAttackL
5024 ZeroRangeChargeNovaConboStartR
5025 ZeroRangeChargeNovaConboChargeR
5026 ZeroRangeChargeNovaConboTurnR
5027 ZeroRangeChargeNovaConboAttackR
13000 DoubleRadiationBreath_1_L
13001 DoubleRadiationBreath_1_R
13002 DoubleRadiationBreath_2_L
13003 DoubleRadiationBreath_2_R
13004 TakeOffRollRadiationBreath_Ground
13005 TakeOffRollRadiationBreath_TakeOff
13006 TakeOffRollRadiationBreath_Fly
13007 TakeOffRollRadiationBreath_Landing
13008 TakeOffRollRushToLanding
13009 TakeOffRollDustSet_Ground
13010 TakeOffRollDustSet_TakeOff
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DamageLow
2 DamageLowFly
3 DamageHigh
4 DamageHighFly
5 LeftDown
6 RightDown
7 DamageTailBreak
8 DamageTailBreakFly
9 DamageFlyStart
10 DamageFlyLoop
11 DamageFlyEnd
12 DamageSleep
13 DamageSleepEnd
14 DamageParalyze
15 DamageParalyzeEnd
16 DamageStun
17 DamageStunEnd
18 DamageStatusEffectFly
19 SleepFlyLoop
20 ParalyzeFlyLoop
21 StunFlyLoop
23 Refresh
24 MarioHirumiS
25 MarioHirumiM
26 LeftBarrierDamage
27 RightBarrierDamage
28 BarrierDamageFly
29 BarrierDamageFlyDownLoop
30 BarrierDamageFlyEnd
13000 ReleaseOverMysteryBurst
13002 ReleaseOverMysteryBurstFly
13003 ReleaseOverMysteryBurstFlyDowLoop
13004 ReleaseOverMysteryBurstFlyEnd
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 NormalDie
2 LeftDownDie
3 RightDownDie
4 FlyFallDie
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 BarrierUpFly
2 SuperNova
3 IdleFly
4 TakeOff
5 Landing
6 QuickTurnFly
7 TurnFly
8 TakeOffToGlide
9 TakeOffAdjustToGlide
10 TakeOffAdjustToGlideCombat
13 ReversalTakeOff
14 DyingWalkFly
15 DyingGlideDirectMove
16 Glide
17 GlideCombat
18 SuddenRise
19 SuddenDrop
20 SuddenDropFromGlide
21 FlyBackStep
22 DiscoverFly
23 ThreatShortFly
24 FlyBattleSearch
25 ShortUpFly
26 ShortDownFly
27 NaviGlide
28 SuddenRiseFly
29 RadiationBreathFly
30 TailAttackFly
31 TakeOffBlockMove
32 SoarTakeOffBlockMove
33 SoaringBlockMove
34 GlideNavi
35 RapidDescentBlockMove
36 LandingBlockMove
37 DashTakeOffRisePointBlockMove
38 RushToLanding
39 FromFlyRisePointBlockMove
40 GlideNaviDying
41 GlideFinish
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 GrappleWithEm024MediationFly
2 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverMediationWaitFly
3 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverA
4 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverB
5 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverC
6 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverMediationTakeOff
7 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverMediationFly
8 GrappleWithEm024AttackerMediationWaitFly
9 GrappleWithEm024AttackerA
10 GrappleWithEm024AttackerB
11 GrappleWithEm024AttackerC
12 GrappleWithEm089MediationWait
13 GrappleWithEm089A
14 GrappleWithEm089ASurprise
15 GrappleWithEm089B
16 GrappleWithEm089C1
17 GrappleWithEm089C2
18 GrappleWithEm089D
19 GrappleWithEm089E
20 GrappleWithEm089F
21 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverCNoMarionette
5000 GrappleWithEm023Mediation
5001 GrappleWithEm023RecieverMediation
5002 GrappleWithEm023RecieverMediationFly
5003 GrappleWithEm023MediationWait
5004 GrappleWithEm023A
5005 GrappleWithEm023B
5006 GrappleWithEm023C
5007 GrappleWithEm124MediationFly
5008 GrappleWithEm124AttackerMediationWaitFly
5009 GrappleWithEm124AttackerA
5010 GrappleWithEm124AttackerB
5011 GrappleWithEm124AttackerC
5012 GrappleWithEm124ReceiverMediationTakeOff
5013 GrappleWithEm124ReceiverMediationFly
5014 GrappleWithEm124ReceiverMediationWaitFly
5015 GrappleWithEm124ReceiverA
5016 GrappleWithEm124ReceiverB
5017 GrappleWithEm124ReceiverC
13000 GrappleOverMysteryWithEm124AttackerA
13001 GrappleOverMysteryWithEm124AttackerB
13002 GrappleOverMysteryWithEm124AttackerC
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioStartWait
2 MarioStartWaitFly
3 MarioStartWaitLoop
4 MarioStartSuccess
5 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
6 MarioStartFailure
7 MarioStruggleFinish
8 MarioStruggle
9 MarioFinishShootStart
10 MarioFinishShootDown
11 MarioFinishShootEnd
12 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
13 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
14 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
15 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
16 MarioPullBack
17 MarioPullFront
18 MarioPullRight
19 MarioPullLeft
20 MarioFreeRun
21 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
22 MarioPullBackFly
23 MarioPullFrontFly
24 MarioPullRightFly
25 MarioPullLeftFly
26 MarioStruggleFinishFly
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 BackStep
2 Turn
3 QuickTurn
4 BackTurn
5 TurnReversalCombat
6 WalkAndStop
7 DashAndStop
8 Walk
9 Dash
10 WeakWalk
11 NaviWalk
12 NaviDash
13 NaviWeakWalk
14 NaviDashNotEnd
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 BarrierUp
2 Idle
3 Discover
4 ThreatShort
6 Refresh
7 LifeSearch
8 CombatSearch
9 AngerSearch
10 LostSearch
11 Sleep
12 SleepEnd
13 Marking
14 VsExThreat
13000 OverMysteryBurst
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 RiseJump5m
2 RiseJump10m
3 FallJump

--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 TailAttack
3 FatBodyPress
4 FatTailAttack
6 SteppingChico
7 ToPanchHard
8 Spout
