Importing and Editing Models with Blender (Noesis) - mhvuze/MonsterHunterRiseModding GitHub Wiki


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This guide assumes that you have basic knowledge of using Blender.


Setting Up

If you haven't extracted the .pak file yet, you have to do that first. See Extracting Game Files page.

Install Noesis anywhere. Extract the Noesis RE Mesh Plugin from the download. Then drag into the python folder inside the plugins folder where Noesis is installed.

Install Blender if it isn't installed already. Back up the folder located at: Blender Install Folder/Blender Version/scripts/addons/io_scene_fbx

Drag the files from the FBX Importer patch into that folder.

In Blender, navigate to File > Preferences > Addons > Install From Zip File, then click on the zip file for the RE Mesh Wrapper. Make sure the box next to the addon is checked, then change the Noesis path to the path of Noesis.exe.

Addon Preferences

Importing Models

To import Monster Hunter Rise meshes go to File > Import > RE Mesh (.mesh) (Noesis). Then navigate to the mesh file you want to import.

Editing Models

If you want to add or remove meshes, you can. You must keep the same naming scheme as the original mesh. When adding new meshes, increment the Sub Mesh number in the name. The material names of the meshes are separated by two underscores. You can have as many materials as you want, keep in mind that you must also edit the mdf file with the mdf editor accordingly. The amount of materials and names in the mdf must match the mesh exactly or you will get checkerboard patterns.

Exporting Models

Make sure that all meshes are parented to the skeleton and weighted properly. Then export using File > Export > RE Mesh (.mesh) (Noesis).

Make sure that you edit the mdf file if materials have been changed.

Install the modified files using Fluffy Manager. See Using Custom Files guide for info on how to do that.

Common Issues / Troubleshooting