Extracting Game Files (PC) - mhvuze/MonsterHunterRiseModding GitHub Wiki


Monster Hunter Rise stores it's files inside the Capcom proprietery .pak format. RETool can be used to extract these .pak files. The pak files do not contain file paths, only hashes. Therefore a list file containing file paths is required in conjunction with RE Tool in order to extract files.


Download extract-rise-pak.bat from the Tool Collection page.

No other files are required as extract-rise-pak.bat will download the necessary files automatically.

Extracting Files

Once you download extract-rise-pak.bat, open the zip file and copy the .bat file to wherever you want to extract files to.

The pak file can be found in the Monster Hunter Rise root folder.

Steam Library/steamapps/common/Monster Hunter Rise/re_chunk_000.pak

Drag and drop pak

To extract the pak file, drag it onto extract-rise-pak.bat. This will extract all files from the pak file, requiring around 20 GB of storage.

retool output

To save space, you can remove the files you don't want to extract from the list file before extracting.

To cancel extracting, press CTRL + C.

If you want to extract only certain files, cancel extracting and edit the list file. See here for details on how to do that.

The extracted files will be placed in the "re_chunk_000" folder where RE Tool is.

Extracted pak

To install custom files, see the Using Custom Files guide.

Important Info

When the game is updated, the list file must be updated and RETool may require an update.

To download the latest versions, delete RETool.exe and mhrisePC.list.

The extract-rise-pak.bat file will redownload the latest version automatically.

Frequently Used File Paths

  • Weapon Models - natives/STM/player/weapon/mod/TYPE/
  • Armor Models - natives/STM/player/mod/
  • Monster Models - natives/STM/em/mod/
  • Sounds - natives/STM/Sound/WWise and natives/STM/streaming/Sound/Wwise

Higher quality textures are located in natives/STM/streaming.

Common file types

  • Models - .mesh
  • Model Material Definitions - .mdf2
  • Textures - .tex
  • Sounds - .bnk and .pck
  • Motion Values - .rcol

Filtering Specific File Types

If you want to extract only certain types of files to save space and time extracting, open mhrisePC.list with Notepad++

In order to filter out certain file types, the paths for those files have to be removed from the list file.

To do that, we will be making use of Notepad++'s marking feature.

Press CTRL + F to open the Find window. Click the Mark tab.

Check the "Bookmark line" box and enter the file extension that you want to filter, then hit "Mark All". Repeat this for each file extension.

Marking file types

The three largest file types by amount of space taken are:

  1. tex - Textures - ~17 GB (60%)
  2. pck - Streamed Audio - ~5 GB (16%)
  3. mmtr - Shaders - ~2 GB(7%)

Skipping extracting these file types will save a significant amount of space if they are not needed.

After you have marked all file types you want to remove, go to Search > Bookmark and select "Remove Bookmarked Lines".

Removing list items

Save the list file and drag the pak file onto extract-rise-pak.bat to extract the pak using the newly edited list file.