9 HipAttack
10 Slapping
12 FatSlapping
14 NekoDamashi
15 FatHipAttack
16 BeforeHipAttack
17 FatSteppingChico
18 FatHakkeyoiStyle
19 HakkeyoiStyle
20 BeforeSpout
21 BeforeThrustRush
22 ThrustRush
23 FatThrustRushBegin
24 ThrustRushLoopLeft
25 ThrustRushLoopRight
26 ThrustRushDriftLeft
27 ThrustRushDriftRight
28 ThrustRushDriftEnd
29 SeedSandLeft
30 FatBeforeSpout
31 FatSpout
32 SeedSandRight
33 SwallowWholeRestraintBegin
34 SwallowWholeRestraintAttack
35 SwallowWholeRestraintFailed
36 SwallowWholeRestraintMatchPosition
37 FatWaterSprinkle
38 SlappingRight
39 FatRockThrowBegin
42 FatRockThrowL
43 FatRockThrowR
44 FatOneArmedShoulderThrowBegin
45 FatOneArmedShoulderThrowMatchPosition
46 FatOneArmedShoulderThrowAttack
47 FatOneArmedShoulderThrowFailed
48 FatOneArmedShoulderThrowMoveBegin
50 ThrustRushDriftLeftTurn
51 ThrustRushDriftRightTurn
52 Bite
54 FatNekodamashi
57 FatSlappingRight
58 FatRockThrowMoveL
59 FatRockThrowMoveR
60 ThrustRushDriftFallDown
61 ContinuousSlappingFirstRightHand
62 ContinuousSlappingFirstLefttHand
63 ContinuousSlappingSecondRightHand
64 ContinuousSlappingSecondLefttHand
65 FatRockThrowReadyL
66 FatRockThrowReadyR
67 ThrustRushDriftSeedSandStartL
68 ThrustRushDriftSeedSandStartR
69 ThrustRushDriftSeedSandL
70 ThrustRushDriftSeedSandR
71 FatOneArmedShoulderThrowBeginNoSearch
5003 MR_SuperFatHipAttack_RollL
5004 MR_SuperFatHipAttack_RollR
5006 MR_HassoTobiStart
5007 MR_HassoTobiToFW
5008 MR_HassoTobiToHakkeyoi
5009 MR_SuperFatHipAttack_Attack
5010 MR_SuperFatHipAttack_Start
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DamageLow
2 FatDamageLow
3 FatSpecialDamage
4 HirumiL
5 DownL
6 DownR
7 FlyDownStart
10 Paralyze
11 FatParalyze
12 ConditionDamageRefresh
13 FatConditionDamageRefresh
14 FlyDownParalyzeStart
15 FlyDownParalyze
16 FatFlyDownParalyzeStart
17 FatFlyDownParalyze
18 MarioHirumiS
20 FlyDownLoop
21 FlyDownEnd
22 ShockTrapDamage
23 ShockTrapDamageEnd
24 FallTrapDamage
25 FallTrapDamageEnd
26 FatShockTrapDamage
27 FatShockTrapDamageEnd
28 FatFallTrapDamage
29 FatFallTrapDamageEnd
30 FatFlyDownStart
31 FatFlyDownLoop
32 FatFlyDownEnd
33 Sleep
34 SleepEnd
35 FatSleep
36 FatSleepEnd
37 FlyDownSleepStart
38 FlyDownSleep
39 FatFlyDownSleepStart
40 FatFlyDownSleep
41 FatDownL
42 FatDownR
43 Stun
44 StunEnd
45 FatStun
46 FatStunEnd
50 FlyDownStun
51 FatFlyDownStun
52 FallTrapDamageSleep
53 FallTrapDamageParalyze
54 FallTrapDamageStun
55 FatFallTrapDamageSleep
56 FatFallTrapDamageParalyze
57 FatFallTrapDamageStun
58 MarioHirumiM
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Die
2 FatDie
3 FallToGroundDie
4 PitfallTrapCapture
5 ShockTrapCapture
6 FatPitfallTrapCapture
7 FatShockTrapCapture
9 FatFallToGroundDie
10 PitfallTrapDie
12 FatPitfallTrapDie
13 DownDieL
14 DownDieR
15 FatDownDieL
16 FatDownDieR
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 GrappleMediationThreat
2 GrappleWaitMediation
3 GrappleToEm060Combat1for3
4 GrappleToEm060Combat4for6
5 GrappleToEm060Combat7
6 GrappleMediationToEm100
7 GrappleWithEm100A
8 GrappleWithEm100B
9 FatGrappleMediationToEm100
10 FatGrappleWithEm100A
11 FatGrappleWithEm100B
12 GrappleToEm060MatchPosition
13 FatGrappleMediationThreat
15 GrappleToEm062Combat1for3
16 GrappleToEm062Combat4for6
17 GrappleToEm062Combat7
19 GrappleToEm061Combat1for3
20 GrappleToEm061Combat4for6
21 GrappleToEm061Combat7
22 GappleBattleTurn
23 FatGappleBattleTurn
24 GrappleWithEm097ReceiverMediation
25 FatGrappleWithEm097ReceiverMediation
26 FatGrappleWithEm097MediationWait
27 FatGrappleWithEm097A
28 FatGrappleWithEm097B
29 FatGrappleWithEm097C
30 FatGrappleWithEm097D
31 GrappleWithEm097E
32 GrappleWithEm097ReceiverSlimToFat
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioFreeRun
2 MarioStartWait
3 FatMarioStartWait
4 MarioStartWaitLoop
5 MarioStartSuccess
6 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
7 MarioStartFailure
8 MarioFinishShootStart
9 MarioFinishShootDown
10 MarioFinishShootEnd
11 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
12 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
13 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
14 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
15 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
16 MarioStartWaitFly
17 FatMarioStartWaitFly
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Walk
2 Dash
3 QuickTurn
4 BackTurn
5 BattleTurn
6 FatWalk
7 FatDash
8 FatQuickTurn
9 FatBackTurn
10 FatBattleTurn
11 NaviDash
12 FatNaviDash
13 BurrowMove
14 FatBurrowMove
15 MarionettePullBack
16 MarionettePullFront
17 MarionettePullRight
18 MarionettePullLeft
27 NaviWeakWalk
28 FatNaviWeakWalk
31 NaviWalk
32 FatNaviWalk
33 NaviWalkNoStop
34 NaviDashNoStop
35 FatNaviWalkNoStop
36 FatNaviDashNoStop
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Digestion
2 Refresh
3 DrinkingGravel
4 FatRefresh
5 Threat
6 FatThreat
7 TiredFw
8 FatTiredFw
9 DiscoverThreat
10 FatDiscoverThreat
11 ShortSearching
12 LongSearching
13 FatShortSearching
14 FatLongSearching
15 Bathing
27 Sleep
28 WakeUp
31 MarioStruggleFinish
33 MarioStruggle
35 BathingFinish
36 Chance_Slim
37 Chance_Fat
38 EatSeaCucumber
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 StepUpJump_Normal
2 StepDownJump_Normal
3 ClimbWall_Normal
4 StepUpJump_Fat
5 StepDownJump_Fat
6 ClimbWall_Fat
7 LongJump_Normal
8 LongJump_Fat

--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
2 StraightRush
6 AfterRushRotateAttack
7 AfterRushBite
9 AfterRushBackStep
10 AfterRushStop
12 AfterRushJumpAttack
13 AfterRushJumpAttackWall
14 AfterRushRoar
15 AfterRushDriftForAttack
16 RerushDrift
17 TiredRerushDrift
18 AngryRerushDrift
19 Roar
20 BiteMin
21 BiteMax
22 RockLauncherL
23 RockLauncherR
24 JumpAttack
25 JumpAttackWall
26 RotateAttackR
27 BackTailAttackL
28 BackTailAttackR
29 CheckBite
51 RushFangSting
5000 BiteHookHalfTurnStartShortRange
5001 BiteHookHalfTurnAttackNormal
5002 BiteHookHalfTurnStartLongRange
5003 BiteHookHalfTurnAttackAnger
5004 MRRockLauncherL
5005 MRRockLauncherR
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DamageLow
2 DamageHigh
3 DamageHighHead
4 DamageDrop
5 DamageDown
6 DamageTailBreak
7 DamageParalyse
12 DamageSleep
13 DamageSleepEnd
14 DamageStun
17 DamageCapture
18 DamageCaptureFalled
19 DamageSound
20 DamageTrapFall
21 DamageTrapFallConditionEnd
22 DamageTrapFallParalyse
23 DamageTrapFallSleep
24 DamageTrapFallStun
25 DamageTrapParalyse
28 DamageDropDownLoopL
29 DamageDropDownLoopR
30 DamageDropWall
31 DamageDropDownEndL
33 DamageParalyseFlyLoop
35 DamageSleepFlyLoop
36 DamageStunFlyLoop
37 HirumiSS
38 HirumiM
39 DamageDropCondition
40 DamageStunEnd
41 DamageDownL
42 DamageDownR
43 DamageDropDownEndR
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Die
2 DieDown
3 DieDrop
4 DieTrapFall
5 DieDownL
6 DieDownR
7 CaptureTrapParalyse
8 CaptureTrapFall
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 TakeOffBlockMove
2 LandingBlockMove
3 DashTakeOffRisePointBlockMove
4 SoaringBlockMove
5 RapidDescentBlockMove
6 SoarTakeOffBlockMove
7 GlideNavi
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 GrappleWithEm002Mediation
2 GrappleWithEm002AdjustmentMoveTurn
3 GrappleWithEm002A
4 GrappleWithEm002B
5 GrappleWithEm002C
6 GrappleWithEm002D
7 GrappleWithEm002E
8 GrappleWithEm002F
9 GrappleWithEm002MediationWait
10 GrappleWithEm002ReceiverMediation
11 GrappleWithEm001Mediation
12 GrappleWithEm001MediationWait
13 GrappleWithEm001RceiverMediation
14 GrappleWithEm001A
15 GrappleWithEm001B
16 GrappleWithEm001C
17 GrappleWithEm001D
18 GrappleWithEm001E
19 GrappleWithEm001F
20 GrappleWithEm100Mediation
21 GrappleWithEm100MediationWait
22 GrappleWithEm100A
23 GrappleWithEm100B
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioStartWait
2 MarioStartWaitFly
3 MarioStartWaitLoop
4 MarioStartSuccess
5 MarioStartFailure
6 MarioStruggleFinish
7 MarioStruggle
10 MarioPullBack
11 MarioPullFront
12 MarioPullRight
13 MarioPullLeft
14 MarioFreeRun
16 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
17 MarioFinishShootStart
18 MarioFinishShootDown
19 MarioFinishShootEnd
20 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
21 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
22 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
23 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
24 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Walk
2 WalkCombat
3 FoxWalk
4 WalkSearch
5 WalkSearchAngry
7 WalkDying
8 Dash
9 DashCombat
11 Turn
12 QuickTurn
13 BackStep
14 MoveBack
26 PredatorWalk
29 BlockMoveJump
30 NoNaviDash
31 BurrowMove
32 BlockMoveJumpDown
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Wait
2 Tired
3 Discover
4 ThreatShortL
5 ThreatShortR
6 LostSearchFront
7 LostSearchBack
8 SniffS
9 SniffCombatL
10 Sleep
11 DyingSleep
12 SleepEnd
13 DyingSleepEnd
14 Sunbath
15 SunbathEnd
16 Eat
17 Drink
18 Marking
19 MarkingGround
20 Refresh
21 SniffCombatS
22 SniffL
24 Search
25 PeepGrassSearch
26 PredatorAttack
27 PredatorEat
28 EatEnd
29 PredatorEatEnd
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 JumpUp5m
2 JumpUp10m
3 JunpDown
5 ClimbWallUp
6 ClimbWallDown
8 ClimbLowWallDown
9 RushClimbWallUp
10 RushClimbWallDown
12 TiredRushClimbWallUp
13 RushClimbLowWallDown
14 TiredRushClimbWallDown
17 TiredRushWallFall
18 LongJump

Tobi Kadachi
--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 SideBite
2 SideBiteToIdle
3 SideTailAttack
4 SideQuickTail
5 ShockSideHead
6 ShockSideHeadToIdle
7 ShockSideTailAttack
8 ShockSideQuickTail
9 SideRushBite
10 RepositionAttackL
11 RepositionAttackR
12 Discharge
13 BrokenDischarge
14 BrokenSideTailAttack
15 LongGlideTailAttack
16 LongBiteAttack
18 ClimbGlideShock
19 ClimbGlideAttack
20 ClimbGlideQuick
22 FallAttack
23 Punch
24 SpinAttackL
25 SpinAttackR
26 Stamp
27 SideHeadAttack
28 LongGlideQuickStart
29 GlideQuick
30 LongGlideAttackStart
31 GlideAttack
32 GlideQuickOnTheSpotStart
33 ShockGlideQuick
34 GlideAttackOnTheSpotStart
35 ShockGlideAttack
36 QuickAround
5000 UpperBite
5001 UpperBiteShock
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DamageLow
2 DamageHigh
4 DownLeft
6 Paralysis
7 Refresh
8 FallTrapDamage
9 FallTrapDamageEnd
10 ShockTrapDamage
11 FlyDownStart
12 FlyDownLoop
13 FlyDownEnd
14 FlyDownParalysis
15 DownRight
16 Sleep
17 SleepEnd
18 FlyDownSleep
19 FlyDownSleepEnd
20 Stun
21 StunEnd
22 FlyDownStun
23 MarioHirumiS
24 MarioHirumiM
25 Flash
26 TailBreakDamage
28 DamageClimb
29 DamageClimbFall
30 FallTrapParalysis
31 FallTrapSleep
32 FallTrapStun
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Die
2 FlyDownDie
3 DieDownL
4 DieDownR
5 DieFallTrap
6 CaptureFallTrap
7 CaptureShockTrap
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 TakeOffBlockMove
2 NaviGlideBlockMove
3 LandingBlockMove
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 GrappleWithEm002MediationWait
2 GrappleWithEm002A
3 GrappleWithEm002B
4 GrappleWithEm100Mediation
5 GrappleWithEm100MediationWait
6 GrappleWithEm100A
7 GrappleWithEm100B
8 GrappleWithEm100C
9 GrappleWithEm100D
10 GrappleWithEm100E
11 GrappleWithEm002ReceiverMediation
12 GrappleWithEm002AdjustmentMoveTurnWait
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioStartWail
2 MarioStartWaitFly
3 MarioStartWaitLoop
4 MarioStartSuccess
5 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
6 MarioStartFailure
7 MarioStruggleFinish
8 MarioStruggle
11 MarioPullBack
12 MarioPullFront
13 MarioPullRight
14 MarioPullLeft
15 MarioFreeRun
16 MarioFinishShootStart
17 MarioFinishShootDown
18 MarioFinishShootEnd
19 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
20 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
21 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
22 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
23 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
24 MarioStartWaitWall
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Walk
2 WeakWalk
3 Dash
4 Turn
5 QuickTurn
7 BackTurn
8 SideTurnL
9 SideTurnToIdleL
10 SideWalk
11 SideStepL
12 SideStepR
14 BackStep
15 SideShortTurnL
16 NaviWalk
17 NaviWeakWalk
18 NaviDash
19 NaviWalkNoStop
20 NaviWeakWalkNoStop
21 NaviDashNoStop
22 WalkNoStop
23 DashNoStop
24 WeakWalkNoStop
25 SeamlessJumpToClimb
27 JumpToGround
28 JumpToGroundBlockMove
29 BlockMoveJump
30 BlockMoveDownJump
31 BurrowMove
32 SideShortTurnR
33 SideTurnR
34 SideTurnToIdleR
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Discover
2 ChargeStart
3 ChargeMax
4 ChargeRefresh
5 Idle
6 Tired
7 Search
8 Threat
9 ThreatShort
10 SniffS
11 SniffL
12 LostSearchShort
13 LostSearch
14 PeepGrassSearch
15 Sleep
16 WakeUp
17 Drink
18 DrinkEnd
20 ClimbLifeSearch
21 ClimbBalanceBreak
22 ClimbChargeStart
23 ClimbChargeMax
24 ClimbChargeRefresh
25 Eat
26 EatEnd
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 JumpLow
2 JumpHigh
3 DownJump
4 ClimbWall
5 LongJump

--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 ShootDragonBulletWi
2 SweepArmWi
4 SideStepLRo
5 SideStepLWi
6 SideStepRRo
7 SideStepRWi
8 DoublePunchArmLeftWi
10 ShortBiteRo
11 BiteRo
12 DoublePunchArmRightWi
13 RushStartRo
14 RushRestartFromTurnLeftRo
15 RushRestartFromTurnRightRo
16 ToRushEndStraighRo
17 ToRushEndTurnLeftRo
18 ToRushEndTurnRightRo
24 TurnAroundPunchRo
26 SpearAttackArmLeftRo
27 SpearAttackArmRightRo
28 SpearAttackMowDownArmLeftRo
29 SpearAttackMowDownArmRightRo
32 SpearAttackArmLeftToRightRo
33 SpearAttackArmRightToLeftRo
34 ShootDragonBulletSideWi
35 ShootDragonBulletSideToStraightWi
37 ToShootDragonBulletSideToStraightWi
38 PunchHandRo
39 PunchHandToArmRo
41 DashBiteRo
42 BackStepBreathWiToRo
43 JumpSweepArmWiToRo
50 ToRushEndShortTurnLeftRo
51 ToRushEndShortTurnRightRo
57 ToRushEndToRestartTurnLeftRo
58 ToRushEndToRestartTurnRightRo
59 HoveringStartRo
60 ToHoveringEndRushRoToWi
61 ToHoveringEndRushTurn180RoToWi
62 ToHoveringEndDragonBulletRoToWi
63 ShootDragonBulletUpWi
64 CometAttackTakeOffRo
65 ToCometAttackLandingRo
66 ToCometAttackTurningRo
67 ToCometAttackWaitRo
68 CometAttackAfterAreaMoveRo
69 ToHoveringRushTurnRo
70 TriplePunchHandToArmRo
71 ToTriplePunchArmToArmRo
72 TurnAroundDoublePunchRo
73 ToTurnAroundDoublePunchRo
74 DragonLaserRo
75 DragonLaserRoToWi
76 ToHoveringEndLandingFrontBreath
77 ToHoveringRiseRo
78 ToCometAttackWaitForBossEnemyRo
79 QuickTurnBeforeCometAttackRo
83 DoublePunchArmFastLeftWi
84 DoublePunchArmFastRightWi
85 ToCometAttackTurningForBossEnemyRo
10012 AtkStepShootRoBeginL
10013 AtkStepShootWiBeginL
10014 AtkStepShootRoAtkL
10016 AtkStepShootRoBeginR
10017 AtkStepShootWiBeginR
10018 AtkStepShootRoEndR
10019 AtkStepShootWiEndR
10020 AtkStepSpearRoBeginL
10021 AtkStepSpearWiBeginL
10022 AtkStepSpearRoEndL
10023 AtkStepSpearWiEndL
10024 AtkStepSpearRoBeginR
10025 AtkStepSpearWiBeginR
10026 AtkStepSpearRoEndR
10027 AtkStepSpearWiEndR
10028 AtkStepShootRoEndL
10029 AtkStepShootWiEndL
10030 AtkStepShootWiAtkL
10031 AtkStepShootRoAtkR
10032 AtkStepShootWiAtkR
10033 AtkStepSpearRoAtkL
10034 AtkStepSpearWiAtkL
10035 AtkStepSpearRoAtkR
10036 AtkStepSpearWiAtkR
10037 AtkFinalFlash2
10038 AtkFinalFlash1
10039 AtkStepSpearNextL
10040 AtkHummerRoL
10041 AtkStepSpearNextR
10042 AtkHummerRoR
10043 AtkStepSpearRoAtk2L
10044 AtkStepSpearRoAtk2R
10045 AtkStepSpearWiBeginLA
10046 AtkStepSpearWiBeginRA
10047 AtkFinalFlash1Wi
13000 UppercutAfterPunchHandRo
13001 UppercutAfterPunchHandWi
13002 UppercutAfterPunchWingRo
13003 UppercutAfterPunchWingWi
13004 BackwingBlowRo
13005 SpecialGiantSwingBeginRo
13006 SpecialGiantSwingEndRo
13007 CometShellAttackShootRo
13008 CometShelllAttackTakeOffRo
13009 PunchHandBeforeUppercutRo
13010 PunchHandToArmBeforeUppercutRo
13011 TurnAroundPunchBeforeUppercutRo
13012 UppercutAfterTurnAroundPunchRo
13013 UppercutAfterTurnAroundPunchWi
13014 CometShelllAttackWaitRo
13015 CometShelllAttackLandingRo
13016 SpecialGiantSwingSpearEndRo
13017 CometShellAttackShootRo_StrongVer
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DamageLowRo
2 DamageLowWi
3 DamageHighRo
4 DamageHighWi
5 DamageDownLRo
6 DamageDownLWiToRo
7 DamageDropRo
8 DamageDropConditionRo
9 DamageDropLoopRo
10 DamageDropEndRo
11 DamageTailBreakRo
12 DamageTailBreakWiToRo
13 DamageParalyseRo
14 DamageParalyseFlyLoopRo
15 DamageSleepFlyLoopRo
16 DamageSleepRo
17 DamageSleepEndRo
18 DamageStunFlyLoopRo
19 DamageStunRo
20 DamageStunEndRo
21 DamageSleepWiToRo
22 DamageStunWiToRo
23 DamageParalyseWiToRi
24 DamageDownRRo
25 DamageDownRWiToRo
26 DamageDownBreathingHoleRo
27 MarioHirumiSRo
28 MarioHirumiLRo
29 DamageFlyLowLandingRo
30 DamageFlyHighLandingRo
13000 ReleaseOverMysteryBurstRo
13001 ReleaseOverMysteryBurstWi
13002 ReleaseOverMysteryBurstDropRo
13003 ReleaseOverMysteryBurstDropDamageLoopRo
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DieNormalRo
2 DieDownLRo
3 DieDropRo
4 DieNormalWiToRo
5 DieDownRRo
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 BlockMoveTakeOff
2 BlockMoveGlide
3 BlockMoveLanding
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioFreeRunRo
2 MarioStartWaitRo
3 MarioStartWaitLoopRo
4 MarioStartSuccessRo
5 MarioStartFailureRo
6 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoopRo
7 MarioStruggleFinishRo
8 MarioStruggleRo
11 MarioPullBackRo
12 MarioPullFrontRo
13 MarioPullRightRo
14 MarioPullLeftRo
15 MarioStartWaitWiToRo
16 MarioFinishShootStartRo
17 MarioFinishShootDownRo
18 MarioFinishShootEndRo
19 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWaitRo
20 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartRo
21 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRunRo
22 MarioFinishShootChallengeEndRo
23 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStartRo
24 MarioPullBackFlyRo
25 MarioPullFrontFlyRo
26 MarioPullRightFlyRo
27 MarioPullLeftFlyRo
28 MarioStartWaitFlyRo
10000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
3 WalkRo
5 DashAndStopRo
7 DashRo
9 QuickTurnRo
10 QuickTurnWi
11 DyingWalkRo
12 BackStepRo
13 BackStepWi
14 BackStepWiToRo
15 NaviWalkRo
16 NaviDashAndStopRo
17 NaviDashRo
18 NaviDyingWalkRo
19 DashAndStopWiToRo
20 DashWiToRo
21 NaviDashAndStopWiToRo
22 NaviDashWiToRo
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 SearchRo
2 ThreatRo
3 ShortThreatRo
4 RefreshRo
5 RefreshWi
7 ModeChangeRoToWi
8 ModeChangeWiToRo
9 SleepRo
10 SleepEndRo
11 DyingSleepRo
12 DyingSleepEndRo
15 IntakeRo
16 ShortThreatWi
10000 RushRoar
13000 OverMysteryBurstRo
13001 OverMysteryBurstWi
13002 ThreatWi
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 JumpUp5m
2 JumpUp10m
3 JumpDown

--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 AtkStepBiteBegin
5001 AtkStepBite
5002 AtkTailSpearBegin
5003 AtkTailSpear
5005 AtkTailSpearNextBegin
5006 AtkTailSweepBegin
5007 AtkTailSweep
5008 AtkTailSpear2SweepLBegin
5009 AtkSpiralBlizzardBreathBegin
5010 AtkSpiralBlizzardBreath
5011 AtkStepTailSpearBegin
5012 AtkStepTailSpear
5013 AtkTailSpearSkyBeginS
5014 AtkTailSpearSky
5015 AtkTailSpearSkyEndS
5016 AtkTailSpearSkyEndG
5017 AtkTailSpear2TailSpearSky
5018 AtkTailSpearSkyBeginG
5019 AtkTailSweepSkyBegin
5020 AtkTailSweepSky
5021 AtkRush
5022 AtkRushSkyBegin
5023 AtkRushSky
5024 AtkIceDrop
5025 AtkIcePillarBreath
5026 AtkIceWaveBeginG
5027 AtkIceWave
5028 AtkIceWaveBeginS
5029 AtkBreath0Begin
5030 AtkBreath0
5031 AtkBreath90Begin
5032 AtkBreath90R2LBegin
5033 AtkBreath180Begin
5034 AtkBreath180R2LBegin
5035 AtkIceBlockBreathBegin
5036 AtkIceBlockBreath
5038 AtkIceBlockBreathEndS
5039 AtkIceBlockBreathEndG
5040 AtkVerticalBreath
5041 AtkSpinBreathBegin
5042 AtkSpinBreath
5043 AtkSpinBreathEndS
5044 AtkSpinBreathEndG
5045 AbsoluteZeroBegin
5046 AbsoluteZero
5047 AbsoluteZeroEnd
5048 AtkFreezeBreathBegin
5049 AtkFreezeBreath
5050 AtkStepTailBegin
5051 AtkStepTail
5052 AtkTailSpearNext
5053 AtkBreathTailBegin
5054 AtkBreathTail
5055 EnemyFrozenBreath
5056 AtkChargeBreathBegin
5057 AtkChargeBreathRise
5058 AtkChargeBreathEnd
5059 AtkBreathOnly
5060 AtkFreezeBreathSuccess
5061 AtkFreezeBreathNext
5062 AtkFreezeBreathFail
5063 AtkBreath0NextBegin
5064 AtkBreath0Next
5067 AtkTailSpear2SweepLEnd
5068 AtkTailSpear2SweepRBegin
5069 AtkTailSpear2SweepREnd
5070 AtkIceWaveBeginS2
5071 AtkBreath90R2LEnd
5072 AtkBreath180R2LEnd
5073 AtkStepTailBegin2
5074 AtkTailSpear2BreathL
5075 AtkTailSpear2BreathR
5076 AtkBreath02
5077 AbsoluteZeroEnd2
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 Hirumi
5001 FrontHirumiL
5002 BackHirumiL
5003 DownL
5004 DownR
5005 TailCut
5006 Sleep
5007 SleepEnd
5008 Paralyze
5009 ParalyzeEnd
5010 Stun
5011 StunEnd
5012 Fall
5013 FallDown
5014 FallDownEnd
5015 FlyHirumi
5016 FlyHirumiL
5017 FlyTailCut
5018 FlyDebuff
5019 FlyParalyze
5020 FlySleep
5021 FlyStun
5022 FlyStunEnd
5023 IceBreakGR
5024 IceBreakBeginS
5025 IceBreakGL
5026 IceBreakS
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 Dead
5001 FallDead
5002 DownDeadL
5003 DownDeadR
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 NaviGlide
5001 BlockMoveGlide
5002 BlockMoveGlideHinshi
5003 Ikaku
5004 IkakuShort
5005 Search
5006 HinshiMove
5007 Turn
5008 QuickTurn
5009 TakeOff
5010 BackTakeOff
5011 GlideChainTakeOff
5012 GlideNoStart
5014 Landing
5015 QuickLanding
5016 GlideStart
5017 Glide
5024 BlockMoveTakeOff
5025 BlockMoveTakeOffSoar
5026 BlockMoveSoaring
5027 BlockMoveRapidDescent
5028 BlockMoveLanding
5029 BlockMoveTakeOffDash
5030 FromFlyRisePointBlockMove
5034 SpinTakeOff
5035 NaviGlideNoStop
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087Mediation
5001 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087RecieverMediation
5002 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087RecieverMediationFly
5003 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087RecieverMediationLanding
5004 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087MediationWait
5005 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087A
5006 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087B
5007 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087C
5008 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087D
5009 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087E
5010 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087F
5011 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087G
5012 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087H
5013 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087I
5014 GrappleWithEm023Mediation
5015 GrappleWithEm023RecieverMediation
5016 GrappleWithEm023RecieverMediationFly
5017 GrappleWithEm023MediationWait
5018 GrappleWithEm023A
5019 GrappleWithEm023B
5020 GrappleWithEm023C
5022 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverMediationTakeOff
5023 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverMediationFly
5024 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverMediationWaitFly
5025 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverA
5026 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverB
5027 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverC
5028 GrappleWithEm024ReceiverCNoMarionette
5029 GrappleWithEm024MediationFly
5030 GrappleWithEm024AttackerMediationWaitFly
5031 GrappleWithEm024AttackerA
5032 GrappleWithEm024AttackerB
5033 GrappleWithEm024AttackerC
5034 GrappleWithEm132Mediation
5035 GrappleWithEm132RecieverMediation
5036 GrappleWithEm132RecieverMediationFly
5037 GrappleWithEm132RecieverMediationLanding
5038 GrappleWithEm132MediationWait
5039 GrappleWithEm132A
5040 GrappleWithEm132B
5041 GrappleWithEm132C
5042 GrappleWithEm132D
5043 GrappleWithEm132E
5044 GrappleWithEm132F
5045 GrappleWithEm132G
5046 GrappleWithEm132H
5047 GrappleWithEm132I
5048 GrappleWithEm132J
5049 GrappleWithEm132K
5050 GrappleWithEm027ReceiverMediationTakeOff
5051 GrappleWithEm027ReceiverMediationFly
5052 GrappleWithEm027ReceiverMediationWaitFly
5053 GrappleWithEm027ReceiverA
5054 GrappleWithEm027ReceiverB
5055 GrappleWithEm027ReceiverC
5056 GrappleWithEm027ReceiverCNoMarionette
5057 GrappleWithEm027MediationFly
5058 GrappleWithEm027AttackerMediationWaitFly
5059 GrappleWithEm027AttackerA
5060 GrappleWithEm027AttackerB
5061 GrappleWithEm027AttackerC
5062 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112ReceiverMediation_2
5063 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112ReceiverMediationFly_2
5064 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112ReceiverMediationLanding_2
5065 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112MediationWait_2
5066 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112A_2
5067 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112B_2
5068 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112C_2
5069 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112D_2
5070 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112E_2
5071 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112F_2
5072 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112G_2
5073 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112H_2
5074 GrappleWithEnemyIndex112I_2
5079 GrappleWithOverMysteryEm024ReceiverA
5080 GrappleWithOverMysteryEm024ReceiverB
5081 GrappleWithOverMysteryEm024ReceiverC
5091 GrappleWithOverMysteryEm027ReceiverA
5092 GrappleWithOverMysteryEm027ReceiverB
5093 GrappleWithOverMysteryEm027ReceiverC
5100 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087H_2
5101 GrappleWithEnemyIndex087I_2
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 MarioFreeRun
5001 MarioStartWait
5002 MarioStartWaitFly
5003 MarioStartWaitLoop
5004 MarioStartSuccess
5005 MarioStartFailure
5006 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
5007 MarioStruggleFinish
5008 MarioStruggle
5009 MarioFinishShootStart
5010 MarioFinishShootDown
5011 MarioFinishShootEnd
5012 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
5013 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
5014 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
5015 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
5016 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
5017 MarioPullBack
5018 MarioPullFront
5019 MarioPullRight
5020 MarioPullLeft
5021 MarioDamageS
5022 MarioDamageM
5023 MarioFlyStruggleFinish
5024 MarioFlyFinishShoot
5025 MarioFlyEscapeBack
5026 MarioFlyEscapeFront
5027 MarioFlyEscapeRight
5028 MarioFlyEscapeLeft
5029 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 WalkAndStop
5001 Walk
5002 DashAndStop
5003 Dash
5004 HinshiDash
5005 Turn
5006 QuickTurn
5007 BackStep
5009 GarageBack
5018 NaviWalkAndStop
5019 NaviWalk
5020 NaviDashAndStop
5021 NaviDash
5022 NaviHinshiWalk
5024 CombatDashAndStop
5025 CombatDash
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5000 Ikaku
5001 IkakuShort
5002 Search
5003 BattleSearch
5004 AngrySearch
5005 NonCombatSearch
5008 Break
5009 BreakEnd
5010 Sleep
5011 SleepEnd
5012 Marking
5013 ChanceIkaku
5014 Refresh
5015 SearchDiscovery
5016 IceLV2UpBeginS
5017 IceLV2UpBeginG
5018 IceLV2Up
5019 IceLVUp
5020 roar
5021 EcoActBegin
5022 EcoActEnd
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
5002 QuickRiseStart
5003 QuickFallChainGlide
5004 RiseJump5m
5005 FallJump
5006 FlyTrainStepUp
5007 FlyTrainStepDown

--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 ThrustUpAttack
2 StandDown
3 StandUpAttack
4 TurnAttackLeft
5 TurnAttackRushLeft
6 RushAttackFirst
7 RushAttackSecond
8 RushAttackThird
9 RushAttackFourth
13 TongueAttack
14 RollingAttackFront
15 RollingAttackBack
16 RollingAttackLeft
17 RollingAttackRight
18 ParalyzeBreath
19 Gas
20 BodyPress
21 HoppingRollingAttackLeftFourth
22 HoppingRollingAttackRightFourth
23 HoppingRollingAttackLeftSecond
24 HoppingRollingAttackRightSecond
25 TiredRollingAttack
26 BearHug
27 ParalyzeBreathHigher
28 TurnAttackRight
29 TurnAttackRushRight
30 RushAttackStartThreat
31 HoppingRollingAttackTurn
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 SmallDamageFoot2
2 HeavyDamageFoot2
3 LeftDown
4 RightDown
5 FallDownDamageStart
6 FallDownDamageLoop
7 FallDownDamageEnd
8 SmallDamageFoot4
9 HeavyDamageFoot4
10 ParalyzeDamageFoot2
11 ParalyzeDamageAirStart
12 ParalyzeDamageAir
13 SleepDamage
14 SleepDamageAirStart
15 SleepDamageAir
16 FlashDamage
17 FallTrapDamage
18 FallTrapDamageEnd
19 ShockTrapDamageFoot2
20 SleepDamageEnd
21 MarioHirumiS
22 MarioHirumiM
23 StunDownDamage
24 StunDownDamageEnd
25 FallDownStunDamage
26 FallTrapParalyze
27 FallTrapSleep
28 FallTrapStun
29 BackTurnDamage
30 BackDamage
31 StunDamage
32 StunDamageEnd
33 BackDamageOnTheSpot
34 BackConditionDamageOnTheSpot
35 ParalyzeDamageFoot4
36 ShockTrapDamageFoot4
37 BackDamageFoot4
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Die
2 FallDownDieStart
3 FallDownDie
4 FallTrupDie
5 LeftDownDie
6 RightDownDie
7 FallTrapCapture
8 ParalyzeTrapCapture
9 BackDamageOnTheSpotDieStart
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 GrappleWaitMediation2Foot
3 GrappleToEm092Combat1for3
4 GrappleToEm092Combat4for6
5 GrappleToEm092Combat7
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioStartWaitFoot4
2 MarioStartWaitFly
3 MarioStartWaitLoop
4 MarioStartSuccess
5 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
6 MarioStartFailure
7 MarioStruggleFinish
8 MarioStruggle
11 MarioPullBack
12 MarioPullFront
13 MarioPullRight
14 MarioPullLeft
15 MarioStartWaitFoot2
16 MarioFreeRun
17 MarioFinishShootStart
18 MarioFinishShootDown
19 MarioFinishShootEnd
20 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
21 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
22 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
23 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
24 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Dive
2 DiveMove
3 PopOut
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Walk
2 WeakWalk
3 TurnFoot2
4 TurnFoot4
5 BattleTurnFoot2to4
6 BattleTurnFoot4to2
7 NaviWalk
8 NaviWeakWalk
9 NaviRolling
10 WeakNaviRolling
11 Rolling
12 BurrowMove
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Found
2 Search
3 StandUp
4 StandDown
5 Tired
6 ThreatFoot4to2
7 FlashDamageRefreshFoot4
8 EatBag
9 EatBagEnd
10 Sleep
11 SleepEnd
12 FlashDamageRefreshFoot2
13 SearchFoot2
14 ThreatFoot2
15 FoundFoot2
16 EcologicalBehavior
17 Sniff
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
2 ClimbStep10m
3 DownJump
4 LongJump

--- EmAttackNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 SomersaultCL
2 SomersaultCR
3 DamageSomerL
4 DamageSomerR
5 JabToSqu
6 PreJumpAttackL
7 JumpAttackL
8 JumpAttackFw
9 JumpAttackTiredFw
10 BackTailPress
11 BackTailPressFromSharp
12 TailStamp
13 DashTurn
14 DashTurnFromStar
15 DashTurnBackTail
16 BodyBash
17 BodyBashQuick
18 ThunderBallShotSingle
19 ThunderBallShotDouble
20 ThunderSparkC
21 CatchAttack
22 FrontPanchL_DiaL_TriR
23 FrontPanchR_DiaR_TriL
24 FrontPanchR_FTriR_TriL
25 FrontPanchL_TriL_Fw
26 FrontPanchR_TriR_Fw
27 PreHighVoltPanchL
28 PreHighVoltPanchR
29 HighVoltPanchL
30 HighVoltPanchR
31 StepInCR
32 PrePowerfulPunchL
33 PrePowerfulPunchR
34 PowerfulPunchL
35 PowerfulPunchR
36 ShortShoulder
37 WireShakeOffDashDown
51 PreJumpAttackR
52 JumpAttackR
53 PunchL
54 PunchR
55 CheckTailAttack
56 TurnTailAttack
57 SideAttackL
58 SideAttackR
59 PunchStartOnlyL
60 PunchStartOnlyR
61 ShortUpperLeftHand
62 ShortUpperRightHand
63 DashTurnBackTailTurn
64 FrontPanchL_FTriL_TriR
65 StepInDL
66 ComboChargeL
67 ComboChargeR
68 ComboChargeTransformL
69 ComboChargeTransformR
70 FrontPanchR_FTriR_TriL_Pre
71 FrontPanchL_TriL_Fw_Pre
72 FrontPanchR_TriR_Fw_Pre
73 FrontPanchL_FTriL_TriR_Pre
74 HornAttackStart
75 ToHornAttackJump1
76 ToHornAttackJump2
77 ToHornAttackJump2Thunder
78 BigThunder
79 ThunderAttackStart
80 ToThunderAttackJump
81 ToThunderAttackLanging
82 ThunderAttackStartNormal
83 TailStampBlendL
84 ToTailStampBlendL
85 TailStampBlendR
86 ToTailStampBlendR
87 BigThunderAnger
88 Somersault
89 JumpDown
90 JabHeadbutt
91 JumpWait
92 ThunderBallShotFrontSingle
93 ThunderBallShotFrontDouble
94 JabChance
96 PowerfulPunchStartL
97 PowerfulPunchStartR
98 PowerfulPunchEndL
99 PowerfulPunchEndR
100 RushJumpStart
101 ToRushJumpEnd
102 ToRushJumpEndTired
1000 SeqFilterTest
1001 ShortShoulderL
1002 ShortShoulderR
5000 SlammingSparkStartLtoR
5001 SlammingSparkStartRtoL
5003 SlammingSparkEndLtoR
5004 SlammingSparkEndRtoL
--- EmCatchNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmDamageNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 HirumiS
2 HirumiL
3 DownL
4 DonwR
5 FlyDownStart
6 HirumiSS
8 Paralyze
9 ConditionDamageRefresh
10 ConditionDamageFlyDown
11 FlyDownParalyze
12 FlyDownLoop
13 FlyDownEnd
14 ShockTrapDamage
15 ShockTrapDamageEnd
16 FallTrapDamage
17 FallTrapDamageEnd
18 Stun
19 FallDownStun
20 StunEnd
21 Sleep
22 FlyDownSleep
23 FallTrapCapture
24 ShockTrapCapture
25 TailBreak
26 FlyDownTailBreak
27 FallTrapParalyze
28 FallTrapSleep
29 FallTrapStun
30 SleepEnd
--- EmDieNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 DieNormal
3 FallToGround
4 DieDownL
5 DieDownR
6 DieTrapFall
7 Capture
8 CaptureTrapFall
--- EmFlyNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioPullBackFly
2 MarioPullFrontFly
3 MarioPullLeftFly
4 MarioPullRightFly
--- EmGrappleNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 GrappleMediationThreat
2 GrappleToEm082CombatBegin
3 GrappleToEm082CombatConst
4 GrappleMediation
6 GrappleWithEm002Mediation
7 GrappleWithEm002MediationWait
8 GrappleWithEm002AdjustmentMoveTurn
9 GrappleWithEm002A
10 GrappleWithEm002B
11 GrappleWithEm002C
12 GrappleWithEm002D
13 GrappleWithEm002ReceiverMediation
14 GrappleWithEm001Mediation
15 GrappleWithEm001MediationWait
16 GrappleWithEm001AdjustmentMoveTurn
17 GrappleWithEm001ReceiverMediation
18 GrappleWithEm001A
19 GrappleWithEm001B
20 GrappleWithEm001C
21 GrappleWithEm001D
22 GrappleWithEm100Mediation
23 GrappleWithEm100MediationWait
24 GrappleWithEm100A
25 GrappleWithEm100B
26 GrappleWithEm100C
27 GrappleWithEm100ReceiverMediation
5000 GrappleWithEm133MediationWait
5001 GrappleWithEm133A
5002 GrappleWithEm133B
5003 GrappleWIthEm133C
5004 GrappleWithEm133D
5005 GrappleWithEm133E
5006 GrappleWithEm133F
12000 GrappleWithV15Rush1
12001 GrappleWithEm058A
12002 GrappleWithEm058B
12003 GrappleWithV15Rush2
12004 GrappleWithV15Rush3
12005 GrappleWithV15Rush4
12006 GrappleWithV15Rush5
12007 GrappleWithV15Rush6
12008 GrappleWithV15Rush7
12009 GrappleWithV15Rush8
--- EmMarionetteNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 MarioFreeRun
2 MarioStartWait
3 MarioStartWaitFly
4 MarioStartWaitLoop
5 MarioStartSuccess
6 MarioStartFailure
7 MarioStartSuccessWaitLoop
12 MarioFinishShootStart
13 MarioFinishShootDown
14 MarioFinishShootEnd
15 MarioFinishShootChallengeSuccessDownStart
16 MarioFinishShootChallengeStart
17 MarioFinishShootChallengeFreeRun
19 MarioFinishShootChallengeEnd
20 MarioFinishShootChallengeStartWait
21 MarioStartReject
5000 DemonPuppetFinishShootStart
--- EmMoguriNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmMoveNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 NormalWalk
2 BattleWalk
3 Dash
4 WeakWalk
5 NormalTurn
6 BattleTurn
7 ShortStep
8 BackStep
9 BackTurn
10 SpinTurnToDiaLCL
11 SpinTurnToDiaRCR
12 SpinTurnFromSquToDiaLCL
13 SpinTurnFromSquToDiaRCR
21 MarioFinishShoot
22 NaviWeakWalk
23 JumpUpTest
24 ShortDash
25 BlockMoveJump
26 NaviNormalWalkNoEnd
27 NaviDashNoEnd
28 NormalWalkNoEnd
29 BlockMoveJumpDown
97 BackTurnTest
2001 MarioTestDamageL_Upper
2002 MarioTestDamageL_Lower
2003 MarioTestDamageL_Left
2004 MarioTestDamageL_Right
2005 MarioTestDamageL_LeftBack
2006 MarioTestDamageL_RightBack
2007 MarioPullBack
2008 MarioPullFront
2009 MarioPullRight
2010 MarioPullLeft
2012 DashContinue
2013 LongStep
2014 NaviNormalWalk
2015 NaviBattleWalk
2016 NaviDash
2017 NaviDashLoop
2018 MarioFreeRunL
2019 MarioFreeRunR
2020 BurrowMove
--- EmNormalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 Found
2 LookAround
3 Refresh
4 AngryRoar
5 Tired
6 Sleep
7 WakeUp
8 Eat
9 Charge_L
10 Transform
11 TransformEnd
12 SmallRoar
13 RollNeck
14 CatchFailed
15 MarioStruggleFinish
16 ChargeSStart
17 ChargeSLoop
18 ChargeSFinish
19 ChargeS
20 MarioStruggle
21 MarioCharge
22 ShakeWallReaction
23 MarioStartWait
24 MarioStartSuccess
25 MarioStartFailure
26 MarioBindFinish
27 MarioStartWaitFly
30 MarioStartWaitLoop
31 MarioBindFinishEnd
32 EatFinish
33 MarioFinishShootSuccessWall
35 MarioDamageM
36 TransformAngryA
37 TransformAngryB
38 Sniff
39 Sunbath
40 SunbathEnd
41 Howl
42 Marking
43 TransformThunder
44 BigThreat
45 SmallThreat
12000 RushRoar
--- EmRevivalNo
ID Action Name
0 None
--- EmTerrainNo
ID Action Name
0 None
1 StepJumpUp
2 LongJump
3 NotUsed_OldJump
4 StepJumpDown
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️